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Author Topic: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)  (Read 12877 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #90 on: January 23, 2022, 03:55:47 PM »
well, If you liked those you're sure to like this!

yup its a cyber cherub!
but not one of those cute little babies-with-wings one's that you see accompanying the adeptus sororitas and the eclesiarchial gang, this is a truly grim-dark, servo-skulled, blanchitsu inspired monstrosity of a cyber construct.

Its made from the body of the Kairic Acolyte's Vulcharc familiar with a servo skull head, that's actually one of the hewn skulls from the chaos vehicle spikey sprue. I chose that one for the rank looking lank hair stuck on it and the eye in the socket, that, alonside the cracked skull would be ideal to represent a half metal skull with eye lens when painted.
Oh, yeah there's also guitar string/bfg aerial mechadendrites as on the sevo-skulls I did afore. but your eyes work, don't need me to point this out...

heres a wip shot that shows off the greestuffing I did to blend the skull to the body, extenuate the hair hither and thither and also put 'ports' under the skin where the mecadenrdrites emerge:

the resultant creature is one that is much more grim-dark and much less cutesy. at first glace your like 'oh an owl or something', then you look closer and its like 'ARGH!, jeez inquisitor, whats wrong with your baby!'
Now, As much as I'd like to, I cant take all the credit for this idea really.
The inspiration comes from Neil Reed who created something very similar for the Lesotho blanchitsu campaign.
see pg113, WD dec 2018...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #91 on: January 23, 2022, 09:15:01 PM »
Wonderful use of bits and wire.  I love seeing Inq28 'cherubs'.
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Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2022, 06:57:00 PM »
Oh my, she's a scary lady!! I certainly wouldn't want her shooting apples off my head. I love the servo skulls. They remind me an awful lot of the ones I did in 54mm AGES ago.

The cherub thing, well, I work with some scary, broken and messed up people (and that's just the staff) and you, sir, need to book yourself an appointment with a Therapist.

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #93 on: February 05, 2022, 04:08:53 PM »
...you, sir, need to book yourself an appointment with a Therapist.
therapist you say?
why is this where my mind goes when I see the word therapist..? ;)

Anyway, it's been a bit of a while.
reason being I've had another change of vocation, yes, yet again.
I've had at least four different jobs in the last year or so, tiding me over till I find something suitable to my needs/skillset.
Till now I've been hopping from different retail and other crappy jobs but I finally found a position thats normal hours. 9hrs a day 4 an a 1/2 days a week.
thats half day friday and the weekend free. end-of.
no more of this shifts at all kinds of wanky hours of the night, 4 or so hours here and there, 30 hours one week, then just 11 the next, I mean what the hell man, its all over the gaffe.
How can you be expected to live on this nonsense?

'enough of that crap' says I and off I goes.

I'm now in an industry I've been interested in since I was in pre-teen years; Manufacturing-Engineering!
As I say, It's something I always had interest and quite a bit of some physical skill in, but could never get into it, education-wise, as my poor mathmatical skills had me set-back and refused at the first hurdle.
I'm of a make-do-and-mend/artist mindset, not a purely-logical mathmatical kind of guy. as such engineering has always been sadly out of reach for me.

however, quarter of a century (or so) years later and this opportunity at Biddle & Mumford Gears has me working on beautiful old machines, some from the 1920's! making gears and machining parts to a fine degree of quality and precision to all kinds of varied companies worldwide!
Its a foot in the door I never thought I'd get at my age, a chance in a million as far as I'm concerned.
They are giving me on site training with highly skilled operatives, most of who have worked at the firm for a minimum of 20 years each!

or to put it short; I'm now a Cog-Boy, Literally! LOL

anyway, why tell you all this? well aside the joy of it, its worth mentioning that predictible hours and the return of free weekends mean that you should expect updates from me +/- once a week now. weather permitting for spray-painting!

also, the regular weekly pay and proper hours should mean that I might even be able to get out of the red and back in the black. meaning that new purchases are not just something that are just out of reach financially. I mean you gotta eat and pay the rent first...
Guess I'll know at the end of the month once I've had (by then) the first three weeks wages from the cog-boys and the last outstanding wages from the last retail job, that was monthly pay (stupid for such low-paid short hours).

so, digression aside, the first weekend free since unemployment gets you this:

