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Author Topic: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)  (Read 12871 times)

Offline horizon

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Excellent work yet again. The shield looks ace

Offline osjclatchford

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thanks man!

got the other two big-un's done at last...

obligitory groupshot:

those sculpted lenses on the eyes came out pretty good once painted...

here's a little objective marker I've done to represent a landmine being uncovered...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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here's the Filey Drop-troop's company commander:

this star spangled man has a plan.
most likely involving a lot of heretic pummeling...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Meet Flight Lt Jasmine Mitchell.
Filey Droptroop Pilot.

"Lt Jasmine "jazzy" Mitchel has flown more Classifications of Imperial vessels than you've had hot dinners.
If they could get a washing machine to fly, Our Jazzy could land it..."

Captain Roger Stevens, Filey 42nd company commander at the Commissarial compentence review, following the incident on Rurer

So, as you can see I've another character done.
and yes! its not just beige brown and green again!

yup, after the outright fun of the eye watering Mariella Danbury colurscheme followed by the patriotic red/white/blue fervour of Cpt Roger Stevens scheme I've finally found my love for colour!
(damn, still got 15 drab guys to get done yet...)
this time I went for orange; as an obvious reference to the StarWars X-wing jumpsuits.
Its worked a treat and was the perfect way to sell a pilot model with a bit of life to it!   
the model is (of course) Anvil and comes from the drop-trooper range, making her the ideal mini to fit in with the Filey 42nd.
The pose is just great, the wind in her hair and all that, purest 80's cheese, I love it!

and yes...she feels the need...
« Last Edit: June 11, 2022, 03:10:36 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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A new job for me starts tomorrow so it looks as though I may have less time to paint inthe coming weeks.

however I got these done today:

[size=18]Florin sump-rats[/size]
Like their necromundan cousins, the sump rats of Florin are indeed rodents of unusual size.
however, their domesticated nature means that thier genetic stock is much more stable than other wild sump-rats, not being exposed to hazardous waste or radioactive reactors.
On Florin they are mostly bred as pets for the wealthy and are considered status symbols amongst the arisocracy, easily trained to perform tricks...
However, never ones to pass up an advantage on the battlefield, the regiments of the Eoforwich system have trained these rodents to be extremely capable and accurate mine and other IED dectectors. thier small, light bodies allowing them to enter minefields and unstable structures without fear of detonating pressure sensitve devices.
These pair have been kitted out with explosive vests and trained to find the weak spots in enemy veicles and fortifications, whereupon they schluff off the vests and return to their handeler, the explosives detonated at a safe distance.
sneaky and underhanded, yes, but absolutely effective...

yup, Anvil again. blinding models. really full of character the other two are up for grabs if any of you folks are interested (the one with the artillery shell and jerry can)
the bases are 20mm and come from another game system (clue I believe)
the eyes on the one without goggles look better in the flesh. it's black gloss so it looks odd in the pics what with the light and all that but its fineon the real-deal... just have to rust me on that...

wish me luck for tomorrow!
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Offline horizon

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Good luck!

Cpt America is great!  The small creature as well. Almost kinda a shame you are hiding your blog in this obscure little forum. ;)

Offline osjclatchford

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cheers H!
technically its both here and dakkadakka forums so its getting more airtime than you might think... ;)


well, ok, that was technically last sunday but what can I say?, I've been busy.

well what would you have it, my Mrs. sneakily decided to pop over to victoria miniatures and get me couple of treats:

Lt. Bryce, tank commander:

I've been after this mini for a few years now...
vikky's sculpt on this is a really detailed mini. its funny but it has a real different feel when painting it to anvil's stuff.
don't get me wrong, its detailed as hell, and fits in seamlessly with the other minis in my collection thus far, but it has a certain hand sculpted almost best-part-of-third-edition's slightly exaggerated almost cartoonesque feel that not only helps get character across but is also just right up my nostalgia alley!
The model makes me think of Jennit Sulla from the Ciaphas Cain novel series.
Its just as I imagine her looking, sticking out of her command Chimera hatch!

she's to go on an upcoming vehilcle for the 39th, alonside these:

which will also be on it, but more on that later...

