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Author Topic: "We're gonna need a bigger thunderhawk..." converting primaris carcharadons  (Read 37172 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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thanks lordB!

in actual fact the conversion lowdown is:
I already had the part constructed rhino in a job-lot from a friend (the same time I got all those ships a few years back)
all I needed was two track sections (yes I mean two actual bloody induvidual tracklinks. thats was a wasteful and expensive purchase of a whole set of tracks...GRRR!)
The side-plates, front-plates and exhausts are the bloodandskulls kit.
the other changes are thus:
I added the grills to the door-steps (made from mesh).
I made the front lights out of missile pods from the landspeeder typhoon.
I added handles and reinforcing strips on the top-doors.
The rear door is classic plastic rhino kit with a cut down modern grill (from landspeeder?, valkyrie? I cant remember) in place of the viewport. I felt this made more sense as a vent rather than viewport due to its low position on the model
The top bolter-hatches are valkyrie missile pod backs with two of the same marine bike bolters attached, with the added cawl bolterrifle mags for a more modern aesthetic (think of the stormbolters that come with the rhino)
oh, and front tow hooks are from the leman-russ sprue...

all in pretty happy with it.
to be honest I prefer the fw side door detailss but the blood and skulls engines/exhausts are much more satisfyingly oldskool...
the front plates of both are both equally as good as each other to my mind.

also I lent towards this one because I thought it would be cheaper, in fact it was until I got butt-funted on the import charges at this end once it came through the post... but meh, all in all it cost +/- the same as a fw one but then, remember, i had the tank chassis already so it actually works out more? I dunno. its great quality none the less but took a LOT of reforming in hot/cold water. not an amateur kit by any stretch. you really need to know about resin to do this and be comfortable with hacking and slashing/filing/filling etc... luckily. I am...  ;D

only noticed the sexie classic landraider style "liberator" (rhino compatible) tracks in the B&S store after I ordered the replacement standard issue ones from ebay. otherwise I'd have gone for them 'n' all...

the other consideration is that the plastic SoB's are on their way and GW have teased some mk1 style rhino doors with ecclesiastical iconography included but who knows what that might mean? its not like horus heresy era mini's have not been re-imagined in plastic before (mk3 and mk4   marines?) so why not the rhino too..?
yeah, shan't hold my breath on that one...

Still considering adding a 'grab-rail' as on the classic one.

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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lumix g1 with 14mm-45mm lens - I love you

rhino revisisted

first scout "neophyte Jace'tat" done!

with brother "Cissero" for scale (as this was asked for)





reiver sgt Hall AKA big Ed!

finally you can see what they all really look like now!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2019, 05:10:31 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Stunning conversions and weathering as always!
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Offline Ragsta

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Those look lovely, this is very nicely done indeed.

Offline osjclatchford

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Many thanks guys. Done some more conversion work with the scouts, tweaks to the weapons/equipment and general character of the existing models and two new neophytes entirely!

bolter guy. now with silenced tigrus bolter and visor head.

shotgun guy. now with bald scout head, these feature a lot in the artwork so I figured one would be good to include (taken from the spacewolf sprue; the mohawk head with the hair removed)

heavy guy. now using the African looking head from the deathwatch sprue because variety is nice and, imho,  rather lacking in 40k!

sneaky pistol dude, now with nvg head, because why not?

and these are the aforementioned new guys. I figured that the heavy has big-ass arms so why not other scouts (always appears in the artwork too) here we have a reloading guy (catachan hq arm, mag from primaris kit,  and nvg head)  and a shotgunguy (another spacewolf head and the shotgun arms are grenade launcher arms from anvil industries, because full stock shotguns are tasty AF!)

believe it or not I'm still not 100% done on thee guys. I'm out to make a sniper (because, why not!) and I feel a melta would be fun. yes I know, not standard scout kit but, funt it, i'll play 'em as wolfscouts to use it if I have to...
also have the pockets etc from the deathwatch sprue on the way to play about with on them. 
more soon I'm sure but Ive more guard and bfg ships to get done and I've recently nearly lost an eye at work the other day so I'm nursing a rather nasty eye-concussion involving headaches, blurred vision and a lot of disorientation and general nasty hangoverness... hopefully my vision will repair itself back to normal (or close enough) over the next week or so and I can get back to painting stuff. till then this will have to do!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 04:44:40 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Ragsta

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Jeebus, what have you done to yourself??  :-[ Hope you continue to self repair! The latest builds look good - I look forward to more ships though as that’s my main bias at the mo  8)

Offline crabking

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I absolutely love your conversions.

