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Author Topic: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps/Filey 42nd Droptroops (IG army project)  (Read 12871 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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The 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps.

Its no surprise to anyone who's followed my work that I love guard armies.
My last one (the 111st royston rifles) was an experiment in simple basecoat and wash/highlight painting on highly converted models.
I think it worked out pretty good all told.
looking back at it now I can see that although intended to be a generic go-to guard army with ties to classic cadians, steel legion, dkok, elysian droptroops and a fair degree of idea poaching from everyone's favourite rubricist, a certain mr Apologist, all in one army, it does indeed reference all these but to an effect that washes out a specific regimental style in a sea of mixed-weapons, armour and a lot of flectarn fatigues...
And in truth, although t'was indeed intended as a quick-job paint scheme, I know can do far, far better with very little extra effort as far as painting is concerned these days.
my carcharodons are slowly reaching a natural end as far as the project is concerned, I've touched on pretty much all the originaly intended things I wanted to cover in the project; better-scaled marines in various armour marks, rt inspired reiver beakies, palanite scouts, better bikes and classic rhino and of course the current project of the heavy intercessor termies, all with the classic retro and rogue trader and second edition references within. 
my planned fallen angels have hit a dead end creatively and I may or may not return to this as time goes on.

so what to do next then?

more guard of course!

I figured I would choose a single aspect/design-cue and stick to it more solidly this time round.
Also, its a perfect opportunity to utilise all the new techniques and skills I've sharpened up on since doing the sharks and the fallen one, mixing it in with what I did on the 111st RR's and see whats occuring.
so I needed a theme and went for the grimest-of-the-grim trench-warfare setting as this meant, with clever stylings, the army could be used as loyalist or rebellious guard depending on how I was feeling at the time and whomsoever my opponent may be...

so dkok then?
HA! don't make me laugh bitterly...
I know I said I just got a new job but it doesn't pay THAT much LOL. who's does!?
no seriously its indeed the perfect style but is rather overdone and in truth I've never been wowed by fw's resin quality on infantry if I'm honest. never got all the fuss.
still anvil on the other hand? yes please. the regiments range is a thing of beauty and it's interconnectivity makes it the obvious choice for avid converters.
I'm going to go for a simple short greatcoat and the brodie-helmet-gasmask heads as its a nice mix. I really dig (pun intended) the british look it gives, a design cue that gw seem to have overlooked in the guard ranges over the years.
think about it;
steel legion - ww2 german paratroops
dkok - ww1 french/german hybrids
cadians (classic metal)  - ww2 us troops (the plastic ones are clearly starship trooper inspired)
catachan - nam/predator muscle-men?
valhallan - ww2 soviet
mordian - traffic wardens? ;)

look, I could go on but you get the point I'm sure...

anyway this:

will be the generic troop look.
I will be adding lots of kit and trench warfare stuff from gw though. same for the weapons these will be imperial and a few bits from the gsc range (not as much as the 111st did though, just sgts and officers). I'll be adding subterainian excavation kit as I did on my royston rifles engineers but instead of having explicit engineers units  within the army I'm going for a simple riflemen's company that instead has trench/sapper design elements across the board.
due partly to the fact that ive just been informed by one of my new colegues that gw have pretty much ditched all/many of the specialist dkok units over to 'legend' units. making future game support somewhat unlikely. considering how long its likely for me to take to get anything playable sized on this project thats not a good start so I'm playing it safe and keepiing it simple. just as with the space-sharks...

the colourscheme will not exclusively reflect british ww2 though. thats where I'll be taking a bit from the germans again...
another idea for this army is to only use current paints in the citadel range, allowing for dead paints to be easily replaced as the project continues.
as I've not got the resin yet (hell, its not even on order yet!), and to make this opening post more than just a mass of rambling text, Ive dug out an old steel legion I had unpainted and given the scheme a dry run:

as you can see I've gone for the classic muted greens and browns you expect from guard but in more detail and coherance than I've ever managed to conjour up before on a guard mini.
instead of the boring old plain kahki fatigues of the british trencher's I've elected to go for germanic camo scheme again, this time pea-dot not flectarn.
flectarn was great for the other army as it is tecnically a more modern camo but has a retro feel to it that suited the loose theme of the royston boys that would swing violently between ww2 and modern warfare in the minitures among the squads.
this time I wanted a dowdier brown scheme with accents of green, not t'other way round and as such peadot is ideal.
the colours are simple.
here's a basic lowdown on the process for those wanting to emulate it.

base the coat in steel legion drab. (how appropriate, eh?)
then it time to go dotty, equally dot over the basecoat with the following paints, overlapping and joining some dots together into coudly blobs as you progress, keep the paint as thin as you would for highlighting, you want colour not texture ;):
deathworld forest (this will hardly show at this stage but is needed for variation later on, its why we do it first as its easily overlooked when applying it)
Waaagh flesh
Loren forest
cadian fleshtone (yes you read that right, trust me go look at real pea-dot if you dont belive me)
abaddon black

now, you want to grab some zandri dust and highlight all the edges and creases going over the camo too as if its all just the same plain steel legion drab underneath.
also add some areas of scratches and weathering around collars, cuffs, elbows and pocket areas too, try to keep the scratches +/- going in the same direction in bunches.
this is to emulate the fabric wear that has rubbed the camo-stain away somewhat, revealing the plain kahki material neath it.

yes, I am aware that I've asked you to highlight the thing before you've even washed it. this is intentional so while you're at it, 
base the helmet (and any other armour areas on another model) in waaagh flesh and highlight/chip/scratch it with loren forest followed by a lighter highlight of deathworld forest.
the mask is basecoated loren forest and highlighted with deathworld forest and deathguard green.
the bedroll (or some larger pockets or "soft" kit if you want on another model) is castellan green highlighted with deathworld forest and deathguard green

brown leather
(this can be applied two different ways across a mini and is ideal for belts pockets and holsters too, feel free to swap this about across the army. it won't effect the overall unified look. but will add some contrast and character to induvidual models)
on this one, the light leather on the main belt and webbing is done with mournfang brown highlighted/scratched with steellegion drab and zandri dust.
the dark leather on the gloves and gogglestrap is done with rhinox hide also highlighted/scratched with steellegion drab and zandri dust.
the grey plastic/bakelite grips on knives and pistolgrips/stocks etc are done with skavenblight dinge highlighted with mechanicus standard grey and dawnstone.
do the same greys on the trou. or if you prefer you could also do the trousers as the bedroll was painted if you prefer green to grey... both work fine as far as the scheme goes.
the black leather on the boots are simple abaddon black base with highlights and scratches in skavenblight dinge followed by mechanicus standard grey and dawnstone to the top edges only. from the bottom up drybrush rhinox hide to emulate mud/filth.
metal-work is simple 50/50 leadbelcher/abaddon black base. folowed by nuln oil wash (gun only, leave the buckles and goggle-rims etc for now)
flesh is simple ratskin flesh base, follwed by a second base of cadian fleshtone. then pick out the eyes using asministratum grey and abaddon black and highlight the skin with cadian fleshtone mixed with a little white incrementally to taste.
the shoulder badge is abaddon black with a simple skavenblight dinge highlight for the disc, the lightning bolt is just a simple base of mephiston red. thats all

the highlights might look plenty odd at this stage. do not fret. the next step is the magic one.

now wash the entire thing (minus gun) in 70/30 agrax earthshade nuln oil wash
(this is not really a true ratio of what I use I actually use 2.5ml of nuln oil put in a 24ml agrax earthshade pot. what ratio is that anyway? I'm a complete spaz with maths and ratios. anyway thats what I use all the time for this so I always have a pot pre-mixed. In fact, I never use agrax on its own anymore... this was the closest I could get to devlan mud using the current citadel range)
once dry the highlights will have blended everso gently with the undercoats and bases creating a beautiful transition between the two.
now you can simply go back over any bits you want to re highlight with the final highlight colour used from each stage respectively.
this is especially vital of the highlight and weathering on the jacket with the zandri dust.
this time around you can do it everso more slightly than before, the neat highlight colour appearing as an even lighter colour on itself in the wake of the heavy wash phase.
simply highlight the lightning bolt on the badge with plain mephiston red over itself again.
use neat leadbealcher (I've used boltgun metal here, but I've lodas of that left but leadbelcher would be fine) to chip and highlight the metalwork.
while you're at this, you can also feel free to add some tiny metal scratches to the helmet or other amour edges as you see fit but I've not on this one.
abaddon black the goggle lenses and go over them in high gloss varnish.
base of choice and he's done!
I'll admit now the base on this was an afterthought, I'd much rather have done the bases with greenstuff soil with cork rocks and crackle effects and all that as on my space sharks but this was only ever a test mini so this simple flock, leaf and grass was all he'll get.
metalwork is a bit lacklustre too but as I say, this was not the focus on this model... its all about nailing the other parts of the scheme.
the next lot in resin will be better, I'm sure!

so more soon?

I sure hope so or making this whole thread was a real waste of time LOL

« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 08:57:54 AM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2021, 12:25:15 PM »
Egads, ANOTHER project.......  ::)

Really looking forward to this. Those Anvil models are really nice. It's taking me some serious will power NOT to do a google search on them right now. I have enough Titans to keep me going for a LONG while yet.

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2021, 04:46:58 PM »
So my first batch of stuff from anvil arrived and I decided to get stuck into the project.
Did I stick to what I said and create a nice even squad of riflemen in the appropriate uniforms with the appropriate kit?
did I, funt!
hell no, at the advice of my surpervisor at work, I went straight in for kill-team-esque harden veteran squad.
I had been chatting with him about my intentions and he was convinced, looking at my previous endeavours, that I'd get bored or tied down in misery with reams of infantry with no narrative behind the models.
he reminded me the beauty of kill-team squads is that you can condense and coaless all of those ideas for the army all in one squad. Allowing for higher quality and less quantity.
I took this idea on board some, going for an initial five man hardened veteran squad, armed and kitted out with appropriately trench-fightery stuff.
this way if I still felt like doing more after, I still can.
A descision also made more vital after the idiocy of forgeting to order rifles to go on the models I'd already ordered, DOH!
I figured I'd cobble something together then remembered the sprues and stuff I had left over from the royston-rifles project coupled with the palanites and gsc atalan jackals gear left over from the space-shark-scouts...
looking at the gsc leftovers I had loads of stuff I could use for that industrial/trench theme I so wanted on the backpacks and kit.
also the the pump-shotgun from the bikes was a must as it just screams ww1/ww2 trenchgun...
so first up:

Ive decided to adopt the little trick of altering the 'ground' on the base to emphasize the desired pose somewhat as I did on the heavy intercessor/termies I had recently completed. I've found it works real-well on guard, better than I'd thought it would to be honest.
the first of the two has the aforementioned gsc-atalan-jackal shotgun, the backpack is an ogryn pouch with a pickaxe head from the ig tank sprue grafted to a goliath grenade shaft. the smallpocket/bullets are from the dw sprue and the grenade can be found from orlocks or the stormtrooper kit.
The second has the gsc crowbar from the bikers and, as it looked kinda huge, I went for a two handed pose with some real menace.
as he was now unable to hold a gun, I chose the biker bag with the pump-shotty in it, shaving and re-sculpting the bag with a knife to remove the embossed cult icon.
the dagger is cadian.

the obligitory breach loading grenade launcher. yes, although a staple of the vietnam conflict era, the dkok range has made this fit in to the early industrial-war setting with ease. Who was I to argue? 
Again pillaging the gsc-bikers sprue, this was was carefully trimmed to blend the muzzleguard and the body to the stock of an anvil rifle arm-set.
Its about 40% bigger than the anvil breach-loader but I rather like that. it makes it feel more like official gw guard than 3rd party, and thats the intent on these... the backpack is predominantly a heavy intercessor pocket-bundle with a cadian knife and grenade added. the bandolier of grenades are a trimmed down set of 'shells' from the ogryn sprue. (I'd used the gsc ones on one of my heavy intercessors and although I had anvil nades they looked tiny!)

So next I decided to tackle the rifle issue.
I had a few nihilis lassers from the van-saar kit knocking about and thought of those.
using the mag assembly of a standard lasgun (cadian,catachan whatever) on it's side attached to the anvil rifle arms stock, then simply graft the nihilis on that, creating a lookalike to the german fg42 paratroop rifle (or sten if you prefer) that also has the sideways mag variation.
In truth it worked excellently but felt far too large and also far too high-tech for my liking.
I figured I needed a simple rifle look not too far away from the dkok's long rifle. but I wanted something with a lot of wood on it, surrounding the barrel more.
I should have got some of the bolt-action rifles from anvil as they are ideal proxies for a lee-enfield or the like, with a bit of tweaking could look ideal.

I imagine this working as a semi auto-rifle with the bolt mechanism working to release the mag...
(I will be doing this once my second anvil delivery arrives, I've ordered in dribs and drabs as my ebay sales are the exclusive revenue for this project at present, so If I don't sell, I can't buy)
why not use the anvil phase carbines? well In truth its too 'third party' looking.
All imperial official lasguns in gw's 40k ranges have the same muzzle and magazine style despite the other changes to stock, etc. so I figured to get this to look how I want it, like an official gw regiment, using the standard mag and muzzle is a make or break caveat. end of.
that will cost me I'm sure but is vital for the effect I'm after.

so then, what to do with all the nihilis ones?
well I discovered I had also some victoria lamb leg sets left over as well as some anvil heavyarmour torsos...

perfect to represent some Storm-Troopers!
essentially a superior remake of the royston rifles 'dark-eyes' grenadiers, these would allow me to use up the heavy torsos, vikky lamb legs and the nihilis lassers as hotshot rifles. they'll look a lot more high tech and chunkier than the regular rifles and as such perfect for the role.
the lighter fatigues on the legs instead of greatcoat suggest that the guys need more mobility and speed, approprate for shock-troops and the heavy torsos are the ideal representation of carapace armour.
this is also the perfect place to use the brodie heads without gasmasks on the sprue up too as the respirators are too long to fit within the gorget of the armour.
all greatstuff.
simple cadian grenade and intercessor pocket completed the look of "travel-light, move fast".
Looking at them now they are so reminiscent of 'the phantom's' personal guard from 'the league of extaordinary gentlemen'.
thats another plus too. the quazi-steam-punk setting of that movie is +/- exactly what I'm gong for anyway so thats a bonus!
I figured a squad like that would need a hard-ass leader. step up the veteran-sergeant:

Using the gsc axe from the bikers was a great way of showing a powerweapon thats a little more archaic looking and a less 'showy'.
The bare head is from the FW cadian upgrade sprue (had that for an age, first chance Ive had to use it as its rather small tbh), as I'd used this I simply stowed his lid across his back.
The hotshot laspistol is an old reclaimed laspistol (already painted) with a bit of rod added to add the hell-gun look I wanted.
flash-bang nades are from the palanites set.
god I'm at it again, aren't I look at how much he is posing up a storm! (pun intended) bad habits picked up from the space-sharks methinks!

But its not it yet, I was looking at the atalan jackals sprue again and relised I potentially had the perfect use for the wolfquad!

an ammo-runner's atv!
Ive used all manner of imperial guard nades and pockets etc to kit it out as supply runner's quad.
the idea being that this baby, runs back and forth along the trench edges (friendly side, of course!), dropping off ammo and supplies to the riflemen on the line where needed and going back to pick up more from the armoury-store.
note the added mud and filth that will, of course, be added to at the paint stage.
there will not be a rider. This is intended as an objective marker really but will most likely be just as fun to paint as it was to build!
and yes, I'm aware of the irony of having a grenade-belt across the engine-block and a fire-extinguiser not six inches away on the front mud-guard. lol ;)

So thats all at the minute as I'm waiting on more stuff from anvil to get more done... yes, incuding some rifles.
will probably be building more before the painting actually starts but I figured I should share something now anyway, just so you know this project didn't suffer the same fate as my fallen angels...

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2021, 07:56:44 PM »
Really nice conversions, the teddy bear is an exceptional addition in my opinion.

I look forward to seeing more of this thread.


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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2021, 12:14:08 PM »
thanks bh...

Big guns never tire...

yes, for a change I decided to do some armour.
I had always planned to have some artillery pieces in the 39th, then remembered that I'd still not done that bomard conversion that I've had sat in a box, unloved, for over 12 years now!

made out of the left-over bits from the valkerie (the one that I turned into an F302 in my royston rifles thread), an old leman russ and a bunch of plumbing junk and an extensive bitzbox.

A good excuse to test out the armour/artillery colourscheme for the 39thers...

as you can see I've gone for a skavenblight dinge basecoat and black wash, then I've done the edge-highlight as on my green tanks but this time updating the detail to utilize the techniques I developed doing the carcharodons, the chips and dink additons.
then instead  of further highlighting, Ive done a second layer of 'highlights' in metal.
then Ive washed the recesses with watered steellegiondrab as this makes a great dust/rust/grime effect without going too far.
I did this first on my f302 and then again on my scout bikers. So I knew it should work.
drybrushing the bottom and tracks with rhinoxhide finished the filthy trencher look I wanted...

here's a close-up of the 'interior' details behind the doors (twas one of the old russ kits with the seperate wheels etc...
as most of the deck (made from the back ramp of the valk) is taken up with the immense gun*, including the rear access, the engines must be under the gundeck and in the tank's sides, as on a chimera or basilisk. as such I turned the sponsons into exhaust sections and added some appropriately shaped pipes to match those found on a FW DKOK centaur artillery tractor:

Even though I don'y own any of these I felt It looked fitting this way. Good rule is to match as much to existing gw lits as possible after all...

*the gun, is, in turn, made from the flight-stand mount and side doors of the valk, with plumbing fittings, a big penlid and bits of the valk missile pod, supported by ig tank-sprue ram joists all held together with the earthshaker pivots. the two bits on top are from the russ exhausts, therefore referencing not only the official FW bomard model, but also the old epic one. shown here in one of kevan downey's conversions:

which is a HUGE influence on this one. as are all of his conversions on all of mine. he's truly a tread-head legend...

the extended driver's compartment is made from a cut down dewalt driver bit box:

and is unfortunately very wonky. this thing must have warped over time in the box I've had it in for so long...
meh, nonetheless it shows not in these angled shots and I can live with it by saying its the stresses of the gun or that she took a hell of a hit in the past or whatever. its no biggie really.

the rear out-rigger is just tankguards on a dozer ram.
also the shell-loading mech is an old white-metal ork stormboy backpack, mounted on a trackguard with stowage doors from a landspeeder, all mounted on a dozer-ram strut.

the observant among you will notice the camera-sight and winch from the vindicator sprue, the second of these modified a bit of an IG tow cable. this old girl gets stuck in the mud very easily, needing to be tugged out more often than not, another possible reason for the hull warpage? ;)
also borrowed from the speeder sprues are the hop-up steps on the rear, alongside the screen from a marine bike as a pickup for the fore-end camera-feed and a console from the valk as a controle-panel.
the little lamp on the front is from a apothacary backpack and the hatch is also astartes. (I just love the detailed look of these hatches).
the 'interior' details inside the tracked section's little doors are bits of the interior of the valk, plus another marine bike screen in there too...

afaik the rest is basic imperial guard vehicle sprue stuff or scratchbuilt from plasticard or cardboard.

this was real fun to build and just as much fun to paint...

will definately use this colourscheme on the artillery pieces in the army...

what now?
some actual guardsmen next!

...about time I know...

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2021, 06:31:27 PM »
The old Guard Tanks were such better kits than the new ones. The separate wheels/tracks made for so much more conversions. Plus........ I think they're detailed better and look better. But maybe I'm just a die hard?

Great conversions, and pant job. As always lol.

*sigh* I miss playing Guard. ::)

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2021, 11:28:38 AM »
cheers lordB.

yeah I miss the good(?) old days of playing with guard vehicles. this was a blast to do.
I'm a bit late to the party but just found out with some dispair that the vanaheim pattern griffon is gone from FW's online catalogue.
big sigh to that.
It had such lovely interior detail all the shells on the shelves and all that? class. such a shame.
replaced by the wyvern!?
its not even a proper model variant! its just a hydra with the barrels taken off... super-sigh...

no griffons
no salamanders
no centaur artillery tractors
no elysians
no point..?

what is fw doing?
come to that what is gw doing for guard these days?
cadia falls in the fluff and I think, great, time for a reboot of the 1996 catachan sprue and perhaps even a new guard set entirely that has short-greatcoat troops in it with head choices for either steellegion or valhallans. (a great idea, no?)
phase out the era of the starship-trooper clone cadian and go in a different direction for a while. rekindle the vast variations of guard we old players remember fondly.
NO. just a new head/weapon sprue that adds some ethnic and sexual variety so that 40k doesn't get slammed for some kind of predjudice. alright thats more than about time but one sprue? in a 20 year old box set (yes this surprised be too, it really has been 20 years since the cadians went from metal to plastic) thats beginning to show its age with its big hands and pudgy tater-faces...
bigest sigh yet...

yes they did just announce some gaunt ghost models (not as keen on these new ones, too much flappyness in the capes and annoying trees on bases for my taste, all a bit ott and overstated) that flat up replaces the ones released around the early 2000's? (i think, correct me if wrong). not a new boxed set. just the characters... ARGH! get it right GW lay off of necromunda for a bit and get those designers doing some guard kits with the same level of detail and characterisation oprtions as say, the orlock or palanite enforcer gang boxes...
that'd get the punters in.

thats why i've gone anvil. all the posability and compatibilty of a plastic cadian - without the plastic cadian... (you know what I mean I'm sure)...
« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 11:34:03 AM by osjclatchford »
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2021, 11:31:15 AM »
Is the guard even existent within current GW 40K. Remember when FW released the Death Korps of Krieg? That was a real big thing. But now it is shifting even further to Space Marines.

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2021, 11:37:25 AM »
yup seems so.
all good while the iron is hot but tis silly to cutoff the omnidirectional approach that gw has always used in the past... people do get bored of one thing eventually.
if it weren't the case I'd not have turned to anvil... thank god for them or I'd have just stopped after finishing the space sharks...
that'd be a shame.

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2021, 08:50:57 PM »
So, I bit the bullet today and did one of each of what Ive got built so far, one of the shotgun veterans and the grenadier sgt.

as you can see this guy is ready to science the shit out of heretics in the trenches...

with the stormtrooper sgt you can see i opted to change the pose some since last you saw him.
as a nice little reference to rtcw and where eagles dare, I've got him clutching the everso stealthy and secretive bunch of dynamite that oss agents used on covert ops... ;)
also with his hellpistol gone I opted to use a kroot pistol with a lasmuzzle grafted on to replicate the look of something more akin to a musket or sawn-off shotgun in looks, yet still a hotshot laspistol as far as wysiwyg.
I love its winchester-reloady/triggerguard bit and its chunky-ass, yet rounded wooden grip. much better and fits in with the whole full-stock look I'm going for with these...

I must apologise for the yellowish tint to these shots but light was poor at the time and I was rather eager to share, LOL
I hope you can see from these that these are at present the pinnacle of my painting prowess to date.
Ive utilized all Ive learnt doing both my last guard army and all ive learnt doing the spacesharks and thrown in a few new teqniques for good measure and I really feel this has paid off.
I will not be rushing this project, doing no more than two or three models at a time to prevent the usual sloppyness and rushing that is bound to happen otherwise when batch painting squads-worth of peadot camo!
so slow and steady wins the race on these...
more soon...ish :)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 08:58:19 PM by osjclatchford »
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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2021, 06:14:15 PM »
How do you paint stuff so fast????? And so well!   >:(  ::) They look great mate. Full of grit and character.

I've become bored with 40k as it has become very much Warhammer: Space Marines. The other races have basically been forgotten by GW and are essentially just target practice for marine armies now. Guard are such an awesome army and they have SO much potential but their models just look so tired and outdated now. I mean, seriously, how old are the Plastic Cadians now? 20? The Catachans even older!! And they never came close to the detail and awesomeness of the 2nd ED metals.

It makes games very "oh, another marine army".

Gripe over  ;D ::)

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2021, 08:18:53 AM »
thanks lordB!
speed is down tot he new painting method of highlights before wash. (still with just a few after to add a bit of zing etc...)
its changed my whole process.
and the quality is better, it creates a smoother transition between the highlight and base, letting you use some real severe contrast on the highlights you'd not normally use, due to the fact it gets blended afterwards. likewise, subtle highlights get apropriately washed out some, which is perfect for the general dirty trench theme I'm going for.
It wouldn't work for everything but is ideal for these resin models that have so much more defined detail.

as for the gripe, do feel free to! this is a safe-space for us old soak's that remember the good-old-days of the imperial guard!
the plastic cadians do look thier age, its true. but think of when they were released.
were you, like I just a little sad and dissapointed that they'd lost that sunday-morning-ww2-movie look to them in favour of the plastic mass-produced starship trooper look? to me they looked wrong from the off...
perhaps its just that the metal ones have such a resonance with those that collected them pre-plastics, i mean, in 96/97 when the plastic catachans were released and I saw them in WD I was impressed with what the perry twins had done. till I got my hands on a sprue... very very fudgy...

gah, I could wax lyrical till the cows come home but to be honest, if you want classic cadians today look no further than victoria-lamb's arcadians:

all the design aspects of the classic metal cadians, but with the detail and proportional scaling of a fw dkok, but with the posability and compatibility of a plastic cadian/catachan. 

just as compatible with any of the other guard she does, gw plastics are easy to fit/modify to them.
plus, theres anything from the anvil regiments range which is just as compatible.

why stick to gw when the third parties have us covered so well? tornaments? PAH! forget 'em...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2021, 06:06:05 PM »
Wow, those are nice!! I didn't even know they existed!!  :o Although, to be honest. I have about 250 of the metal cadians so....... I............ dont..............need....................those? Need and want are two completely different things though  ;)

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2021, 07:54:03 AM »
sell the metals, buy the resins... thats what I did...
once you've done so many metal cadians you've seen them all right?

these are such good quality I'd find it hard to go back now. the arcadian range whas where I got all the legs from in my royston rifles. these legs are also the ones i used on the stormtroopers in this army.

you can see that they have that nice gator details around the ankles and the general pleats and pockets of the trou are nice and crisp.

however, I'll warn you now that the arms (specifically the rifle-stock in-both-hands ones) can sometimes come very warped and miscast sometimes. One time I got quite a miscast set and the heads, torsos and arms were badly missaligned.
also the arms had a few air bubs in and the detail seemed a little too over-textured. you know what I mean? like the contrast is up too high and the recessess and edges are too extreme? I dunno. it looked odd and is something you see on forgeworld and finecast A LOT!
still,  that was some time ago now though and unless I'm wrong she uses new resin these days. it seems much more stable, but in truth I tend to lean toward's anvils arms and heads, just becuse they are a little bit more solid and less thin in places, such thinness is what leads to such miscasts I believe...
madrobot is another great place to go for similar stuff...
they have some nice rough-rider kits too! ;)
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: OSJC's 39th Eoforwich Pioneer Corps (IG army project)
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2021, 10:47:08 PM »
So, still no more guard painted...
Ive been rather busy of late but I have been scratchbuilding some bits for the artillery side of the force.
Yes, I know what you might be thinking; "eventually you might have some guard on your guard thread, right?"

the answer is yes, as I'm more than half way through painting the first batch of shotgun veterans I started...

however I was doing a rummage through an old box and found some unfinished and odd things I decided to work on as a bit of scatter terrain:

first up some 1:35 scale barrels (what we used to use back in the day for 40K terrain barrels as the old ones had ugly joins on the lids/bottoms/ and these dont...)

as you can see, they are a bit of an experiment in weathering effects. the centre one is done purely with paints, the left one also uses crackle and corrosion (gritty) technicals to added effect and the one with the embering timbers has both of these effects to show burnt and just a bit of rust around the bottom... I even used the crackle on the wood (previously a chip fork I believe) to make it look pre-burnt...

next is some tarped ammo crates.

these are made out of the ends of some cheap spirit levels from my old job. I added the brass etch eagle plates and the tarp is the old, watered pva on a coffee-house paper napkin ploy of old...(the coffee-house ones always seem to have a good tarpy texture)

finally I cut down a vindicator shell (I've had this for sometime now) to proxy as an earthshaker shell...

this one is a bit of a visual hint for one of the upcoming scratch-builds... I'll leave that to your imagination for now...  ;)

*Ive added some direct links below the images themselve because for some reason they re not showing for me on here...

** just uploaded them to google images for now... damn this with mediafire. why the hell have they disabled direct linking to images? madness...

***ah fuck! just found out that they are only visisble if you're a user logged into google... forget it...  use the links

**** signed upto imgBB. so should work now...
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 09:38:21 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC