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Author Topic: [WM][FW] Orc Village  (Read 9802 times)

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2018, 03:29:46 AM »
Thanks adams !

Captured hummies would suit well for fooding the beast, but i don't have half-naked ones. I think it will be goblins. I have plenty :)

Here are the some new advances.

I have ben completly convinced by Lex idea, to have a wyvern area somewhere. OK, it's not exactly a roost, but well... The main idea is here, and i thnk you deeply for that, Lex !

So, here is the first step of preparing the top of the roof with beams from here and there, random way.

And I have dig deep into my bits to find 28 mm dryads old bits. I had enough of them to greate the base of a giant nest on our scale. You can see the beginnig of the glueing on the bottom here.

And here is the result. A rather small nest, but i did not wanted it too big, supported by a large net of branches. The wyrm is a bit from the dark elves 28 mm range i bought few weeks ago saying myself it would be used one day or the other.

And then i have worked on the workshop. Remeber than exploded hutt ? I have worked on the aspect of the roof nearby. It had to seem blown-up by the explosion.

I could hardly make the GS glue on the resina but it finaly ended well.

Once dry, i did the same in the inside. Studying the roof of the main big hutt, i found normal that the roof would be seen inside the secondary small exploded hutt. So i tryed to make it appear with some marks of the destruction.

And then i have added the beams that supported the roof once.

Back to the first floor roof, i have added a guard-rail, and a hoist.

And a weird looking chimney.

Before this, i was hesitating, but i'm now confident for the future of this building. It will look more or less like i wanted.

I still have to work on this idea of a platform with a catapult on the right. We will see.

And... I have been weak on that, but the idea of the boar fence pleased me, so i i have decided to add an other building (yeas, i know, again...) to my village. Boars are so emblematic of orcs ! I needed it absolutely.

So, I have glued the two roof parts i had to prepare it...

... have the remnants of the dryad bits fixed as pilars. Nothing is wasted !

... And then, i have taken a small piece of cork that was lurking there and used it to have a small base, and the rest for the walls.

It should end more or less like this :)

Not much complicated... Exactly what i needed.

Definitive glueing of some bit for the shaman hutt entrance.

Glueing of the first tower, the highest one, on the shaman hutt. A major advance ! I was borded to see them separated. I'm happy of this step :)

And to end in a beautifull way, here is the aspect of the complete wyvern area.

It's not glued yet, and the wyrm will be on an other side at the end but well, i made the picture quickly.

Comments and advises are welcome !

Offline dry_erase

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2018, 10:54:52 PM »
Absolutely brilliant. The boar enclosure is really nice too.

Offline empireaddict

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2018, 10:56:11 PM »
Awesome work!
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Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2018, 07:33:03 PM »
Stunning use of 28mm plastic bitz.
My Personal & Modelling Blog >>http://theancienttrack.blogspot.co.uk/

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2018, 04:06:21 AM »
Thanks all !

Here is the next step.

Additions of explosions marks on the destroyed hutt.

Debris has been disposed in "star" layout to represent the strenght of the blow, sending stuff by the windows and door.

And the Lex special dedication : fixation of the nest ono top of the roof. As i had disposed the beams randomly, i had to cut them to fit the nest in an horizontal position, but it was not that difficult.

Addition of beams on top of the workshop roof.

Definitive positionment of the second tower on the shaman hutt.

Addition of beams, etc, to maintain the two towers. I tried to give the whole thing a bizare aspect, like a architect nightmare.

Here is the general aspect the whole building should have from front.

With each remnant of GS, i have consolidated my boar enclosure.

And prepared eggs and a stair for the shaman hutt.

Boars are multiplying...

Texture for the enclosure.

Addition of straw at the base of each beam.

Remnant of GS used to make an empty egg.

Offline Apocolocyntosis

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2018, 02:01:18 PM »
Wonderfully detailed and thematic

Offline adamsg01

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2018, 01:09:19 PM »
Gee whiz Marell that is great stuff - such creativity. I can barely roll greenstuff as it is and you are turning out these masterpieces all in a similar style to the original WM gear.

What about a cage full of flagellants or such for Orcs food larder, a chariot workshop (surely even Orcs have to do repairs), troll cave?

Wonder if you could take a cast of these in resin or somesuch and sell the to us,  your admirers/fans.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2018, 02:59:17 PM »
Scratches his head and rubs his grumbling stomach................  Dare it Iz boyz!  Dat dare be in a right proper place ta be shak in up!  Man, very cool.  Great work, you make me want ta build.  Keep it coming!

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2018, 12:51:30 AM »
Thanks, all of you. Your feedbacks are really helping and i mean it.

Gee whiz Marell that is great stuff - such creativity. I can barely roll greenstuff as it is and you are turning out these masterpieces all in a similar style to the original WM gear.