Offline Lord Borak

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Damn they look good. The bases are especially awesome. Where on earth did you get the little leaves from????

Offline osjclatchford

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thanks folks. @lord b. the bases are deceivingly simple:

- greenstuff blobs for height.
- press foot template in (self made a simple bit of sprue with a gs footprint on it.)
- glaze with hobbycraft tackyglue. (needed all over for the agrellan earth to work better)
- add tiny peices of slate and cork 'ballast' (railroad stuff) pieces and add a tiny sprinkle of cork-sand (fine sand would do I suppose) all before the 'glaze' dries
- fat blobs of aggrellan earth (or whatever colour, its the texture we want) blend it into the gs and 'rocks'

paint scorched brown.
wash devlan mud.
drybrush scorched brown.
water down some xv88 and wash it into some of the cracks and footprints. (this stage is optional but gives the effect of water in the recesses of the earth after rain. I do not do this on my guard but the bases match ok tbh)
final drybrush scorched brown.
pva on some static grass as weed clumps and add some *punched leaves to taste.


*and the leaves?
other flavours/species and sizes available.

advice? collect the leaves early autumn (best colours) and dry in a flower press (get at hobbycraft or whatever or put in the middle of a bigass book with tissue around them, and a hefty weight on it) till next spring.
yes it takes a while but its worth it...
then paint the leaves with a damn good flat varnish. (testors dullcoat?) then punch em out and store em in a ziplock bag.
the varnish will seal them and make them last forever instead of continue to decompose. (yes they do that even in a ziplock after pressing!)
they can be used as is or darkened with a bit of nuln oil if you want them to look wet as I have.

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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figured I should update this with the stuff id been exclusively posting on dakkdakka whilst these forums were down last:

i'm real pleased at how the camo on the cape came out. wanted it to be real subtle, its a bit of an homage to the us military "duck hunter" camo as worn by marines in the south pacific during the war...
im becoming real fond of these phobos armoured marines. especially when kitted out as beakies..

an experiment in goreno effects. (I know, bout time right?) tamiya's red x-27 clear is the answer...
this guy formerly had a box-mag bolter but ive since decided that he would be ideal candidate to +/- match that bit of spaceshark artwork (on the op) all he needed was the chainaxe.
the axe arms are actually the frost-axe blade from the spacewolf sprue and the head of the weapon is swapped out for one of them tasty shapeways prints I love so much!
as you can see i've also elected to use one of the new plastic sob bolters as his stowed weapon.
the sob bolters are a little smaller than the standard astartes gear but this makes them a good component for stowed weapons. just like how the hh stowed chainswords are about 10/20% (?) smaller than the 'in-hand' versions these work out about the same. if its smaller on the waistband it looks less bulky and does less to damage the silhouette of the model but still shows all the wargear you want the character to have...

and yeah, yet another model posing up a storm but whattayagonnado.
its also badass as well as cheesy so i don't care!

and wip stuff:

this one uses one of the new sob bolters that seem just the right size for scouts tbh.

I disregarded the idea of a melta in the end in favour of this 'slayer' pattern double barreled shotty from the gsc set... ideal for ripping and tearing heresy...

the remaining parts I had left made the final conversion a bit of a bitch (was the other 'hunched over' guy) but with some anvil industry rolled-sleeve arms and some re-positioning of the waist the remaining crouching legs were relatively easy to fudge on to make for a good sniper pose...
note the bedroll as a 'stowed' cape and the addition of piss-poor sculpting on the scarf/scrim...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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Your conversion work is always a joy to see. <3
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Offline David Wasilewski

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Very nice work! I’m a Death Guard man myself but I love the Sharks. You make them look much better than the rather ‘vanilla’ looking primaris you see so much of nowadays.

Now you need to do a little force of them in epic 6mm/8mm scale ;)


Offline osjclatchford

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honey I shrunk the space-sharks!


made from vanguard's  Novan Elites – Affray Squads (B).

I've never seen so much detail and character on 6mm minis that I have in this range! These are actually the first 6mm infantry minis I’ve ever painted. It was a real fun and surprisingly easy process. Basecoat, wash and highlight. Simple! These certainly have a 30k vibe to them. Featuring aspects of MK3 Mk6 and Mk5 in there but to see all the different advancing, aiming etc poses is the real kicker here. Never seen that in this scale. So nice to have stands that feature troops doing more than just standing! Lol
who did these 'sculpts anyhow, was it Malika?
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Oh wow!  Little 'n' Large!  Great work.
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Offline David Wasilewski

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 8) very nice!