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Author Topic: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)  (Read 12879 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #45 on: August 19, 2021, 08:35:52 PM »

got the demo suit done!

I decided to go for the plain head rather tha the officer one in the end.

I did my best to tie him in with the aesthetic of hte 39th I've done so far using a sypathetic colourscheme.
the clothes, war-kit and armour panels are painted, as on the other troopers, the suit itself painted as the tanks and artillery in the force. An attempt to suggest that this is like a tank that you put on ;D

I kept all the gearwork and piping in basic dark steel and copper, to further suggeat at a more wartime/diesel-punk setting.
I added some of the dirt/grime I usually add to the tanks/artillery upon the power-fists, espescially the right one and around the hammer head, to suggest he's been smashing gear up somewhat!

more soon...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2021, 08:29:48 PM »
Getting a real Warzone vibe here, which is cool!
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #47 on: August 30, 2021, 07:01:31 PM »
dont know what that I'm but glad you like it!

after a highly generous donation of bits (heads, arms, legs, these mortars, two sandbag bits and some lasguns etc...) from pyroalchi, I've got the three mortars done today:

like the heavy bolter nest, I decided on using the 'centurion sized' 50mm base as, the crew could be seperate and its a good size to show off some diorama style bits...
The first one is an example of a prepared position. a dugout/trench-wall effect created with miliput (like hell Iwas going to waste that much greenstuff, not made of money!)
Again I used the anvil sprue trench-boards, both as uprights and pushed into the mud as mucky duckboards.
note the use of the perforated metal to reference the old gw studio third-edition trench-system terrain-board and also the front cover of the IG 3rd ed codex...
scratch-built barbed-wire as on te HB nest and another shovel. the bigger, more pronounched 'slate' rock bits in the trench-wall are actually vermiculite... 
I used both of the sandbag bits Pyroalchi sent me and all the spare mortar shells on this one alone, leving me to be a bit more creative on the next ones.
the second one is an example of an improvised cover, simply setting up behind some barbed wire baricade, already on the battlefield.
this was created with more of the hand made wire and a dead-body bit from the corpse-cart with a spare brodie lid added.
this poor old boy has been stripped of kit, his boots, gasmask and even his trou have been looted, leaving him to a rather undignified end, lumped into the mire amongst the wire...
as I said, I'd used all the mortar-shells so I decided to use the spare rocket from the scout-sniper sprue, as, with its little leather (how I painted it anyway) wrap it looks like a bundle of three or so, held in something akin to a chisel or file roll...
the firing 'missile' from the marine sprue is the ideal mid-launch mortar. I went for a simple plume of white smoke, rather than flame, to further suggest it as a mortar rather than missile...
the third is simply the mortar, sans cover of any kind. base detail relying on a little tree-stump left of the mortar and the rather obvious ammo-box, based on the dkok thud-gun ammo-box in its design. It's made from a plastic'size indicator' tag from a coat-hanger with a cardboard/greenstuff lid/innards and half-round-beads with pva 'caps' on for the shell tops...
the handles are some plasticar 'I' section trimmed and glued on.   

crew pending...

oh, here's a wip shot to see the stuff in that stage and get a look of one of the converted crew;

« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 07:03:53 PM by osjclatchford »
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2021, 07:23:15 PM »
Ooooh, very nice!

As for the Warzone reference, here's a pic: https://gamewire.belloflostsouls.net/warzone-unit-spotlight-imperial-trenchers/
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #49 on: August 31, 2021, 05:29:56 PM »

did two of of the company commander's command squad today.

beret guy and the pose-up-guy...

decided to make the beret guy a Lieutenant. hence the bronze skull badge on his beret.
I figured that Winters is a Major, after all, and a Lt is a worthy rank for his xo. in rules terms he's just a guardsmen with a lasgun but he looks the part thats for sure.

you can see that I went for a wood-stock fore-grip and pistol-grip on the carbines. it kinda has that feel of a thompson, yet sporting the modern bullpup design.
the round section in the middle of the gun reminiscent of the similar component on the dkok lasrifles...
the molle plate-carry vests came out well in the end.
Although as far as rules are concerned, just guardsmen, these torsos are an obvious visual link to my 'bebbanburg grenadiers' stormtroopers, yet clearly more slimline and lightweight, ideal for showing these guardsmen as former grenadiers, picked out by the major to be part of his command staff, swapping their hotshot lasguns for the compact and futuristic bullpup lascarbines...
wheras my regular guardsmen are inspired by dkokand steel legion, these are the 39th's answer to the elysian guardsmen, allbeit through a dieselpunk lens as it were...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #50 on: September 06, 2021, 04:31:10 PM »
so my folks got themselves a new microwave.
had some fancy shaped styrofoam on it.
terrain time says I:

Inspired by Guy and Penny's work over at midwinter mini's I decided to make a section of it into a concrete road-block, low-cover barrier-wall.

I see this as either a roadblock or a checkpoint or even just a vehicle/troop stopping barrier wall that would be a few yards out from the trenches itself, something to slow any possible assault.
I added the poster on the 'inside' of the wall to keep the guardsmen on the inside of it motivated!

I cut the polystyrene by heating a knife over a gas-torch and sliding it through the stuff with haste. It cuts real clean and fast, melting as it goes, but gives off some cyanide fumes so do be carefull doing this...
I added the screws into the base as they did too. creates a lovely counter balance that makes it easier to use and work with.
however, unlike G and P, I elected not to use the mould inducing flour and salt mix, MENTAL!
Heavans no, I used some easyfill45 mixed into some cuprinol garden-shades (black but any colour would do) and gave it two neat coats in high sun to dry quickly.
This gave the lovely cement texture but retained the 'sharpness' of the polystyrene's edges, keeping it looking like a cast peice. It also doubled as a good undercoat.
I basecoated it admin-grey and then added zandridust to the mix and sponged it all over. I added ever more lighter tones to this and continued to sponge it on, concentrating more and more on the edges with each successive highlight.
once dry I gently smunged (an OSJC term that is a mix of a stipple and a wash; thin paint applied in a stippling motion so it ends up dappled) on some castellan green hither and yon as mouldy-mossy algeish growth.
next I watered down some of my agrax/nuln mix (the one I always use) so it was very thin and stained the whole thing evenly.
once dry I smunged some rhinox hide around the bottom edge as mud/dampness and used neat nuln oil and agrax for water/filth runs over the surfaces.
the poster on the inside is printed out from an online pic and the ink ran a bit when pva'ing it on, but that just adds to the effect I suppose. Tip with these. let the ink dry a day and varnish it with something like testors dullcoat before applying them to retain the ink quality...
Also, on bigger ones, I like to fold them up and really score the edges and then unfold them again to make them look as if they were folded before applied. A rip here and there hurts none either...
A bit of static grass and some leaves here and there and its done...

I'm dead happy with the finish on this. The sponge highlighting and colours have really captured what I wanted.
everyone always paints concrete grey. its not. Well, all the wartime stuff around here in essex is the yellowy sandy colour I've done here.
I suppose it depends on the mix and the sand/ballast used but all the pillboxes, bunkers and dragons-teeth I've seen are always the sand-coloured stuff...   

more of this soon I think...
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Offline Stormwind

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2021, 02:51:50 PM »
Styrofoam is that old standby for chunky sf terrain!

Lovely work as always.
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2021, 06:56:02 PM »
cheers SW,

coming soon:

lets see those guesses coming in, eh? ;)
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2021, 02:55:09 PM »
times up!

the latest addition:

The Imperial 'Badger' excavator
An STC design from the first days of the Imperium's colonisation of the galaxy, the 'badger' excavator is a sub-terrainian drilling and tunnelling machine.
Although similar to the adeptus mechanicus' 'termite' drill or the DKOK's 'hades' assault drill, this device outdates them both and is, to all extents and purposes, considered a civillian machine, oft' used by terraformers and colonists to create tunnels for pipework and underground faclilities, mine for materials and even demolition of condemned structures.
Armed with the ferocious and highly destructive high-torque adamantium mining bits there's little it cannot chew through.
however, should a particularly stubborn vein of mineral-ore or crystaline structures slow progress, the tri-multi-melta, nestled amongst the drill-heads is sure to plough through a path...

So, you can see that this is a big-ass drilling machine for my engineers to ride in, creating trench-systems, destroying bunkers and chewing $hit up!
its built from the mantic games 'veer myn' tunneller model and I've nothing but good things to say about it!
the addition of some bits with aquillas (from the valk missile pods) on the sides and an aquilla in the slot on the back made sure that there were no sugestions of divided loyalties.
The basic kit has a great second edition 40k feel to it. a certain 'je ne sais quoi' like the same level of detail as the classic chimera and russ sets of the time, not to mention the classic rhino variants, making it a good match for the feel of this collection so far. 