Now, there's also another mini from vikky but he's awaiting some finishing converting touches and a paint-job and I don't want to spoil the surprise!
you'll just have to wait and see on him...

anyway finishing her off got me in the mood for more third edition styled shenaningans so I've also painted this guy I picked up on-the-cheap from ebay too:

meet private Jackson of the Filey droptroops...

This is the third one of this last-chancer model I've painted over the years and although I'd not say its my favourite ever third edition guardsman, its definately the best guardsman sniper model GW has ever done IMHO.
Its just such a great fit for any army and no matter what coloursceme or skill-level I paint it in, I'm always satisfied by the end result...
this time I painted the leaves on his scrim in a mix of not only green but also some dead colours too to match the oak litter on all my bases...

I just love how the massively oversized rifle looks as though its easily capable of taking out an astartes from, like, half a mile away in a single shot!
I may yet convert some others to go with this one (3 spotters and 2 more snipers to make a six man team), most likey from anvil minis but with gs scrim/netting and converted 3rd edition style sniperrifles and the ammo-on-the-fatiges details to match. but we'll just have to wait and see on that. I've a LOT to get done first before that would even happen...   
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Inspired by the model of the rogue trader Mariella Danbury I did a while back, My wife has written up a short story based on Lady Danbury's adventures and set it in an appropriately grim and dark future sci fi world, which may or may not have similarites to other sci-fi worlds living or dead...
Its not without it's humor though as you'll no doubt notice from the title alone!
Its also a loveletter to all other good sci fi we all know and love from the 80's and 90's, so do go check it out here:
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Offline Lord Borak

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I've been away for too long and there's too much to comment on. But this stuff is great!! Especially the Captain-Cadia character.

Bet you're wallet will cry a bit when the new guard stuff hits ;)

Offline osjclatchford

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thanks LordB.

in truth Im not that enamoured by gw's latest guard leaks tbh...

Im all about the anvil stuff these days...
that might change when i see more though... ;)
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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So, yeah its been a while I know, but between work and weather I've been busy as hell...

anyway, had a few moments this afternoon so took the time to do the final bebbanburg commando:

as you can see this is the one with the ksg shotgun. I did it with what would be a faux-wood stock, kinda akin to this paintjob done on this real-world ksg:

the shells on the back come from the deathwatch sprue and the torso is a fatigue one rather than a greatcoat one. simply because thats all I had left at the time, LOL!
as I used one of the not-gasmask heads I elected to add the mask to the waist, this time alongside an enforcer's grenade, for a bit of speciality.
I wanted this guy to look like a veteran after-all...

this marks the last of the 39th as far as I'm concerned...
so don't look here for more minis in peadot camo any more :(

but the 42nd are still going strong! I will get on with those guys soon as I can, folks, so its not the end of the thread by any means.
also got vehicles etc to do too, so yeah, just the 39th I'm done with for now...
bit of a relief to not have to paint any more bloody peadot camo! LOL
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Offline horizon

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thank you!

here's another character for the filey 42nd today,

Sergeant Barney 'Plucky' Jameson.
Lifelong friends with Captain Stevens since childhood, back on Filey Secondus and now his 1st sgt, Plucky is with Cap to the end of the line...

yup, its Vikky Lamb's colonel Ash 'Ironside' mini.
I swapped out the right arm for an anvil-industries one with the addition of a shotgun from the atalan jackals set, simply because it was better quality casting than on the one that came with the kit...

here he is alongside his old bud, Cap;

only took a couple of hours. came out rather well tbh...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)
« Reply #133 on: September 04, 2022, 10:14:06 AM »
today I've got the first of my Filey Droptroop Stormtroopers done:

Sgt. Hayes

as you can see, he's packed with detail, referencing not only the kasrkin and original 3rd ed stormtroopers but also the regular filey droptroops I've done before.
the straps on his augmented drop-boots were a particular cowson to highlight! LOL
again, the brass knuckes were taken from a bloodbowl mini...

here he is alonside the regular trooper.
the augmented boots give a chunky, up-armoured look yet obviously sell the idea of a more specialist droptrooper.
The helmet is similar enough in design to be kin, yet, with the blastshield, a great visual tie-in to the 3rd ed st's.
The mass of kit is also very stormtrooper.
the chunkier armour and that also helps.
What I mean is if the regular filey trooper is cadian, then this is the kasrkin to his cadian...

as the forum appears broken at the moment (cant reply to any topic!) Ive had to edit this old post to show you new stuff!

But damn, if its not been hard to get too enthused on this project recently...

anyway, heres another guardsmen:

A droptroop Corporal.

You can see that I, again, made up another backpack on this one, like on the stormtrooper sgt.
In place of the chute/bedroll I went for the pouch/cup combo accessory and then added a gs scarf so as to put the camo pattern on him that way...
he also uses the entrenching tool as opposed to a bootknife, just to add a little more character to him.
in games terms, he's just another guardsmen, but I like the idea of having corporals as well as sgt's so that the squad can split into two fireteams as wanted. Just a bit of flavour for the droptroops that differs them from the 39th. 
of course, I had to do the tin-cup in white/blue enamel... ;)

« Last Edit: September 24, 2022, 09:55:59 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)
« Reply #134 on: December 28, 2022, 08:23:09 PM »
so. I got hold of the cadian shocktroop sprue...
should have listened to my gut instinct before I did...

the dreaded scale issue is exactly as I feared. they tower over my filey and eoforwich guard by a good head and a half.

seriously GW, why truescale the marines with primaris and then make everything else bigger too?

I only bought these as I was assured that they are the same scale as the orignals too, ARGH! its annoying...

I shall try to keep the rant to a minimum but I will say this too; take a good, hard, long-old look at the models on the box. because thats what you're building. I honestly think its designed specifically to make conversion very very tireslomely difficult.
headswaps aside.
thats one thing that will be easy and espescially with the anvil stuff as the heads and sockets share the ball/socket joint design...
I cant help but wonder if this is part of a gw plan to release resin upgrade headswaps like the HH marines kits or if its just so you can use the multitude of heads across the new cadian range on essentially any cadian mini.

the gear/nades etc... is indeed all modelled on as the sprue pics showed and the scale of the gubbins (bottles, pockets etc...) versus the minis is more akin to boltaction mini's truescale than gw's somewhat comicly scaled stuff of old.
some might be pleased with this but, again, I find myself dissapointed to see the character of imperial guard being lost, I'll admit its cartoonesque but its how evrything in 40k has been for years.
even the new DKOK didnt stray from this too far.

its essentially resulted in a bunch of models that are somewhat at odds with a lot of the other human-scaled minis in the 40k range.
seriously, go put a gs-cult guy next to the new cadians. He's very short, no..?
the kasrkins are even worse, being more like the palanite enforcer scale but thats another issue entirely and one I've more than bored you all with before now.

I used one thing from it. thats all:

The grenade launcher was just the thing to improve the one I had in my squad (formerly using the dkok one) I found I rather liked the chunkier look and decided to also add the old "spare drum" pocket from the old cadian sprue but only had an old painted one. worry ye not it'll look fine painted. (FYI this no longer exists on the the new sprue so go get them wile you can before the old sprue is likely gone forever... unless they keep them for generic/non cadian who knows?)
the backpack is from the atalan jackals and is just an excuse for a chunky backpack to match the overall big-ol-lump this model has become. It makes him stand out more from the rank and file, which is nice as the dkok breach loader he had before was a little too subtle for my liking...   

Look, you know I'm an experianced modeller and in truth, I could make it work. but why would I bother spending all that money and time gs-ing the the livng daylights out of bad joins and repairing cut-off sections when I could simply buy stuff from anvil that's already the right design, more importantly the right scale and, of course its 100% poseable already, then just add the kit and nades and pockets where I want it anyway...
aside from raiding GW sprues for specific 40k bits (like the dkok lasguns/backpacks marine pockets/grenades) I'm thinking it's anvil or bust for me where guard are concerned now...

oh yeah, talking of anvil theres this too to show:

a wip character for the FDT...

for those interested, I think I shall be selling the remains of the sprue (minus its nade-launcher obviously). I know I could use more from it but I'm so dissapointed and ashamed to think I bought into the hype that everytime I peruse it to come up with something I just put the sprue away again five minutes later.

I'll wait till I get paint on stuff again before showing more methinks...
thanks again for all the support folks!
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