thanks stormwind! yeah I love he new necro gear more for my guard and marine conversions than for necro itself! LOL kinda the same for gsc stuff...
also thanks on the weathering. in truth this upcoming rh1n0 conversion is an experiment of applying the same colourschemes highlight/weathering style i use on the infantry on a vehicle, seeing what works and what don't. it will end up looking kinda stylized in the end i feel. almost like a graphic novella style i think. which is good for 1980's inspired marines.
and yes I know that primaris don't exactly fit in a rhino (and cant in the rules as primaris) but my marines are pretty much just truescale conversions, especially when you look at the war-gear they carry. so yeah, although a mk2 rhino chassis looks kinda small compared to a primaris sized infantry figure, a second or third edition marine looks kinda oversized next to an original '88 mk1 rhino chassis vehicle. yet we were stuck with mk1 rhinos for 14 years and three and a half editions!