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Author Topic: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary  (Read 4871 times)

Offline marell le fou

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[WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« on: August 29, 2017, 11:00:43 PM »
Hey bitches,

I'm on my way to create my own reliquary. I have been luking through other ideas here and there. I have seen some ideas looking like the Warhammer Battle one, with squelettons, etc... But i have decided to go a different way. I'm not fond of the idea of having a skeletton on my army. I fear the fig would look too much like a too well known khemri one.

I have decided mine would be on a chariot. In my opinion, it must be something visible, so quiet big. And with symbols giving courage to bretonnians peasants. I don't think a knight would, it should be someting more basic and nearly religious.

So i have decided to use a representation of the Lady of the Lake. I have found it on this bretonnian plastic helmet.

With no realy other interesting options, i have used the Imperial war altar as base. A little bit too big but well. For now at least, i will keep it like that. I have set apart thie statue (was long and boring).

And studied various options (the helmet should not stay as is, it's big wip).

And looking for an other interesting typicaly bretonnian element, i have added a second item from a bretonnian 28mm helmet.

But the two together where no good. They where hiding each other. I have hesitated and changed the position of the two bits.

And finaly was satisfied with the idea of having one on front. So i cut down what was on the front altar. And kept the object to add it to the middle one.

So as for now, i have those two options :

Could you tell me how you feel them ?

Offline Draccan

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 11:09:36 PM »

Awesome idea to use helmet parts.

I like the one with the lady in the back, but I would consider removing the helmet and just keep the lady.
I really would love to buy some Warmaster Kislev, Araby, Bretonnia, Vampire Counts, Chaos demons ...

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2017, 11:38:10 PM »
As said, i will not keep the helmet. It's just WIP.

I could cut it and only keep the lady... But then i would loose the back of the lady, with the long dress. And i think the "statue" would loose all his magnificence if i remove it.

So i will probably mask or replace the helmet, but without changing the general size. I will keep the statue, and probably the very long dress. I like it to fill all the place down to the floor of the chariot.

I imagine it a golden statue, with maybe painted parts. Like a gigantic semi religious (very kitch) maid statue.

Offline Aldhick

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2017, 07:07:20 AM »
Awesome idea! The only problem I see is it should be based as infantry.
WM - Toomb Kings
My Mordheim guys (and gals)

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2017, 07:24:46 AM »
Oh, i had not spotted that. Are you sure ? Is there somewhere a rule precising that ?

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2017, 02:50:58 PM »
I have a feeling that the reliquary is not a unit in itself, but just an upgrade to a peasant unit. If you can base it on a 4x4cm area it can 'count as' two peasant stands. You could also base it as 2x4cm, but then it will travel sideways.

I like the maiden at the back better- that way it looks like a lady riding a unicorn, rather than a unicorn chasing down a lady.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2017, 12:29:35 AM »
Hmmm you're right, i have re readen the rules and as i had only readen them long ago, i did not remembered correctly.

In fact, the reliquary has no physical presence on the battlefield. It's just an upgrade, like a magical object, given to a unit that become "special".

I could keep my first idea and use the wagon as a marker, but it would be a huge marker...

The other option is, as several people did, to make it fitt on a standard base. Then it would just be the last base to remain if the unit takes damages. It would be sufficient to make this unit appear different than others.

So... Keeping the most of my first ideas, I think i will :

- Mold the basement of the wagon with blue stuff and cast it in milliput (to be able to sand and sculpt it).
- Cut the back and suppress the small middle platform, to allow just the two altars to fitt in.
- Keep the two statues.
- Replace the wheels with smaller dwarven or imperial canon wheels in wood.

It would give more or less this at the end (thanks, Paint).

So no horses, no anything. Just peasants pushing fanaticaly on both sides. It may protrude a little bit here and there, but it would not be the first Warmaster unit to do this, eh ?

What do you think, guys ?

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2017, 04:55:13 AM »
I think that should be fine. I had assumed you were going with peasant-power rather than horses. You may need to specially modify two other peasant stands to be in front of and behind the altar if it protrudes too much, but that should be no issue I'd imagine?

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2017, 05:23:15 AM »
At first, i wanted to rely on horses, but now i know it must fitt a standard base, i will just add peasants on the sides, i think.

With the base with the reliquary at first or second rank, it will looks like the peasants behind him are pushing it.

So yeah, anyway, no issue i think.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2017, 03:30:06 AM »
Back from the week-end, with new advances on this reliquary...

On my last tests, i had a too big vehicule to fit a standard base. I know, several other units are too big for their base, but i also found the reliquary was a little bit too big. So i have shortened it and cut the front and back of the reliquary (big box) itself. And preciously kept the two removed parts.

It left me with from left to right :

- The reliquary front.
- The austel without its middle cup.
- The base, shortened.
- On the bottom, the end of the reliquary.
- Wheels from the dwarven canon.
- Lady of the lake statue.
- The shortened reliquary itself.
- The second pair of wheels.

I have hesitated between the two canon wheels. But the darwes ones fitt my purpose better than the imperial one. I want a very "peasant aspect".

And by the way, the casting metal parts are just perfect to make a bloc with wheels ! Nearly nothing to do.

I have just added a plastic sprue part, sanded it to have it horizontal and not too high. Like this, the base is just above the top of the wheels.

And finaly, this chariot is very small.

It looks like i wanted : a basical and efficient chariot, made by a pious local artisant.

And i have applied the sacred rule of "junk nothing" i have learnt in my modeller life. And was able to re use the part removed from the reliqary to enhance the front of the chariot.

And here we are with the complete chariot.

As you can see, i have removed the helmet aspect of the lady's base.

Here is the complete unit in line with the chariot in the middle.

And in column. The bases are touching ! Just the righ size !

It remains imposing. Maybe a little bit too much. But well, it's not a common reliquary. It has to be visible from everywhere !

I will try to find this imperial flagelleants sprur to prepare my grail pilgrims. 4 should be enough to fill the blankcs on teach part of the chariot. I will try to cut their hairs and give them clippings.

But i don't really want to disminish my unit of this sprue. So if someone had it... I would buy it with pleasure !

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2017, 05:36:15 AM »
Looking good.

I can't help you with the flagellants, but as another idea for the peasants on the base you could get the Trebuchet crew. I think there's two holding a rock between them- if you remove the rock they can be placed either side of the reliquary, and should look like they're pushing.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2017, 05:59:25 AM »
uhuh in fact i have already made those tests, but i had not posted all my picts here.

The difficulty is that they are quiet rare to find...

But the idea is good. I had tested them to see if two peasants had place on each side, but i had not thought of them holding the chariot...

I had thgouth that they could present a relicae, but that was all. Your idea could be interesting...

But how to reproduce them ? In Green Stuff they will lose details and be fragile. Worst with milliput.

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2017, 03:25:15 PM »
Unfortunately I can't help with recasts, but I'm sure someone around here could. If anyone does recast these guys, I would also be interested in a few.

Looking at the position and height of their hands, you may want to add a short pole or notch to the side of the platform, for them to be pushing against. Right now I think they're at the perfect height to have their hands in empty space against the reliquary.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2017, 10:21:45 PM »
Yeah, if someone recasts those guys, i would be interested.

If i chose this option, i would probably up the chariot by texturing the base. And then the hands of the guys would be at perfect height for the wheels. It makes sense.

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Bretonnian reliquary
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2017, 04:43:27 AM »
Hello you fellow forumists,

I did found time to paint a little bit yesterday and i have chosen to paint my Reliquary. It's not all over... But a good advance.

I did not tried (yet) to mold the servants, but i will manage to do it soon, Geep.

I'm a better modeller than painter, i think. My paints are usually too flashy with colors. But it this case, it was on purpose. I wanted a colourfull chariot, crafted with all the love of those bretonnian believers with a low level of wisdom. So it sounded like it had to be very flashy and able to enjoy simple persons to suit that idea.

And here we are with the statue. I have painted it gold, as said. Yeah, this flashy thing.

Statue is not painted yet. I'm still hesitating if i add something on the base of the statue or not. A decoration.

In the middle of a peasant unit.