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Author Topic: Book of the Void I - The Discordia Incident  (Read 1910 times)

Offline horizon

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Book of the Void I - The Discordia Incident
« on: July 30, 2021, 09:09:04 PM »
Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am proud to announce the release of the Book of the Void 1:The Discordia Incident for everyone to download and enjoy.


This 56 page document outlines three whole new fleets to Battlefleet Gothic with unique rules and playstyles that bring new character to the game we all know and love.

Do you desire to burn the enemies of mankind in holy fire? Use the Adepta Sororitas Fleet (showcased by Battlefleet Galaxy) and show the heretic the conviction of your faith.

Do you wish to ply the endless void for lost secrets? The Diasporex Nomads(Showcased by Italianmoose) strike at their eternal foes with powerful and ancient technology lost to mankind for thousands of years

Do you want to cause utter chaos? Da Grot Rev'luushun is for you! (Showcased by Soulforge Studios) Filling the board with highly volatile grot kroozas which are just as effective shooting as blowing themselves to bits.

All fleets have miniatures made by the greater BFG community of 3d modelers and look spectacular both in the book and on the board.

I am sure you have noticed that the title has a number in it... That's because we at the Battlefleet Gothic Discord are already working on the second (and third!) Book of the Void! That's right...We aren't done yet.

If you have comments, questions, spot a typo or have a balance concern, please join us at the BFG discord server here:https://discord.gg/Dq9SwY4VHE and let us know what you think. We consider the Book of the Void series to be living documents and WILL make changes if needed.

Thank you all for tolerating my hints and teasers over the last several months, and thank you everyone in the BFG discord for helping this come to fruition!

- Zelnik

« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 12:23:20 PM by horizon »

Offline horizon

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Re: Book of the Void I - The Discordia Incident
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2021, 04:35:10 AM »