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Author Topic: Rogue Trader Character ship  (Read 1647 times)

Offline connahr

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Rogue Trader Character ship
« on: June 11, 2020, 12:01:20 PM »
So I'm getting back into BFG a bit at the moment, specifically moving on with the Rogue Trader fleet i started a while ago. At the time me and some friends were playing a Rogue Trader campaign and I thought it might be fun to make our Ship with BFG rules based around the party to be the centre peice of the fleet.

The ship was a Lunar with Dorsal Lance, so I'd start with the the Armageddon Class Battle Cruiser as a base. Some of the things i'm thinking to add are already upgrades in BFG:XR

We had an Eldar Seer onboard, i beleive this is already an upgrade in BFG:XR
One of the party was a Tau fire warrior who maintained decent contacts with the Empire so, Tau Missiles instead of Torps
There was an Ork we accidently convereted to the Imperial creed and he was SUPER into it and had his own little group of fanatics,so maybe a boarding bonus?

Then comes the de-buff
One of the party (the ships senescal) was the secret 10th allinment, chaotic stupid with a tendency to do their own thing regadless. So i think a -1 to all Leadership rolls

theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure

Offline horizon

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2020, 09:26:44 PM »
Cool! Especially since you played Rogue Trader. You used Battlefleet Koronus as well?

As for the ship: go for it. +10% for each upgrade, minus 10% for the leadership. Plus orks cannot make the missiles boarding missiles. ;)

Offline connahr

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2020, 08:47:52 AM »
well the ork did lead a one ork boarding party of a nurgle ship, at one point standing on the roof of his fighter to swat plauge flies out of the way, how did he survive that? Faith in Da Emprah ov Ummiekind, and a desire to redeem himself for being a filthy ork.

cause he didn't survive i was thinking of dropping the ork element. Also might remove the usual optional rogue trader upgrades for some predetermined ones. Plan is for this to be the flagship of my rogue trader fleet.

I've been working on this at work seeing as it's so damm quiet, but i can't access the various rules (internet here has an issue with googledrive/dropbox) so i've not had a look at battlefleet Koronus
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 10:12:57 AM by connahr »
theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure

Offline horizon

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2020, 01:04:07 PM »
Cool Ork
so i've not had a look at battlefleet Koronus
Battlefleet Koronus was an expansion book to the Rogue Trader book from Fantasy Flight Games. You'll spot my name in the thanks. :)

Offline connahr

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2020, 03:44:27 PM »

sadly we didn't do much with the ships as our GM didn't really 'get' ships in 40k, or titans for that matter as he thought a volcano cannon shoot lava and a reaver would be able to blast apart a grounded grand cruiser in a matter of minutes.

Whilst withi little to do i'm also working on some linked BFG senarios loosley based on some WWII battles
theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure

Offline horizon

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2020, 10:19:13 AM »
Ah, the scared one. How a simple cruiser from BFG can wipe out an entire company of space marines is never fun. ;)

Cool about the scenarios.  Make sure to post these here!

Check out the Cold Passage scenario.

Offline connahr

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Re: Rogue Trader Character ship
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2020, 10:29:09 AM »
haha, i came across that one the other day whilst looking through old threads

Yeah i will do, so far i've done on based on part of the battle of Leyte and a Pearl harbour esq one
plan on doing:
another part of leyte
Midway or philipine sea
and battle of the rivier plate
need to do some more research before adapting others
theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure