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Author Topic: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)  (Read 12872 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2021, 07:23:25 PM »

I cant ever stop, never stopping...


I could do this all day!


2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #76 on: December 09, 2021, 05:53:43 PM »
Love that commissar!
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2021, 10:54:58 AM »
thanks Sw!

Been a bit of time since my last post, I know.
The build up to the yuletide festivities has meant that work has occupied my waking hours more than I care for at present, making finding time and daylight to paint a pain...

anyway, my hands have been busy last night model-doodling other stuff though;

some bits for an upcoming large(ish) model conversion I have in mind for some-time next year...

that ought to keep you satisfied for now... ;)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 11:00:01 AM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #78 on: December 16, 2021, 07:13:18 AM »
Looks interesting! No worries, I'm pretty much expecting everyone to be on the quiet front this time of year.

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #79 on: December 26, 2021, 06:02:48 PM »
that being said... ;)

So, seems my Mrs popped over to PigIron to get me some bits for this yuletide clamdig!

some Kolony militia HQ models, with anvil brodie heads make the ideal artillery crew for my big guns.
I couldn't resist putting one of the spare brodie lids on the helper droid...

Also a pair of furry missiles for the bebbanburg commandos.
these are from their stalker range...

as you can see that's initial clean-up and basing done already.
thats not all 'on the bench'...

more soon!
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #80 on: December 27, 2021, 07:07:46 PM »
All Hail Yule!!  :o

Those are some nice kits. Especially love the dogs. Very realistic.

I have done precisely....... nothing hobby wise. Well, not exactly true. I printed off a Warlord Titan some my son could paint it. That's about it other than tidying up my hobby room lol.

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #81 on: January 02, 2022, 04:49:46 PM »
lols... hobby room...
if only.   ::)

just space on the lounge leaf-table in the bay window as an when my wife's not using it for writing...

anyway, Fur missiles done...



as you can see Billy is a classic German Shepherd coloring and is named thusly after a certain Mr. Blazcowicz...
Dietritch, on the other hand, is an attempt at a Belgian Malinois, in reference to Dita the hair-missile-dog, well known for playing Cerberus
on Sealteam: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9318536/
rather happy with these pups! really good models to paint.

more stuff soon!

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #82 on: January 07, 2022, 03:47:52 PM »
"They're good boys"
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Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #83 on: January 08, 2022, 12:24:21 PM »
VERY, good boys...

SO, I'd planned on getting some back-log painted over the next couple of days, then Its pissing down this morning... no spray-priming for me then...
also, my Steel legion drab is in need of a replacement too so thats painting out of the window today...

Ah, well, guess I'll just have a rumble about inthe old bitzbox and make use of the anvil leftovers I have to knock-up some tasty veterans:

The Rioteer.

Taking the name of the melee enemies from Malice for quake, this guy is a re-imagining of the 'rioteer' sgt from my 111st Royston Rifles 'darkeyes' stormtroopers, but with a Eoforwich take on it.
using gsc arms and weapons (neophyte and jackals kits) with some wrist rearangement and a simple whittled bat added on.
the uzi-style autopistol is a nod to malice's uzi and just-so fits the style of a bludgeoning close-combat monster. 
His jacket/gillet is a reference to Andy Serkis' character from the film 'Deathwatch'

a very appropriate inspiration for not only the character, but also the trench theme of the army as a whole.
the actual pose is shamelessly stolen from the doom-eternal slayer promo shots, you know, this one:

Either consider him as an alternative/replacement to the current stormtrooper sgt or perhaps even an Eoforwich Sly Marbo?

Then theres this guy

Yes I finally got round to using one of those nice Ksg shotguns, this time on a bebbanburg commando.
its a nice design that matches the 'York pattern' bullpup lascarbine they wield and its rather similar to the genii shotgun somewhat too:

allbeit bullpup, not fullstock...

painted stuff as soon as I get any done! LOL

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #84 on: January 08, 2022, 12:35:01 PM »
Good as always. Nice inclusion of those dogs!

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #85 on: January 09, 2022, 04:08:30 PM »

Hey, did someone say, 'burn the witch?'

Inquisitor Lady Lucinda Ravenwood - Ordo Hereticus

Raised under the tutelage of Inquisitor Gideon Sumption, Lucinda burned with a desire to avenge her fallen parents, slain in a chaos raid on her homeworld of Filey Secondus, in the Eoforwich system.
After many years, much training, several hundred burnt witches, heretics and mutants, not to mention the eventual sucessfull hunting and summery-destruction of the chaos warlord responsible for the scourging of many worlds, including that of Filey, Inquisitor Sumption decreed that Lucinda had proved herself to be worthy to be more than his acolyte and sent her off with the well earned title of Lady Inqisitor.
Her vengeance fullfilled, a lot of her near-fanatical zeal has been sated to the point that Ravenwood is considered rather more level-headed than usually expected for a member of the Ordo Hereticus.
Don't be fooled, she takes the job of heresy hunting very seriously, but prefers subterfuge, guile and thorough investigation, prior to elimination of targets.
thats where a few of her personal tricks of the trade come in.
Like her temperament, her wargear is surprisingly pragmatic for one of her order.
Her characteristic Crossbow incorporates a powered core, capable of heating the black-adamantium 'Slayer bolts' to extreme temperatures, allowing them to pass through the thickest of armour protection prior to eliminating the target.
Of course, the blessings and various nerotoxins within can't hurt as far as heretic purging is concerned, but the only thing more satisfying than a dead heretic is an impaled-burning dead heretic...
other than that, she sticks to a simple bolt pistol as a sidearm, albeit with varying specialised ammo and her trademark stiletto blade for up close and personal.
her current investigations have brought Lady-lucy back home to Eoforwich system. only time will tell what she will find there...

As you can see this is based off of the ven denst witchhunter girl from the AOS range.
As I loved the crossbow, I simply added a lasgun mag beneath then made up that crap about the 'slayer bolts' to explain it away.
The simple inclusion of the mk3 boltpistol holster also helped make it more 40k than whf...
I removed the extra sword and stake detail as stakes are for vampires and thus cement it in the fantasy setting more. so I figured the bolt shells from the deathwatch sprue was the best way of adding something there that made it feel 40k without looking too slapped on.
the final detail was the bronze Inquisition pendant that is made from a crux terminatus charm off of a primaris shoulder pad, with the side parts of the cross removed.
I decided, as she was back home in the Eoforwich system, why not give her a bit of the 39th colourscheme here and there. Her green armour perhaps suggests that she's working with the guard regiment, maybe she got that from the 39th quartermasters store?
meh, whatever the reason it helps make it seem less fantasy and more diesel-punk. which is what I wanted. plus it helps her with blending in with the army more...

yes. she does need better shots to show off the wargear more. Believe me, I took many but the light was poor when I took these, these were the only ones in focus...

more stuff soon...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #86 on: January 12, 2022, 03:50:17 PM »
got the pig-iron robit conversion done:

and yes its a servitor not a droid...
before anyone starts on all the imperial decrees banning autonomous artificial intelligences. its a servitor.
it has a human brainstem and spinal cord inside an artificial body.
(think cain in robocop2...) ;D

oh, and as promised:

better shots of Lady-Lucy
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #87 on: January 15, 2022, 11:51:44 AM »
That's a real cool character! Well done.

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #88 on: January 18, 2022, 08:20:38 AM »
cheers, mate!

With the apparrent success of the additon of advisors from both the Commissariat and the Inquisition to this army project, I have decided to turn my sights onto the adeptus mechanicus next.

Yes, Ive still several squads worth of other guys to get done, I know but I just can't resist a good conversion on the side!

The Tech-priest/adept I have planned is not quite ready for public viewing yet, but here are a couple of her charges:

as you can see this is essentially her personal side-arm! (why have a dog and bark yourself, eh?)
clearly based off of the devastator squad servo-skull, with added las-muzzle on the right side lens and a nice mechadendrite tail made from guitar-wire with a bit of enforcer grenade on the end as a plug/port.

this one was more invloved, conversion-wise.
the more die-hard of my project followers will remember that I used the Indomitus boxed-set primaris ancient standard bearer guy as a basis for a fallen angel conversion.
as that model no longer used the banner it came with, the skull of the skeleton upon it was donated to this servo-skull.
Its hybrid bone/metal design and the addition of ports and lens' made it ideal for the job!
a few guitar strings, some fuse wire, a bit of brass tube and some bits of bfg aerials as plugs/ports and this one was done!

the bases for these two are actually buttons.
I deliberately wanted something smaller than 25mm to base them on.
these are around 16mm.
I've always felt that servo skulls and tiny familiar bases should be smaller to represent the smaller model upon them. This just makes more visual sense and stops the model looking lost or somehow unimportant on them.
Also I personally can't stand servo skulls tacked onto the same base or off-the-shoulder on a model. thats pure tackiness!

The other advantage of these conversions, over the standard gw models is, using guitar wire, I can make them really fly high over the models, I wanted the laspistol one in particular to look as though it is soaring around the magos in a protective holding-pattern, provinding cover-fire, whereas the other is simply gently whizzing directly along in a forward motion.
the guitar-string mechadendrites really makes the sense of motion easier to capture. They bend relitively easy and are seamless as far as ad-mech tech visuals go.
For extra advise on moddleling these I'd say go look at how a sentinel in any of the matrix films moves. Try to emulate the look of the mechadendrites for the motion you wish to portray and you wont go far wrong...

painted shots soon and their master is soon to follow...   
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #89 on: January 18, 2022, 09:12:24 AM »
ok, here's the painted shots:

went for weathered brass on the halo on this one.

just couldn't resist the red T-800 like eye lens on this one...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC