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Author Topic: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects  (Read 82266 times)

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #90 on: August 04, 2011, 01:16:44 AM »
GrayMatterBlues:  Thanks.  I hope to see you soon.  We need to Warmaster!

Well, I did not place or show in the Pendraken Sculpting Competition.  However, Pendraken does want to buy my 10mm Elder Thing, and the worm swarms!  Yay!

Offline fracas

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #91 on: August 04, 2011, 01:50:09 AM »
Congrats! :)

Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #92 on: August 04, 2011, 07:14:13 PM »
Great News, for you and for everybody here to get access to your supeb sculpting!!!

cool  8)

Offline azrael71

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #93 on: August 04, 2011, 09:25:50 PM »
Nice to hear you are getting something out of it.
Shame about the contest though :(

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #94 on: August 25, 2011, 10:30:49 PM »
Quick update:  I have my old job back.  So that is good.  More news as it comes in.

Next item:  I want your input on where to set up a painting thread/blog.  Should I start my own blog?  If so, is any place better than another?  I was thinking about starting a thread in the CoolMiniOrNot forums.  Part of the reason for that would be to put my painting in front of more people.

The reason I ask is because I have several 28mm scale projects, and I'd like to find a place to post those pictures.  I'm working on some Black Templar vehicles and marines.  I'm also working on Lord of the Rings figures.  In addition, I might even get back to painting up a fleet or two for Full Thrust.

This summer I sold some of my Black Templar and Grey Knights on EBay.  The auctions did OK, but not as much as I wanted to get.  I figure that if more poeple could see my work, more folks would bid when it comes time to sell.


Offline fracas

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #95 on: August 25, 2011, 11:53:06 PM »
Congrats on the job

Yes to your own blog to highlight your work and interests
You can always double post here as well

I use blogger because it is free and easy

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #96 on: August 25, 2011, 11:56:18 PM »
good to hear you are back at work Ed !

Offline Dave

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #97 on: August 26, 2011, 03:58:04 AM »
You're a space gamer too Ed? I have FT but haven't played it. Matt, Chris and I have gamed Starmada AE for awhile now.

I'd second Blogger, it offers quite a bit of customization. Same goes for WordPress. Congrats on the re-employment.

Offline azrael71

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2011, 09:47:07 PM »
Good news on the employment front.

As for blogs, they can be hit or miss depending on how often you update them and who views them, I haven't updated mine in months and the 6 followers over there are livid  :-*.

Ebay prices are no indication of quality, value or worth.
As for getting what you want for models, tout them around the forums, if you don't get what you want, leave them in the cupboard and try again later.

I know cash can become paramount in decision making when you are unemployed (I was in a similar situation earlier this year) but giving stuff away is a false economy.

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #99 on: September 02, 2011, 07:42:38 PM »
OK Warmaster fans!  New photos!

First, some photos for Carrington.  Here is the first unit of pistoliers, close to being finished.  Proof that I am working on these!

Here is a command strip of Knights of the White Wolf.  When these bad boys came to me, the banner had snapped off.  I cut off part of the pole and replaced it with a brass rod.  I also cut away some of the pole from the banner, so that the same brass rod connects the standard bearer with the banner.  This repair is strong enough to survived even when users pick up the stand using the banner.  Here's what it looks like now:

Now the stuff I've done for me:
Here are the two pike units I've finished:

Here's the new unit on its own.  The official name of the unit is 'Blue Boars' but is better known as the 'War Pigs'.  I decided that all my Dogs Of War units will have farm animals on their banners and have both formal and informal names.  As youmight guess, the informal names will be more 'colorful'.  I'm not sure of the name of the first unit pikemen.  Maybe the "Dandy Lions" for the informal name.  Here's the photo:

Some of you have wanted to see the full mounted Samurai unit.  I used the sashimono provided by Pendraken for one stand, and made the rest myself from plastic card, paper clips and superglue. 

As an aside, I ordered the rest of what I need for my Warmaster Nippon army.  I hope it arrives soon.  Um, I mean, soon after I finish painting units for a very intelligent gentleman in CT.

Some new Daemon stuff.  Here are two Slaanesh characters that I painted.  I grew to like the figures as I painted them.  I'm pleased with how they came out, even though the models aren't as sexy as I want them to be.

Here is a greater Daemon of Slaanesh, courtesy of Reaper miniatures.  I went for an Indian skin tone on this one as well.  I haven't chosen a name for her yet, but she will be 'Mistress of the 13 Curses', referring to the runic curses enscribe on her blades.  This was a lot of fun to paint!  Her skin tone is a base of Tanned Flesh, with a wash of Flesh Wash and then another wash of Flesh Wash mixed with Black.

Here is a unit of Slaanesh Daemon cavalry.  Love the beasts, hate the riders.  I tried for something like real skin tones, but the models just don't support it.  I saw Daemonette units on ebay that looked very good, which used a monochromatic paint job.  If I do another unit of these, I will try that idea.  I put nipples on them, but it wasn't worth the effort.

I will post more pictures as I complete units or characters.  You will see more pistoliers and Knights of the WW next.  I know I promised a flame tutorial, and I will get to that in the next week or so.

Thanks all!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 07:56:32 PM by BlackEd »

Offline fracas

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #100 on: September 03, 2011, 12:24:24 AM »
The greater demon is especially lovely

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2011, 05:12:15 PM »
Thanks!  I think she came out pretty well.

I finished a unit of Pistoliers for Carrington and am now deep into painting the Knights of the White Wolf.  I expect to have those done over the weekend.  Then one more unit of Pistoliers.

I also started on a unit of Slaanesh Daemonettes.  I hope to finish them soon. 

I am anxiously awaiting my order from Pendraken.  Then I can kick the effort to get the Nippon army done into high gear.

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2011, 03:07:44 AM »
Those pistoliers are very, very nice!  Looking forward to seeing them 'in the... paint?'

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #103 on: September 12, 2011, 03:45:27 PM »
Thanks Carrington!  I will have to take a few more pictures soon.  Those pistoliers are based.  The Knights of the White Wolf will get based tonight.  Then just one more unit of Pistoliers!

Offline BlackEd

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Re: [WM] BlackEd's Warmaster Projects
« Reply #104 on: October 03, 2011, 03:40:31 AM »
Some completed units:


A second unit of Pistoliers:

Knights of the White Wolf:


Ashigaru Spears (for Nippon):

The two units of Pistoliers and the unit of Knights of the White Wolf are for Carrington.  It took longer than I thought, mostly because I took my time and focused on the work.  I still want to flock the bases, then seal and dull cote the miniatures.

The Daemonettes look OK in this monochrome color scheme.  I threw in some gold and purple loin cloths to provide hints of color.  The banner is crude and garish, as befitting Slaanesh.

The Ashigaru are the next unit finished for Nippon.  Yay!  I got them painted in two days.  The models are from Pendraken.  I think they look good enough for the table top.  I used Space Wolf Grey, Enchanted blue mixed with a dash of white, and Regal Blue.  The skin is Vallejo Bronze Flesh.  Then I used a black wash for lines and shading.  The wash is made from black ink and a Future floor polish medium.  The technique is fast, and the wash brings out the details for almost no effort.

I hope you like what you see!

In other news, I picked up DreadFleet on Saturday.  On Saturday afternoon my four year old son "helped" me put together 4 of the ships.  On Sunday morning, my daughter helped me put together 4 more, and then she came back and did one on her own.  The detail on the models is amazing! 

I am trying to talk myself out of buying a second set.  There are so many interesting bits that can be re-purposed to Warmaster scale.  The islands with the skulls are awesome, and will end up on a Tomb-Kings-themed table or perhaps a Vampire-Counts-themed table.  The dragons are great, and the elementals on the Araby ship, especially the fire elemental, are gorgeous.

I started reading the rules.  It is probably a simple game.  I'll let you know after I read the rules and give them a try.