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Author Topic: Kroot Warspheres and other stuff vs. Hit and Run Attacks  (Read 2840 times)

Offline Bozeman

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Kroot Warspheres and other stuff vs. Hit and Run Attacks
« on: September 24, 2017, 11:04:10 PM »
A Kroot Warsphere is subject to a hit-and-run attack.  In the Kroot Warsphere rules it says that every time it is subject to a CRITICAL HIT, the Warsphere suffers +1 damage instead.  Does the Warsphere suffer 1 damage for every hit-and-run attack because they are made on the Critical Hits table?  Or, do they suffer the attack as normal, upgrading the hit to the highest possible result?

A. The Warsphere suffers +1 damage.  Watch out for assault boats!

B. The enemy rolls 1D6 on the Defences Critical Hits Table from the BFG main rulebook, and then if the result does not apply, applies the next and so on until a result makes sense (i.e. Fire would make sense but Prow Armament damaged would not.)

I think A is more in the spirit of the rules, but because a Hit-and-Run attack is not a critical HIT, B could have a case.

Offline Lotus

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Re: Kroot Warspheres and other stuff vs. Hit and Run Attacks
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 02:39:33 PM »
A is the way to go. A hit-and-run attack causes a critical hit. Since FaQ2010 escorts got some resistance, but there is nothing similar for the warsphere.