The bebbenburg commando standard bearer for the command HQ squad.
As you can see, I've modelled him proudly gazing up at the regiment's colours, fully enraptured with martial zeal! as much as he can look for someone in a gasmask anyway ;) (FYI, this was the model I had looking up at the ogryn before, just without his banner for that shot)
It's also a pose many will remember from the Royston-Rifles command squad banner-dude I did back for the 111st. (a model in turn inspired by Apologist's Lambs-worlders)
This time I used a triangular needle-file to remodel the catachan arm to mimic the folds of sleeves on the shoulder and then simply painted the hand as a gloved one. easy!
The rifle arm was a bit of a bitch to get right, hacking at both the sleeve, the rifle and even the molle-vest at the waist to get the 'integral' look that makes the model seem to have been modelled that way properly, not just slapped together. In truth, I probably could have done a better job of the hand with a full sculpt, but in the end, I went for the cadian sgt chainsword holding hand, so I could pitch the carbine round thusly, then just sculpted on the trigger finger in the desired position. easier and the resultant odd-looking grip on the inside cannot be seen without inverting the model anyway. thats good enough for me, saves two hours of pointless work anyhow, leaves more time for other stuff! LOL
the anvil sculpts made the head tilt a doddle, just a bit of gs under the neck-joint.
the kit on his waist is necromunda enforcer nades for the high-tech/custom-kit look of a veteran and the pocket is a big-un from the heavy intersessor sprue because it matches all the other pockets Ive used on these commandos...
A much better interpretation of the original idea in the 111st.
Its painted better too of course, if I do say so myself that is... 
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #94 on: February 07, 2022, 09:13:14 AM »
Good to hear about having a job that is likeable!

And great mini, as ever.

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #95 on: February 12, 2022, 09:22:01 AM »
Congrats mate. That's fantastic news. I know how that life can be, especially with the mad hours and life-wrecking shifts. One day I'll find a vocation I can settle into, but right now I'm just a donk  ::) Still, I found out I could potentially semi-retire in 3 years. So here's hoping.

The standard bearer is your usual fantastic quality. So is the depths of your bitz box lol

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #96 on: February 12, 2022, 03:31:46 PM »
cheers guys! a couple of weeks on and the negatives of the job are starting to appear a bit, I wont lie. but, tbh the positives still outweigh them all at the minute ;) so on I plug!
put it this way. I wouldn't leave it for anything less than something better or if they got rid of me themselves! (but I assume I'd have to be hoplessly useless for them to do that)  so so far so good...

as for the bitz, I regularly check out things like grenades and pockets and the like on bitzbox, with any possible future conversions in mind. then I see if they're there and add them to an order if I'm buying something specific, a weapon or arm-set or what have you. just helps to stock-up on fancy nades and pockets and kit if you're doing a long-term guard or marine army. these bits add real life imho...

anyway, got the last of the pig-iron guys done today:

grumpy old artillery officer

artilleryman with trajectory cogitator unit

was quite fun painting these metal models.
as with the old steel legion artilleryman conversion I did, these too have a nostalgic vibe of the nineties guard metals about them thats very familiar to paint for those of thus of a certain age!
All-told, not a bad fit for the other 39th guy once painted, eh?

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #97 on: February 15, 2022, 08:26:42 AM »
Work is work mate. If it pays the bills, gives you enough home time and you don't absolutely hate it or the people, then I call that a win.  ;D

Those are some really nice models. You almost make me want to start brushing the dust off my old Cadians. 39 models eh? That's enough for a Platoon :D

Offline Ragsta

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #98 on: February 17, 2022, 08:35:06 AM »
Borak, 39 is the regiment number, mate… :D :D :D

Offline Stormwind

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #99 on: February 18, 2022, 12:56:08 AM »
That's great news, it's wonderful that there are still practical jobs out there in an age where it feels everything has been sent overseas.
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Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #100 on: February 20, 2022, 08:54:00 AM »
Borak, 39 is the regiment number, mate… :D :D :D

Oh......... ::)

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #101 on: February 20, 2022, 03:03:46 PM »
ah, shucks give the man a break, he works crazy shifts and could use a break! LOL :D

anyhow, thanks for the usual nice comments and support guys!

So, I've failed to get anything painted this weekend. sigh.

but in all honesty, the storm left me spending friday afternoon and the last day and a half on my roof replacing fallen slates, in my garden repairing wrecked fencing and down my landlord's clearing fallen trees, so fairs fair, nothing to show with any paint on today. :(
I did get the last two bebbenburg commandos undercoated (the plasma and silencer guys) but no further than that as of yet.
so instead I've decided to treat you all to a WIP shot of my upcoming techpriest magos:

Originally I was going to wait till after paint but never mind, this is a fair teaser shot and its a good way of showing off all the bits.
based on a female necromunda delaque mini, as I decided that theres no way that she was going to get her lovely robes all dirty in the filthy trenches that the 39th are fighting in, so has opted for a nice heavy leather duster to keep her protected in the field!
The arms with the 90's looking hacker's 'think-pad' is from the new Anvil Industries cyberpunk set.
The mechadendrite is a guitarstring with a claw bit off of an old marine techpriest axe.
The head is off of one of the skitarri models I could find on bitzbox at the time (sorry cant remember which) and was indeed a cowson to fit into the collar convincingly.
I've seen people just stick them on top of the collars in similar conversions but thats just absurd on the face of it. Lazy and crude and looks physically wrong. Yeah, this is a lot of work but a much better/integral look in the end imho...

I was going for a much more subtle and somehow more realistic approach to an ad-mech advisor for the force, still a bit absurd and warhammery but a little bit more diesel-punk in over-all design.
yes, she has no side arm, but remember. thats where her servo skull comes in.
no axe? well, no. I've an idea about this, too, but will say no more till I've more than a rough concept rattling in my brain...

colours? well most likely a black or brown leather duster, red/white robes (head and arms) and metallic gubbins with black/grey laptop thingy... more soon...

barring more hurricanes... jeez! 

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #102 on: February 27, 2022, 03:56:06 PM »
Well, today I got the last two bebbanburg commandos done.

Plasma Specialist.
you may remember me saying, the plasmagun is made from a primaris plas-pistol with the old metal stock off a plasmagun for that bit of logic to the design.
I wanted something compact and guard-sized but still obviously NOT a plasmapistol with a stock. the new primaris sized stuff is ideal for this purpose.
the gubbins on his belt is the spare pack from the arms-master kit (his plasma cleaning and care kit perhaps?
the "battery-cells" are from the scoutsnipersprue and I imagine these fittinginside that cylindrical bit on the gun like its a revolver chamber. perhaps that flips out, the 'dry' cell is ditched and the new one is slapped in and it spins up to speed and to create energy or whatever...

The silencer guy.
A bast to get the rifle shouldered and it still looks a little janky if I'm honest. still I'm pleased with the hand-sculpted magazine assembly poking out from under his arm. damn you can barely see it but I know its there! LOL
originally this only had the scout-rifle silencer because I'd run out of standard lasguns to steal muzzles off at the time, but damn if it didn't turn out well...
his waist is kitted out with a bolt-rifle scope, a primaris pocket, another of my 'frag-charges' (the goliath grenade dealie) and a pair of stun grenades from the enforcer set.
I ummed and ahhed on what colour to paint these so much that I just painted them straight metal in the end. I'm glad I did as there's not that much shiny metal on him so it turns out as a nice contrast to all the dark and drab.

well, thats them done then.

got two ogryns, the ksg shotgun guy and the 'rioteer' and thats it for 39th for now.

but fear not, I've stuff in the post from the good old U,S of A from our good buds at madrobot minis. Ordered it a bit ago and still no acknowledgement that the order is processed yet. they said it could take 3 weeks or more just to process, then theres likely a fortnight or more after that to get here.
It cost some in postage too but it was a treat to myself and I really wanted these specific head/helmet designs for a future allied regiment to the 39th that will soon be gracing these pages of this thread...
I've already said too much but all will be revealed soon...

well soon ish...

For now I'll say that it will also use parts from anvil and dkok weapons.
whats that? you want to know more?

will just have to wait I'm afraid... :D

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Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #103 on: February 28, 2022, 01:41:31 PM »
 :o Oh my...... Those look good. I mean really good. I like the metallic plasma coils. It's different and works really well.

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #104 on: March 06, 2022, 04:12:40 PM »
Thanks Lord B. I felt that copper suited the army theme better in the end...

So, today I got the Tech-Priest done:

well yesterday technically, but the light was gone for a photo opportunity so she's waited till today.

Magos Corialanus Blaque.
Although not native to the Eoforwich system, Magos Blaque has found herself to be a permanant fixture in service to the 39th Pioneer Corps.
A practical sort, Corialnus is never seen in the field without her heavy leather duster to protect her robes and mechanics from the filthy rigours of trench based warfare.
Although young, she has talent well beyond her years in the adeptus, her youth only evident by the lack of the more obvious technical and mechanical 'enhancements' that members of the ad-mech usually find themself encrusted in as their term of service continues.
that aside, her absurdly tall stature suggests at some kind of manipulation beneath the robes in that regard.
Her weapon of choice is the reliable and durable ad-mech enginseer's thinkpad, an antiquated and arcane device of unimaginable power when used by the appropriately skilled hands of one of her order.
It may be true that what she doesn't know about mobile artillery and subtrerainian vehicles isn't worth knowing, but as far as combat and defences are concerned, she lets the servitors and servo-skulls do the talking.
why have a cyber-mastiff and bark yourself eh?

So as you can see I went for the dark brown on the coat in the end. I found it was a nice tie in to the commander's bomber jacket and also to the generally brown tones of the force as-far.
As this coat has nice big areas on it, I decided to stipple first then move onto edge and scratch highlighting, subtle after shading but it does add to the effect nonetheless...
I did the belt in the light leather for a bit of subtle tonal contrast and I added some detail in the form of the freehand cog banding on the hood, some weathered brass detail on the 'antithykera device' on her belt and the absurdly small freehand on the screen of the think-pad, displaying a windows98 desktop and solitaire respectively...
here's a close-up of that, prior to assembly:

The rest of the tech was kept to simple bronze and steel and the armour-plating and thinkpad done in simple black plastic finish. so as not to overwhelm the model in metals.

Nice and understated if I do say so myself. Ideal for a practical, diesel-punk themed army. 

BTW, Steve at Madrobot got back to me already. processed and sent.
I figure I should expect the bits in a couple of weeks minimum from the states then...

I've still to get some bits from anvil and thats the start of the Filey Drop-Troops then... ;)

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