September 28, 2024, 07:19:31 PM

Author Topic: "We're gonna need a bigger thunderhawk..." converting primaris carcharadons  (Read 37157 times)

Offline horizon

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The individual uniqueness (is that a word?) remains excellent.

Offline osjclatchford

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I'm pretty sure you'll like the next one quite bit then...  has even more classic terminator vibes to it...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Lord Borak

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Hot Damn they look good. Even better as a Unit. The guy with the powerfist looks nails. Sometimes a nice static pose conveys so much more treat than a fancy one.

Offline osjclatchford

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thanks dude.
whats mental is that this only really happened as I fucked up a component on the reload arms and had to swap it out. god looking at this thank funt I did as he looks as hard as an army of bastards now...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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next one's done!

(sorry for the terribly blurry rear shots, prettypoor but good enough for to show off the spare mag and nade details anyhow...)
this one has an even bigger terminator flavour with the simple addition of the shaved collar/gorget with a terminator head combo.
As I'd used another of the rifle arms with the pad already sculpted on I was limited to the heavy intercessor pads. but for some difference I decided to add a flared bronze rim to the left pad, taken from an old deathwatch sprue pad. the engraving on it looks appropriately nice with the verdegris effct and all that...
The chainsword, from the assault marine sprue, was grafted onto the pointing arm and repositioned in an appropriately menacing manner.
the purity seal added for a bit of visual flair, the angle suggesting some wind blowing, extenuating the whole cool-guy-looking-meanly-across-the-battlefield theme this squad (and army) is rife with.
chest pocket/nade is from the scout sprue (it just looked right in that recess of the pad) and the waist pocket/nade is, again, from the enforcer sprue.
for some added interest I added the magazine I'd cut off of the other rifle as a spare mag...

so, just one more to go now...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Fantastic pose!
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Offline Lord Borak

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Really, really nice. As always.

Offline osjclatchford

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So as promised, the final space-shark is done:
rather than the boring old heavy bolter (which was a bitch to try and model the arms of onto the terminator torso) I went for a very different approach.
I figured that teminators are often used in boarding actions into hulks and the like and nothing says boading action like a pump-action shotty!
this dude has killed more genestealer's muties and zombies in hulks, than you've had hot dinners. he knows what works for him and that's the astartes-shotgun.
chunkier and more durable than the scout shotgun, the astrtes shotgun is capable of loading several different variants on the standard shell. as shown by the penetrating explosive 'breacher' shells stowed about his person.
these were created from the shells on the ogrynsprue. yes a little large for shotshells but, funt it. it looks the part and I rather like the look it gives so thats good enough for me.
the head is a real experiment in what a terminator/gravis beakie would look like.
the mk5 square nose and studs give a sense of solid-ness and terminator asthetic and the added central crest is a fair tie into other marks of armour too.
the rebreathery bits (made from ogryn jerrycan lids) are an attempt to wident he general look of the beaky, without differing from the core asthetic too much yet tying in some of the flavour of the gravis armour helmet design. 
I think it works.
altering the symbol on the death-watch-sprue shotgun to no longer feature inquisitorial symbology was a bitch to do in truth but you'd never know it now.

this marks the end of this project now and a fitting end I think.
I'm totally burned out on painting these marines (as shown by the gulf of time between this and my last post) and, aside from any specific new releases that catch my attention for future conversions or whatever I think we're done here...
oh, yeah, here is the obligitory squad shot as a parting gesture!

thanks for all the support on this guys. it has been a real blast.
fair well spacesharks, more guardsmen await!
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline horizon

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Dang, another cool one.

Offline Lord Borak

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Dang, another cool one.

What he said :D

It's been a great project to watch mate. I'm sure a few other Sharks are waiting in Idea land ;)

Offline Stormwind

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  • Ben Sibbald | Newcastle, UK
Good work on these chunky boys!
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