Really, Adams, i have just begun using GS at the beginning of this year. What you see now is basic tricks. Molding with blue stuff is simple. Sculpting straw roofs too. You put your GS flat, you take your cutter and you striate your resina with the tip of the blade. It's not even that slow. Frankly, no high sculpting talent, here. I'm absolutely not able to scult let's say a face or a character.

As for similar aspect, yeah, i manage to find this good and simple way to prepare the roof and it seem similar to original ones. But as said, it's no big deal.

What about a cage full of flagellants or such for Orcs food larder, a chariot workshop (surely even Orcs have to do repairs), troll cave?

Damn... You tempt me with your troll cave ! A cage full of prisonners is fun but complicated to build. But it could be used as a game objective. Maybe i will think of it. A chariot workshop ? Mmmm... Could be a fun addition too. So many things to do and so few lives to live...

Wonder if you could take a cast of these in resin or somesuch and sell the to us,  your admirers/fans.

I think most of the new buildings will be too complicated to mold. I have not thought of them in that way and i would have gone a different way at the very beginning.

Main problem is they are hollow. You can't cast hollow stuff. And some parts are very tiny, like the wyvern nest.

Scratches his head and rubs his grumbling stomach................  Dare it Iz boyz!  Dat dare be in a right proper place ta be shak in up!  Man, very cool.  Great work, you make me want ta build.  Keep it coming!

Gun_Wun, yeold rask al. Idz a play zur ta sea ya eer ! Satch ork exp'hurt pray sent iz da grot okayzion formea ta asq watt kud bee missin' ? Pliz shair yor ledge undary no ledge and adviss us !

'En eeway ir is da niu advans !

The unmolding of the egg went well. I don't know yet what to do with it but it will come. And the boars are multiplying (the bay is well, mom too).

Here are too eggs in the nest to have an idea of the size.

Addition of the stair that link in the air the two towers of the shaman hutt.

Finalisation of the boar enclosure.

At the very end, 6 or 7 boars would be great.

New additions to the shaman hutt base. A circle of stones.

Basing of the Wyvern hutt with cork. I wanted a more stonish base for that one, ir order to give it more altitude compared to the rest of the basic hutts.

Doom diver molding, for further purpose. Probably a goblin attached and offered for breakfast to the small wyvern. And probably a goblin used as target for catapult shot, nearby the workshop area.

White base of two of my buildings, but... I had forgotten this windmill idea that should go on the workshop building, so i will let it apart for now.

First painting, nevertheless, before i stop worskshop painting. Just for pleasure and because it helps seeing further evolution of the base.

Graveyard Earth for ground, Vomit Brown, and then wash of Charadon Granite for straw roofs, insisting on the bottom. For walls, grey and Charadon wash.

Green Stuff to link the stair more firmly.

Cream dry brush on the roof, especially on top. Dark brown wash on the ground.

Wood painting but i'm not very satisfied. I tried a new paint (Prince August) but the colour is too orange. It will fitt, anyway.

Base for the wyvern nest.

Dark brown juice on the boar's roof.

And then Charadon Granite again and again in washes. Mainly on bottom or between two layers of straw, to subline the different levels of straw.

Dark brown wash and Deneb Stone dry brush on the wood parts.

White dry-brush on the walls. Addition of vegetation.

It's a pleasure to have one painted, at last ! It smells like the end is reachable :)

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2018, 06:10:03 PM »
Great progress!
My Personal & Modelling Blog >>http://theancienttrack.blogspot.co.uk/

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2018, 03:58:47 AM »
Thanks, Ben !

I have started the painting of my favorite building of the moment, the Wyvern Area (thanks again, Lex !) :)

Boards have multiplied during the week. I cast one each monring and each evening during one week. My little daughter liked to see one new apear every morning during breakfast.

I went on with wood, and i have chosen a very passed aspect, like floated wood. A dark wood would not have been seen against the colour of the roof. I needed something contrasted. And i like this colour for wood, so eveyrhing has been painted with Dheneb Stone :)

And after that, Charadon Granite everywhere on the wood parts.

I wanted a more rocky base for the wyvern area, so i have used some greay and Charadon Granite too.

Cutting off of all the boar's leather parts. Yeah, is was long. And to avoid a too flat aspect, i have sratched every of them after that, to simulate a furr aspect. Not perfect, but it will suffice.

And to change teh boars aspect, i have found i could butt the head following the maw line easily. So i went on re-glueing them in different poses. It's simpler than expected and i'm happy of those small details. One is turning head left, one right, and one up. And one is scratching his back on the ground.

Again, several long and courageous layers of Charadon Granite and Agrax Earthshade on the roof, wood parts and base.

Cream dry brush on the wood parts. Vomit brown dry brush and same cream colour on the top part of the roof too.

Back to the shaman hutt, addition of a ladder.

I have this strange mad aspect i wanted, with a zig-zag between the two ways up, ladder and stair.

A little pause to judge what is needed.

The wyvern area nearly finished, addition of light on the windows.... Night is comming and i have fewer and fewer proper light.

Vegetation... And some unseen white dry-brush on the rocky base.

Quick advance on the base of the shaman hutt.

And a last small pleasure before it's time to call it a day : addition of the egg !

It is a little bit blueish, with sepia spots.

Painting of the door and... I think it's finished !

Some few addition are needed to enrich the base, like an orc or two, a broken egg, a gob offered in sacrifice, this sort of things... But the main thing is done and i'm happy with it :)

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2018, 08:29:04 AM »
This is all looking excellent. I really like the colours you've gone with- they're not what would come to my mind, but I think they probably work better.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2018, 03:40:03 AM »
This is all looking excellent. I really like the colours you've gone with- they're not what would come to my mind, but I think they probably work better.

Hey Geep :) Tell me what you where thinking about. It could give me new ideas. How would you have painted them ?

The next step was to finish the half cut boars. And it ended well.

It seem nothing, but frankly, details make all the difference between a nice scenery and a realy nice scenery :)

I also have molded and cut the death divers i had. They will be perfect as breakfast for a wyvern, tied-up at branches, or goblin used as target for a catapult training field.

Someone on the french forum told me i should add a troll's cave, and it ring me a bell. It's an other must-have for any orc village. And i had the idea to use a rock and cave scenery i have already done last year.

Here it is during construction.

And painted.

As trees as magnetised, i should be able to prepare magnetised trolls, placard saying "beware, trolls", gobelin offered as breakfast, pile of bones... Well, you see what i mean.

Now, here are the new advances from last saturday. Some boars painting.

And glueing here we are with an enclosure full of wild boars.

It's really full, but orcs are not knon for taking care of such things (are they, mister Gun Wun ?).

I have painted onf Mononoke style, and i liked it. I think i will repaint this way my savage orc boar boys, to really well identify them amongst my army.

As for the shaman hutt, addition of the handrail on top.

It's gobelin made, so full of weird planks.

And i really had to be back to the gob workshop i had left behind last day. So i worked on the windmill.

I have trashed the idea of using 28mm gyrocopter bits. And i finaly used one of the Warmaster Gyro bits that Lex sold me few months ago.

I like the idea of a gob ingeneer, finding a crashed dwarf gyrocopter after the battle, and telling himself "hey, this is supposed to rotate ! Let's use it !".

Of course, he did not understood the whole complexity of the dwarven stuf. Finding the small propeller, he wonder where it could go at first... And then decided that it could only work better added to the first like this !


Anyway, you know goblins. They don't just loot things. The enhance. The add stuff to make the new version... Well... Different ! An old cow skin ? An imperial flag found on the battlefield ? Oh, yeah, let's add it for more surface ! It will surely rotate even better like this.

The rest of the day was not very very much producive. It's was a shity day, and i was sometime painting under a slow and thin rain... Was not very motivating.

So just went-on with white prime on the more or less ended shaman hutt.

And few washes.

And i finaly cut the bottom of the Windmill. I wanted it to be on stilts at first, not to charge the workshop base too much, and i still think it's a good idea.

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2018, 03:54:43 PM »
Nice use of bits!
My Personal & Modelling Blog >>http://theancienttrack.blogspot.co.uk/

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM][FW] Orc Village
« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2018, 04:53:07 AM »
Here is what it looks like now. Hamp is still missing (glueing).

I have glued the second part of the roof. Just have to re sculpt the straw aspect here and there at connections.

Cut a new 28mm, from a skaven thing. It will be my central stone on the stone circle.

I have painted it greyish and white on the edges. And then to a patafix pice, before a bath in my green wash.

Shaman hutt is nearly finished.

And then... A small revolution.

I have been lurking on the net to see what orcish hutts i could find, to collect new ideas. And i fall on this very nice piece of art, representing Kark Eight Peaks.

And then, look forward for more :

And i imediatly fell in love with the vertical orcish hutt habitation idea.

Now, I MUST find some great pilars to do the same... And i will be able to have an orcish table inside or an old dwarf fortress. My actual buildings will be perfect for the ground habitations, while the ones on pillars will make perfect new standard orc homes.

So far, i have found the Dwarven pilars sold by hystericalwargame.

But they are expensive...

So maybe i will just print those 3D Moria pillars found on thingiverse.

And of course, i have strated adding new buildings to my collection, with the vertical idea in mind.

And i have cut down the center of the big roof to cover some. I found it suitable. With a more flat aspect.

it's not perfect yet, but i think it will fitt with some more details...

Ad here are the printed pillars with standard size. I plan to have one testes with 300% size.

Er... Did i say "i will not build more houses buildings" ?
