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Author Topic: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion  (Read 4124 times)

Offline CyberShadow

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CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« on: October 19, 2020, 04:08:19 AM »

I have been slowly building a small Tau Commerce Protection Fleet. But I am not a huge fan of getting 3D printed the original designs. I would prefer to support mini companies that are making ship minis now. I have been using a mix of GZG Full Thrust and Startans Firestorm Armada. I felt that this gave me a nice mix of heavy industrial and more organic designs. But now, of course, Firestorm is dead, and so the ships have exploded to now about $100 for a large mini. I am looking for general ship design recommendations, but specifically I need a Custodian right now. Any and all suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
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Offline horizon

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 05:23:43 AM »
This one has been suggested before:
The Richelieu Class


cool to see you around :) and still busy with Battlefleet Gothic  8)

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2020, 03:18:49 PM »
Ha. I am always around.... lurking! I check this place daily. And I will never be far from BFG and Epic.

The FT carrier is nice. I dont know how I missed that. I think that I just did a search for 'dreadnought' and 'battleship'. But, damn, I wish GZG had more pictures of their stuff online. There are a few ships that have turned up now that are interesting. Thanks.

The Dropship is a great idea. I still have my Shaltari from the KS but no other fleets. That resistance battleship would work VERY well!

I will probably avoid the Aeronautica stuff..... mostly because I have a few assembled and awaiting both paint and play.

I was also looking at this, but I have no idea how big it is. Anyone got any idea?

My final option was to convert a 40K Piranha.... but thats more of a last choice idea!
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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2020, 04:07:50 PM »
Wow, that Mecha one is really cool.

If I look at another model from them, almost same prize:
it has these dimensions:
15.75 x 14.57 x 15.75 inches

which would be way to big for a Custodian.

But for the one you posted:
Under technical details:
10.16 x 7.62 x 7.62 cm; 18.14 Grams

which could be an option.

Good to read you are always there. In the cyber shadow.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 04:10:50 PM by horizon »

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2020, 08:27:33 AM »

This is what I am using so far as Tau proxy ships.

The Mecha ship is from Space Battleship Yamato, I think. I saw the dimensions on Amazon, but I think that those numbers describe the box that it comes in, for shipping purposes. But I did find a review of this one that listed it as 'between 4 and 5 inches', so that put its at 10-13cm. That's not bad, but my current Cruiser-equivalent minis are about 9cm long each, so it might not look big enough compared to them..... but that's something about the mini itself so I might pick one up just to check it out. I am sure I can find a use for it later even if I don't use it here.

The Dropfleet Destroyers are a bit small I think, but I will keep them in mind for the light cruiser ships of the Tau fleet later. I did ask some DFC players here and apparently Resistance Trident Battleship is around 15cm, depending on how you build it as there are a few options in the build. This might be a little big..... but I really like it, so I might just use it anyway. The rule of cool!  8)

I will keep looking around, but right now I will probably pick up the Mecha ship that I like and the DFC Trident Battleship you suggested and see how they feel in hand with the rest of my growing fleet.
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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2020, 10:00:04 AM »

Nice collection. (I have the same Aquan in my collection).

Make sure to post a comparision picture once the mecha one and DFC one arrive.

I really liked the movie Space Battleship Yamato :)

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2020, 03:26:15 AM »
The Aquan is my Protector..... the problem arises when I want a second one! But the CPF Fleet list must be the most complex list in the game, by far..... Any number of x, but less than y, one z for every 3 w types ships, Orca hooks can transport Wardens but Warden hooks cant transport Orcs.... I had to make a sheet of the various rules to keep track of what I can and cant take!

I have now ordered the Dropfleet Trident. I will get the Yamato ship a bit later. Pictures when I have them assembled with comparisons.
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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2020, 11:06:27 AM »

Have you checked the latest Tau rules?

If you are basing your fleet on what is known as the CPF (Forgeworld models) it isn't that difficult tbh.

One Custodian per full 750pts.

Protectors and Emissaries as you wish (same for the 'old' Merchant)

One Hero per one other cruiser (the same battlecruisers are picked in the Imperial battlefleet Armageddon fleet list).

Castellans as you wish
Wardens 1 per grav hook; but not on the 'old' vessels
Orca's 1 per grav hook; on old and new vessels.

I have one Aquan here :) pm me.

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2020, 03:43:14 AM »
I cant remember when I got my copy of the CPF, but I think it was in the last year so I guess its the latest version.

That's one BB for every 3 Cruisers. Any number of Emissaries or Merchants as long as there are more Emissaries, and one Protector for every two capital ships (not just Cruisers) and one Hero for every Emissary or Merchant, but there must be less than or equal (this time) the number of Protectors. One messenger for every 750 points, any number of Defenders or Castellans as long as there are less Defenders than Castellans, and Wardens and Orcas are limited by the number of hooks on the capital ships, but while Wardens can use Orca hooks, Orcas cant use Warden hooks....  :P Simple!
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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2020, 07:32:19 AM »
Ehm. No. That is an old version iirc.

From the FAQ2010 fleet list edition:

Your fleet may include any number of Explorer
battleships. Your fleet may include up to one
Custodian per FULL 750 points of Tau vessels.
Allied vessels don‟t count toward this total. For
example, a fleet that has at least 750 points of Tau
vessels in it may include a single Custodian. Fleets
of at least 1,500 points may include two Custodians.

Your fleet may include any number of Merchant,
Emissary or Protector class starships. It may also
include up to one Hero class starship for every other
type of capital ship in the fleet.

Your fleet may include up to one Messenger class
starship per 500 points.

Your fleet may include any number of Defender
and/or Castellan class starships.

You may not have more Orcas and Wardens than the
gravitic hook capacity of the fleet. Much of the cost
of these vessels is included in that of the parent ship.

And the Custodian & Emissary can only hook Wardens.

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2020, 03:23:42 AM »
Then I have no idea where I got my version of the rules. I will need to rewrite my list now.
Should we put these up as resources on this site, for clarity?
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Offline horizon

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2020, 07:51:41 AM »

You do not read sticky threads?  ;)

First thread of this subforum. All and everything rules related. Official rules, fan rules
, Archived rules. :) All nicely done.

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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2020, 03:14:31 AM »
Yeah. I just assumed that I had the most recent version. No problem.
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Re: CPF Tau (Custodian) Suggestion
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2020, 06:44:51 AM »
The cost of the Merchant Cruiser is inconsistent. In the main list, it is 105 points, but in the CPF list it is 95 points.... Which is correct?
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