here's a shot from t'other side, featuring an engineer for scale purposes.
As the weapons that came with it are designed for skaven like critters, they are rather absurd looking. as such they were a no go.
you can see I instead added a melta, the one from the new primaris speeder, purely because it has three barrels, making it seem like it blongs on the model.
It just needed inverting and the original topsight clipping off and a new one added on the new top edge. (formerly the bottom)

A few things to mention. the model goes together insanely easy. it practically clips together but I'd advise glue tbh.
however worth mentioning that the drills and the front 'plough' blades are made of pvc not styrene, requiring superglue not plastic cement there.

now, did I leave it at that? hell no.
you know me, sticker for the details. Looking at the kit made me realise that it was a rather easy job to make a detailed interior too... I mean, why not, the FW Ad-Mech termite does...
This was something I began to regret as I attempted to work out where to glue and where not to... got there in the end... ;)

bulk of it is imperial dozer blades and valkerie ceiling as both the floor and ceiling.
The front interior plate is the rhino one with the vindicator vents above it. Thats a component I've wanted to use for an age now!
To kinda make sense of the bits where the rear plate fits, I used the centurion backpacks either side and a valkerie rocket pod end as the inside of the access plate on the ass end.
the extra control panel is from the valk and the tubes and cables, hither and yon, are from primaris and stormtrooper kits.
Theres even a bit off of the back of a gsc neophyte's back as a tiny panel too.
The slots/benches cried out for tools in them so I added the las-cutter and ammo from the atalan jackals on one side and a centurion drill dumped on the 'floor' on the other.
the big caged light on the ceiling is from the chaos vehicle sprue.
The rear needed a go-between for the inside and the outside so I used the open iris here and trimmed it to fit between the lugs.
this is adorned with bits from the IG vehicle sprue (top bit), the valkerie kit (tubes and light section) and a flamer-tank from the atalan jackals kit. well half of it anyhow, the other half is on the inside.
there's also a bit from the landspeeder and a SM bike caged light on there too.
the little yellow pikey light is actually off of the 'battle-for-macragge' teleport homer...   
this back bit was rather tricky to do and to get it looking natural. not just a bunch of stuff slapped on the back. It still does a bit I suppose but, funt it, its done now...

this model should have been an ease to build and paint but the constant need for sub assemblies to allow the interior to work and be painted properly slowed progress some, for sure.
likewise the front end was a pig to work out what to glue and not to as the pvc drill bits are absurdly heavy.
most would just glue it all and then paint it but I like to get it all painted properly...

still, twas well worth it in the end. A very different and appropriately thematic vehicle that would also be right at home in a GSC or Ad-Mec army too... go get one. thats an order!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 03:12:59 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2021, 05:41:33 PM »
cheers Ragsta!

today I fancied trying something new, effects-wise, so I dug this old-boy out and did it on him as he was the ideal candidate:

its an attempt at plasmaglow and basic (real basic) osl.

not great i'll grant you but I blame the sloppiness of the finish on it being my first attempt and the generally low definition/quality of the older sculpt.
I feel this will be better on a newer sculpt with much more refined detailing on the 'ribbing' of the coil. the blending on the gasmask is a bit stark too, could have done with a bit more blending up the mask but, this practice-go was more about the gun than anything else...

you'll just have to wait and see if this gets used on another model in the future... 
for now I'm still unconvinced...
perhaps its just not me...
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #55 on: September 28, 2021, 12:42:47 PM »
got a couple more done:

as you can see its the reloading guy and the sgt.

the sgt has had more work done to him since his wip days.
the pistol has been swapped out from cadian patteren to catachan design. its much sleeker and its sideways mag assembly a nice reference to the mags on the stormtrooper's rifles.
also I added a holster for it to his waist.
it comes from the scout legs and I chose it because it is modelled empty and it hangs nice on this model, not being too large.

also, in hindsight I thought I'd mention that I've elected not to use OSL on the upcoming plasmagunner model I have in mind.
in all truth its not my strongest point and, yeah I could practice or what have you, but in truth the cartoonesque style it gives a mini is so far from the grimey, wartorn grubbiness of this regiment I think it would take away more than it adds in the end...
But, its not all lost. the steel legionaire is a fair example of the effect, a one off that was a fun diversion to do if nothing else.
I think I'll do the coils in a copper/bronze finish instead... or perhaps even ceramic... we shall see...
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #56 on: October 11, 2021, 02:03:11 PM »
So my new job has me working some rather odd hours, all over the gaffe, short, long, late and early. nothing set and its getting to me. I need a more predictable scedule to function properly and this is my excuse for not getting much painted of late.

still the construction/converting continues here and there when i find the time and I've a few WIP's to show for my sleep deprived efforts;

I decided, although a good model, I did not like the beret wearing guy in my company command squad after all.
I think its that he takes too much away from the Major, who is, himself rather understated.
So I figured rather than do anything to it (as I say, it's a good model in its own right) I'd simply make a couple of optionals that can be fielded as and if I fancy some more specialist firepower other than lasguns in the commander's retinue. leaving him as an optional rifleman should I want a team of just lasguns...
anyway, I decided on first modelling a plasmagun:

Rather than use the standard sized plasmagun that most guard models used (based on the second/third edition marine weapon model) I'd cook up something that looks more appropriately sized for a guardsman to carry.
Now, I loved the metal cadian specialists that held the plasmas and meltas like mini versions of the marine devastators, little backpacks, carry handles and hoses, yes, I could have used the anvil stuff to replicate this look but I fancied something rather portable and less movement restrictive for my commandos.
I figured on the primaris plasma pistol as that's easy to come by and bigger than a standard plas pistol but not too small to be a 'full' plasma-gun.
The simple addition of the 'classic' plasma stock was vital to make it look big enough.
I used a metal one as its somewhat slimmer than the new plastic ones and as such fits the pistol perfectly and also helps keep the overly weighty look to a minimum.
for ammo and kit I decided on the sniper pellet/capsule thingys from the sniper scouts as stand-ins for plas capsules and the big-slung-bag from the arms-master as care-kit or batteries and all that jazz...
the trigger-finger at-ease and low-slung pose keeps a sense of menace and 'tacti-cool' the rest o the squad has. lovely.

next up is a sniper commando.

This was a deliberate attempt to recreate the sniper rifles seen on guard mini's of the third edition era. (seen most prominently on the catachan snipers, last-chancer's 'scope' model and the fw tank commander sniper)
they had their own thing that was, cleary based on a lasgun, but still different from the scout sniper rifle that allt he modern ones look more like these days. they had an extended stock, the top-sight removed and a large scope in its stead and an incorporated silencer/muzzle.
the magazines were not even modelled on, and were simple left blank. suggesting at an internal mag or single-load setup.
many of the minis they featured on were modelled with bullets about their person on bandoliers and belts, thus, they were also not actually las weapons, but solid slug munition rifles.
sorry, history lesson over...
So, to replicate the look I used a kantrael (cadian) las and removed the barrel and top sight.
the eagle was shaved off, and the stock trimmed to the shape shown in the pic.
the barrel design was replicated with brass and ali tube and the scope is lifted from a primaris stalker rifle assembly lengthened with plasicard rod.
the las-mag was removed and the bottom slap-plate (flat part) of the bolter-mag glued stright on, suggesting at a small capacity internal mag.
to enhance this look, I used a small bolt-mag stowage from the 30k marine range as part of his kit.
the skull on the stock is shaved off a marine backpack I believe (cant honestly remember for sure but any will do)
this is actually not vital in any way but I feel it helps makes it look more like an actual sniper-rifle mini and not the butchered lasgun it really is;) LOL
the finishing touch was the greenstuff over the skeletal stock that anvil fatigue arms always feature in order to make it look like the solid-lump stocks of the plastic catachan lasguns that the 3rd edition sniper rifles also had.
I did the trigger finger thing again and added the infiltrator pockets as a backpack and the chain/rope detail, again from the arms-master kit to suggest at some climbing gear or whatever so he can get 'up-high' where snipers operate best at...
again, as with the plasma, I'm rather pleased with the work on the gun on this one. although a bit shorter its still very faithfull to the source material its based on.
As you've no-doubt noticed, I'm rather nostalgic of third edition guardsmen. the best era for guard in my opinion. just look how many regiments we had then and how many special units like the last-chancers and good charecters there were. not to mention the steel legion. without those back in 99/2000 we'd never have got to the dkok we got this year...
It all went wrong with the pastic cadians IMHO... never undertood why they went for the starship trooper look over the theme of the classic ones.
but thats another story...

This got my dander up for the whole sniper thing.
Although the modern design rifle is fine on this commando amongst his friends with the fancy bullpup rifles, I now fancied doing something a little more obviously a sniper thats more in theme with the whole trenchy theme the main part of the force.
that meant all of the 'lone sniper' tropes, cape, long rifle, looking cool somewhere high with the wind in their hair... you know the GW standard for snipers these days. purest cheese but a lot of fun to model.

keeping the whole 'enemy at the gates' mythos in mind this guy is much more diesel-punk than the commando sniper.
His massive rifle is from the whf imperial handgunners and as such is simply absurdly huge.
I mean theres no way you could fire this thing without laying down is there?
The simple inclusion of a las-muzzle and mag made it clearly a long-las and the scope is from a bolt-rifle, deliberately not the stalker variant to keep the rifle looking longer than it is. the small scope helps to do this.
The cape is a pennant from the ravenwing sprue grafted onto the 'poncho' torso from the irregulars from anvil.
I chose a head without a mask, for more character that seeing his eyes gives, but scuplted a scarf over his face for the whole 'stranger in this town' look that the whole poncho and mask thing create when used together.
espescially with the brodie helmet that also helps as its rather reminisent to a cowboy hat with the above context in mind...

anyway, I hope to get some time to slap some paint on more of these badboys soon.
I did get round to one thing, though.
I took the two crouching guys from the riflemen I've done so far and removed the 3rd ed tactical-squad pockets off them and replaced them with more infiltrator leg-pockets so the squad matches properly.

looking at them just the other day I felt the tactical squad pockets looked so crude against those nice leg-pocket backpacks I've used throughout the force they just had to go.
I only used them as I'd ran out of infiltrator pockets at the time.
I think they just show their age these days. I mean even the mkiv version of these pockets from the 30k plastics are a much crisper, slimmer and cleaner sculpt than the old third ed pastics and as asuch are a much better match for the infiltrator pockets I've been using.
even still, I won't be using too many of those either as I managed to get a load more infiltrator ones from craig over at bitzbox and a further bunch from ebay too so I'm all stocked up now.
I have used other stuff true, a pair of marine 'triplet' pockets of the same sprue still makes a nice alternative, true but is nowhere near as ugly as the large double pocket...
The heavy intercessor and standard intercessor pockets are of course a perfect match but then they would be ;)
funny aint it. I bet most of the rest of you didn't even give them a second thought, have you? but its been bugging me since i firs painted them... LOL
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #57 on: October 11, 2021, 08:40:29 PM »
Nice chunky grimy stuff as always. <3
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2021, 02:33:29 PM »
DAMN! I've missed a lot of updates.  :o

Not sure what to comment on.... The Plasma? The Bombard? The Drill? It's all awesome, Damn you!

Keep up the sterling work ;D

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #59 on: October 26, 2021, 03:40:39 PM »
thanks, will do buddy!

bit dry on here of late, but rest assured, I have been doing stuff here and there...
I just haven't taken any pics till now...

another two riflemen.
one on guard and another with the obligitory grenade chucking pose every infantry squad always has.
In truth I'm not at all happy with that pose (the running legs perhaps?)
But, meh, its those ten infantry done, now, anyhow...

yes an IG army needs more than four of those squads, minimum to be any good but this is a painting and modelling collection of a few select units, not a gaming force.
consider each squad an example of what would be in a full army...
yes, I'll try to make each unit legal and playable in its own right, sure.
I think its fine to go modelling extras and optional models that can be swapped out for different eapon load-outs etc... (like the company command squad; so far that has seven models that can be swapped about to make the five man team in different configurations)
but, look, its got to have some caveats to keep it centred in some sense. otherwise it would just be a bunch of disperate, yet cool models that make no sense, and that would break my ocd's reign of terror!
but yeah. I'd rather be painting different and interesting units tbh...
Put it this way, If I'm never to game with it, why would I waste time painting a bunch of boring infantry over and over again when there's more exciting units and characters awaiting in the wings..?

such as the platoon command squad:

platoon command medic.

the platoon command Lt

these two are part of the same squad.
note the aforementioned colour coded helmet detail colour designation, white/red for medic and green/bronze for lieutenant...
In this squad also goes the first-sgt with the knuckleduster.
oh, and the sniper and grenade launcher guys that I'm yet to get done...
perhaps those two next?

and then, for something completely different, theres this:

I figured as my company command squad is made up of those bebbanburg commandos that share a few likenesses with the elysian droptroops, (bullpup lasgun carbines etc...) twas a good enough excuse to get myself one of these lovely rotary mortars from anvil.
a damn fine proxy for the accatran pattern auto-mortar, no?
I decided on a simple 25mm base so I can technically choose to run it with any squad I choose.
So why not 50mm like the other heavies? I run those the same way?
well in truth I'd none of those 50mm left but also, I rather like how it enforces the smaller, compact staure of the launcher.
hell, its almost 'cute!' if mortars can even be called cute that is?
its squat compact nature makes me tink of a tiny, baby bomard!
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