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Author Topic: giant goes wild questions  (Read 1502 times)

Offline cjbennett22

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giant goes wild questions
« on: December 13, 2018, 04:31:47 PM »
per number 2...…..if the giants moves straight back towards his own table edge and goes through friendlies then he attacks the friendlies.  So once it makes contact do you then use the normal rules to "charge"?  you would have to determine front or flank or rear, then turn the giant and move it to make contact center to center right?  is that the intention?

per number 4...….he goes straight 20cm and confuses friendlies.  what if he touches the enemy?  the giant is bound to run into an enemy unit just the same but does he go through them the same way or does he "charge"?
if he "charges", then does he automatically adjust his direction to meet up center to center with the stand he has touched?  Does he qualify for hitting the flank per the normal rules?

per number 5.....straight at the closest enemy he can see.  line of sight is blocked by a lot of things, since it mentions that the giant will be possibly going through friendlies is this LOS the unblocked type?  and what if then the closest enemy is already engaged and he does not have the room to make contact in the front but does not qualify to attack the flank?  is he forced to push the friendly stand into a supporting position while confusing that friendly unit and taking the spot of said stand at the front line?  Or must the giant stop on contact per #4 simply confusing the friendly and never gets into combat because the rule doesn't actually say anything about charging and if he did charge he then "would not have enough room to move all the way through".  but, regardless, do friendlies block line of sight of the giant and then lastly, what does the giant do if there are no enemies in sight?

per number 6...….the giant doubles his movement rate to go straight at the nearest enemy he can see.  Straight through friendlies?  per the usual rules and questions above.

I might just be over thinking these but they are confusing me pretty good.  doing some practice games with my nearly completed orc and goblin army right now.  4 units and a giant to paint and done.

Offline Clawlessdragon

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Re: giant goes wild questions
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2018, 10:47:40 PM »
Giants eh-  either win you a game or loose you a game.. either way a lot of fun - but the go wild chart could do with some clarifications... I also had this issue. As you know I ran 2 of them in the Grand Tournament... In two games I had a giant go wild and run towards the enemy, stop in the open without backup, only to be surrounded and cut down ( I have a solution for this)…

result 2 = I played it that the giant turns to face the nearest table edge and moves. If it touches a unit it attacks as normal, so 8 attacks plus charge (in the open) , plus monster (this is consistant with a clarification from Rick about result 6 (double attacks are 16 attacks plus 1 for charge, plus 1 for monster). In line with WMR rules, for consistancy,  I guess you would have to align the base center to center.

Result 4 = As the result says he will go through friendly and out the other side, then I take it, he keeps moving until he can no more... therefore could walk through multiple friendlies until he hits (and attacks) an enemy or terrain he can not enter.  If however, a friendly is fighting an enemy - I would say he hits the friendly (and confuses it) and halts, he can not walk through as the enemy are on the other side.  Again for consistancy I would say when playing WMR - if attacking it would have to line up center to center (regardless if he hit the front or flank of the enemy).

Result 5 =this is one that needs clarification. On the one hand we are told Giants & Flyers can attack ramparts in siege, so shouldn't they also see over buildings, woods or troops? However, there are no special rules for LOS for Giants... the only troop type that has special rules are artillery, shooting overhead if they are on a hill.

I asked the same question and did not get a striaght answer, however I beleive LOS for giants is treated the same was as flyers, they might be high up, but you draw LOS along the floor... base to base, it will make things consistent and easy to apply. Therefore , woods, towns, hills block LOS.... your own troops block LOS, even if you are on a hill (or they are on a hill) LOS is blocked by your own troops. Therefore, if the giant can not "see" anyone to charge,,, it just stands still. .. this can work to your advantage, it is how you avoid your giant going wild and running to the open before you are ready, place a line of goblins in front of him, they will soak up shots, and act as a blindfold... when ready, evade the goblins, leaving the giant to charge.. if it fails, there is a good chance one of the results will make him charge anyway.   

This does mean, it is unlikely he will walk through your troops on this result, unless the enemy is off to one side, which means he can 'see' them to charge, but the path clips a friendly unit on route.

result 6 = another clarification need... it should be treated the same as 5 - except he moves 40 cm and does 18 attacks.

Hope this helps, it is my interpritation, after many games and it makes fair/logical sense... of course like with all these rules I'm sure there will be an alternative interpretation until some of the results are updated.


Offline cjbennett22

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Re: giant goes wild questions
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2018, 02:14:59 PM »
just knowing that there isn't any special LOS going on for giants makes me feel better.  That's what it made feel like, it would do no good to put a unit of goblins in front keeping the giant from going crazed and attacking everything, so why bother?  because it made me feel like LOS for a giant was nothing.  he sees all!  ha

does everyone turn the giant around to face the table edge on a result of 2?  I honestly never thought about doing that.  I just move him straight back without changing his orientation or facing.

Thank you!

Offline Clawlessdragon

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Re: giant goes wild questions
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2018, 06:37:08 PM »
It would be good to get clarification, therefore consistent. To me it is logical, he turns and moves in the new direction, he does not crab walk or go backwards. I know in game terms it doesn't actually matter, unless combat is started. If you turn to the new direction, you could end up with the flank or rear exposed! Or it could work to advantage, the new facing brings enemy into view, that were previously out of sight.
These go wild results do require a little tweaking just so both sides know what to expect. I never thought of not turning the giant 😏

Offline cjbennett22

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Re: giant goes wild questions
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2018, 07:07:32 PM »
I think of the initiative rule to evade.  straight back and no turning or reforming, up to full pace movement.