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Warp Rift

Warp Rift: Warp Rift is the new web-based magazine for Battlefleet Gothic. Warp Rift is put together by a small team of dedicated Gothic fans, but it needs your contributions to continue.

Please support this publication. Send in your articles and submissions, and when you get a copy, get it here and download it for yourself. We need to see how many people are reading this publication, what they think of it and how they would like to see it improved.

Format: Warp Rift is produced in PDF format. To be able to read this, your computer must have the Adobe reader. You can download this for your computer here.

This format is used for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is very printer friendly, and allows us here at Warp Rift to compile a document and know exactly how you will see it, with the right page structure, etc. It also means that we can put this together to be read only, so that you know that your copy is unaltered. Warp Rift is designed to be downloaded, and then printed out, so that you can take it on long journeys or read in your breaks. Get in touch and let us know where you read the latest issue.

Submissions and Contacts: As a fan-based publication, Warp Rift lives or falls depending on the number and quality of submissions and feedback from you, the players. The editor and team and very happy to hear your comments and suggestions and particularly to get any article submissions. Any kind of article is welcome, particularly hobby-based reports such as tactics ideas, painting tutorials or just showing off some excellent vessels. Please contact the team before sitting down and spending a lot of time on your article, just to make sure that it will be included.

You can get in touch with the editor in chief of Warp Rift by visiting the Specialist Arms Forum.

Warp Rift Issues

Download the latest issue of Warp Rift. Click on the cover picture to see the contents page, or select the download option under the picture, either standard PDF, or zipped PDF.

Issue Forty Four: Editorial: Warp Rift Going Retro? - Tobari Support Cruiser - Keywords in BFG - Asteroids! - BFG Tree Campaign - Scenario: Engagement at Norduun - Campaign: Necrons - Imperial Navy Overview: Part One - Airbrushing Bases - In Memorium: Bob DeAngelis Warp Rift Issue Forty Four
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Warp Rift Issue Forty Three Issue Forty Three: Twentieth Anniversary Issue!
Warp Rift: MMIV to MMXXIV (retrospective) - Ships of Legend: The Gareox Supremacy Carrier - A Fleet Overview - Facebook Painting Competition 2023 - The Tobari: Revisiting from WR11 - Scholar Tacticus: Traitor Light Cruisers - Campaigning Through The Stars: Tyranids - The Tyrant Challenge - Event Horizon (Scenario) - Dark Mechanicum Fleet (Background) - The Warp Rift In Games - Doubles Hobby Insights: Celestial Phenomena - Moose Musings: Strike Cruisers
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Issue Forty Two: Ships of Legend: Santa Claus - Rules and Scenarios: Soulblades - Scholar Tacticus: Imperial Light Cruisers - Campaigning Through the Stars: Orks - Fleet of the Badab War - Scenario: The Trap - Interview with Che Webster - Double's Hobby Insights: The Blackstone Fortress - Moose'e Musings: Blastmarkers Warp Rift Issue Forty Two
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Warp Rift Issue Forty One Issue Forty One: Ships of Legend: The Void Drake - Soulblades - Battle Report: Tyrannic War! - Campaigning Through the Stars: Space Marines - BFG Academy - Hobby Insights: The Behemoth Arrives - Moose Musings: The D12
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Issue Forty: Ships of Legend: The Mourningstar - Solblades - Battle Report: Tyrannic War! - Campaigning Through The Stars: Tau - Facebook Character Ship Competition Winner Series - Stellar War Over Meroe - Double's Hobby Insights - Moose' Musings - Solblade Extras Warp Rift Issue Forty
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Warp Rift Issue Thirty Nine Issue Thirty Nine: Ships of Legend: Snail of Horrors - Battle Report: Cold Passage - Facebook Character Ship: Xenos - Battle Report: Spacefleet! - Facebook Character Ship: Rules & High Admiralty Choice - Summus Ballistae - Doubles Holiday Insights: Corsair Eldar - Moose Musings
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Issue Thirty Eight: Ships of Legend: The Bogdanovich - Facebook Character Ship Competition Winner Series: Humankind, Best Model, Best Story - Pirates and Wolfpacks - Commerce Raiders Scenario - Starter Kit Advanced: Corsair Eldar - BFG Facebook January-February Winners - Hobby Insights: Hivefleet Charlemagne - Alternative Low Orbit Idea Warp Rift Issue Thirty Eight
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Warp Rift Issue Thirty Seven Issue Thirty Seven: BFG Academy Winners - Top Gun Maverick - Solitaire Campaign - BFG Facebook Annual 2022 Winners - Adeptus Mechanicus Overview - Arks of Omen - Painting Tutorial
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Issue Thirty Six: Legendary Ships: Inquisitorial Cruiser - Renegade Space Marines - Battle Report: Imperial VS Chaos - Battle Report: Orks VS Chaos - Showcase: Lunar Class Cruisers - BFG Character Ship Creation Community Event - Dark Eldar Tactica - Painting Tutorial - Nebula Warp Rift Issue Thirty Six
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Warp Rift Issue Thirty Five Issue Thirty Five: Editorial - Legendary Ships - Novan Mercantile Fleet - Rogue Trader - A Tale From The Old Man - A First Miniature Spaceship - Basing Time - The Gallery of Craftworld Lodalach - Invincible - Jokaero
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Issue Thirty Four: Welcome Return - Legendary Ships - Rak'Gol; Marauders from the Koronus Expanse (Fleet List) - Tales From The Old Man (Short Story Compilation) - The 2021 Painting League - BFG: Commander, Narrative Rules - BFG Starter Kit - Jeremiah Crowe (Scenarios) Warp Rift Issue Thirty Four
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Warp Rift Issue Thirty Three Issue Thirty Three: EDITORIAL - Navis Nobilite - High Admiralty +++ LEXICANUM - Tactical Command: Tactical Manoeuvers - Ships Database: Eldar Ships in Battlefleet Gothic - Encyclopedia Gothica: Advanced Ordnance Rules +++ THE FORGE - Showcase: GothiComp2011 Finalists
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Issue Thirty Two: EDITORIAL - Navis Nobilite - High Admiralty +++ LEXICANUM - Its Not So Bad: Using The Tyrant (Tactical Commander) - Spacefleet Ships In BFG: Imperial Support Ships (Ships Database) - Fleet Engagement Variant (Encyclopedia Gothica) +++ THE FORGE - Black Ship Conversion (Dry Dock) +++ SENSOR READINGS - Balltefleet Limante, part two (Void Stalker) Warp Rift Issue Thirty Two
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Warp Rift Issue Thirty One Issue Thirty One: EDITORIAL - Navis Nobilite +++ LEXICANUM - Using the Avenger Class Grand Cruiser (Tactical Commander) - Spacefleet Ships in BFG (Ships Database) - Campaign Rules (Encyclopedia Gothica) +++ THE FORGE - Magnetizing Grand Cruisers (Dry Dock) - GothiComp 2010 Ship Category Winner: Eldar Void Stalker (Showcase) +++ SENSOR READINGS - Battlefleet Limante, part one (Void Stalker) - A Good Deed, part two (Officers Mess)
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Issue Thirty: Introductions - Using the Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser (Tactical Command) - Eldar Phoenix Battleships (Ships Database) - Imperial and Chaos Vessel Timeline (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Building the Zeus Light Cruiser (Dry Dock) - GothiComp 2010 Fleet Category Winner: Wesselstein (Showcase) - Battles in the Warp (Void Stalker) - A Good Deed; Part One (Officers Mess) Warp Rift Issue Thirty
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Warp Rift Issue Twenty Nine Issue Twenty Nine: Ork Tactica (Tactical Command) - Asuryans Light in the Darkness Rekindled (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Imperial Vessels by Age (Encyclopedia Gothica) - GothiComp 2010; Fleet Finalists - The Spreading War; part two (Void Stalker)
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Issue Twenty Eight: Ship Destruction (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Blow the Drives (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Campaign Encouragement (Encyclopedia Gothica) - GothiComp 2010 (Showcase) - Sacrifice (Showcase) - Edify (Officers Mess) - Drifting Hulks (Dry Dock) - The Spreading War; Part I (Officers Mess) - Chaos Hades Class Cruiser (End Cap) Warp Rift Issue Twenty Eight
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Warp Rift Issue Twenty Seven Issue Twenty Seven: Admirals and Commanders (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Fighters and Bombers Rules Mod (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Rogue Traders in Rogue Trader (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Tau Space Stations and Vessels (Showcase) - The Ship: Part Two (Officers mess) - Battle for the Stygies System (Void Stalker) - Eldar Craftworld (Closing Page)
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Issue Twenty Six: BFG: Relevance and Recognition (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Battlefleets of the Imperium (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Strike Cruisers (Encyclopedia Gothica) - GothiComp 2009: Fleets (Showcase) - GothiComp 2009: Single Ships (Showcase) - GothiComp 2009: Conversion - The Ship: Part Two (Officers Mess) - Raiding the Bits Drawer (Dry Dock) - Tyranid Markers (The Forge) - Vortex: Green (The Forge) - Adeptus Mechanicus Ark (End Cap) Warp Rift Issue Twenty Six
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Warp Rift Issue Twenty Five Issue Twenty Five: Orks; Terror of the Space Lanes (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Naval Upgrades (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Battlefleet Gothic: Chronicles (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Darkening Technology (Void Stalker) - GothiComp 2009; Fleets (Showcase) - Simultaneous Movement and Combat: Eldar (Tactical Command) - Old and New Enemies; A Tyranid War, Chapter 10 (Officers Mess) - Ordnance Markers, part two (The Forge) - Vessels of the Imperial Navy (Closing Page)
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Issue Twenty Four: Necrons (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Warrant of Trade, for Standard Games (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Heavy Escorts (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Battlefleet Limante (Showcase) - Torpedoes (High Admiralty) - Simultaneous Movement (Tactical Command) - A Tyranid War: Chapter 10, Part 1 (Officers Mess) - Falling Down (Void Stalker) - Ordnance Markers, Part 1 (The Forge) - Fire Everything (Closing Page) Warp Rift Issue Twenty Four
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Warp Rift Issue Twenty Three Issue Twenty Three: Battlefleet Limante (Encyclopaedia Gothica) - Unauthorized Q&A - Tau O'Shovah (Showcase) - GothiComp 2009 - Target Priority (Officers Mess) - Scale of the Imperium
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Issue Twenty Two: Planetary Defense Battery (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Heavy Gun Emplacements (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Repel Boarders (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Imperial Navy v Chaos (Command and Control) - Ashes of the Hellfire (Showcase) - Waaaaargh (Officers Mess) - Minor Engagement (Void Stalker) - Macro Cannon Battery (Standard Template Construct) Warp Rift Issue Twenty Two
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Warp Rift Issue Twenty One Issue Twenty One: Inspiration Grows from the Barrel of a Gun (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Lord Commissar (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Segmentum Ultima (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Deliverance (Encyclopedia Gothica), construction (Dry Dock), and vital stats (Tactical Command) - GothiComp 08 Winner Invictus Battle Barge - Fannons Patrol (Void Stalker) - High Anchor, part three (Officers Mess)
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Issue Twenty: Joint Operations (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Escape Manoeuvre One (Tactical Command) - Legion of the Damned (Showcase) - GothiComp 2008 Finalists (Showcase) - High Anchor part two (Officers Mess) - Tau v Tyranids (two reports) (Void Stalker) - 3D Blast markers (The Forge) - Incandescent (Lexicon) Warp Rift Issue Twenty
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Fiction Suppliment PDF
Warp Rift Issue Nineteen Issue Nineteen: Navis Mercantilis (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Simultaneous Movement (Tactical Command) - Misfit Space Marines (Showcase) - High Anchor (Officers Mess) - Building Merchant Vessels (Dry Dock) - Convoy Battle (Void Stalker) - Simultaneous Move Markers (The Forge) - Lance Turret (Weapons of the Imperium)
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Issue Eighteen: Legendary Traders Part One (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Anargo Sector Project (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Official Tyranid Q&A (High Admiralty) - Khorne Fleet of Chaos (Showcase) - GothiComp 2008 (Showcase) - Reapers Toll (Officers Mess) - Alternative Campaign Rules (Void Stalker) - Minefields (The Forge) - Divine Intervention (Personal Ship Lexicon) Warp Rift Issue Eighteen
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Fiction Suppliment PDF
Warp Rift Issue Seventeen Issue Seventeen: Rogue Traders (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Cypra Patrol Fleet Rules (Tactical Command) - Eldritch Path (Showcase) - Battle of Kyshar (Officers Mess) - Magnetize Your Imperial Cruiser (Void Stalker) - Tyranid Painting Guide (Void Stalker)
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Fiction Suppliment PDF
Issue Sixteen: Dark Eldar Addendum (Encyclopedeia Gothica) - Tyranid Experimental Rules (Encyclopedia Gothica) - In the Depth of Space (Tactical Command) - Tyranid Conversions (Dry Dock) - Twin Linked Haveb Spire Scenario (Void Stalker) Warp Rift Issue Sixteen
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Fiction Suppliment PDF
Warp Rift Issue Fifteen Issue Fifteen: The Diasporex Fleet (Encyclopedia Gothica) - Dark Eldar Refits (Encyclopedia Gothica) - What About the Styx? (Tactical Command) - Nugle Chaos (Showcase) - Forgeworld Tau (Showcase) - Shadows of the Harvest (Officers Mess) - Diasporex Scenarios (Void Stalker) - Diasporex Campaign Additions (Void Stalker)
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Issue Fourteen: Alternative Nova Cannon Rules (Encyclopedia) - Wraithchoir (Encyclopedia) - 2 Hits or no 2 Hits (High Admiralty) - GothiComp07 (Showcase) - Orks (Dry Dock) - Hunt for Red Slaughter (Officers Mess) - Who Goes There (Void Stalker) - Domination of Herculis Campaign (Void Stalker) Warp Rift Issue Fourteen
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Warp Rift Issue Thirteen Issue Thirteen: Building the Imperial Navy - Nova Cannon Swaps - Space Wolves Vessels - Chaos and Black Templars (Showcase) - Creating a Voss Prow - The Eye of Argonis (Fiction) - Wolf Hunt (Scenario) - Hunter Hunted (Scenario)
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Issue Twelve: Craftworld Eldar (Encyclopedia) - Strike Cruisers (Admirality Comment) - Nurgle and Imperial (Showcase) - The Pure and the True (Fiction) - Corsairs v Marines (BatRep) - Dark Eldar (Lexicon) Warp Rift Issue Twelve
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Warp Rift Issue Eleven Issue Eleven: Tobari Raiders (Rules) - Q'orl Swarmships (Rules) - GothiComp 2006 Finalists (Showcase) - The Imperial Navy (Tactics) - The Pure and the True (Fiction) - Elerianth' Gift (Scenario) - Lexicon (Infamous Vessels)
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Issue Ten: The Eldar (New Rules) - Players Vessels (Showcase) - The Bait: Part Three (Fiction) - Assassination (Scenario) Warp Rift Issue Ten
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Warp Rift Issue Nine Issue Nine: Warp Echoes (Feedback) - The Fleet of the Thousand Sons (Rules) - Imperial Deimos Torpedo Cruiser (Rules) - Alternative Nova Cannon Rules - Still Kr00z'in (Showcase) - Adishunal Orky Shipz (Showcase) - The Third Fallback (Fiction) - Choir of a Thousand Voices (Scenario)
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Issue Eight: Programming the Ork Fleet for Solitaire in BFG - Attack Craft Alterations - Vessels of the Death Guard - GothiComp 05 Winners - Big Guns (more ships from Kr00zA) - The Wanderer - Chaos Rising
Warp Rift Issue Eight
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Warp Rift Issue Seven Issue Seven: Raising the Colours (Gothic painting competition) - Ancient Tactics for BFG (Article) - Ork Clans (Rules) - Fleets of the Emperors Children (Rules) - Gothic Alliances: Part Three (Rules) - GothiComp 2005 Submissions (Showcase) - The Bait: Part Two (Fiction)
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Issue Six: Raising the Colours (Gothic painting competition) - The Imperial Modular Cruiser Concept - BFG Alliances (Part Two) - World Eater fleets - The Bait (Part One) - The Ilithrium Campaign
Warp Rift Issue Six
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Warp Rift Issue Five Issue Five: Escort-Hull Carriers: Why and Why Not? (Article) - Gothic Alliances (Rules) - The Black Legion (Rules) - The Golgotha Spiral (Showcase) - Vengeance (Fiction) - Forcing the Morbeel Narrows (Scenario) - Siege of Fularis (Scenario)
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Issue Four: Meet the Warp Rift Editors - The All Escort BFG Force - Issue Three Clarifications - Tau'n Fleet List - Alternate Ork Pirate Rules - Kr00zin':Part Two - The Captains Day - Docking Claws - Incoming
Warp Rift Issue Four
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Warp Rift Issue Three Issue Three: Eldar in Battlefleet Gothic - Orkimedes' Workshop - Tau Refits - Destroyer of Worlds - Captain Sinn's Gambit - Astronomicon - Docking Claws - Incoming
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Issue Two: You Know You Have Been Playing Too Much Battlefleet Gothic If... - Alternate Gunary Table - Daemon Ships - Kr00zin' - Not All Is As It Seems - Memories - Recon Engagement - Docking Claws - Incoming Warp Rift Issue Two
Warp Rift Issue One Issue One: Incoming Publication - Is Mars the God of War? - Alternate Critical Hits - Tyranid Evolution - The Dry Dock - Battle of Pelucidar - Astronomicon - Docking Claws - Incoming
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