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Author Topic: "We're gonna need a bigger thunderhawk..." converting primaris carcharadons  (Read 37162 times)

Offline horizon

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Impressive figures. Well done!

Offline osjclatchford

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got these rtb01 inspired phobos armoured guys done over the last couple of days:

bit too dark to get real good shots of them so you'll have to make do with this montage for now.
I've another one planned to do (with more rt inspired bits to do) so there'll be a group shot of the five when he's done.
I feel this squad has turned out even better than originally planned. ive tried to add a bit more colour and interest on the grenades and kit too, so its not just gray and black.
oh and for those new to these, the bolters and backpacks are shapeways prints... they, along with the ravenwing corvus lids totally make the squad scream Roguetrader era!
as the guy with the pistol is now the Sgt., I've promoted big ed from Sgt. to Lt. and my big-sexie phobos Lt. has now been promoted to captain.
well done them I'd say... ;)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 04:44:11 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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here's the promised fith member of the squad:

as you can see he's sporting a heresy era missile launcher. the one from the mk4 plastics.
weirdly this model has an oddity where the backpack fits in. rather than making a space for the righthand adjustment thruster on the backpack, it's simply missing. necessitating the need to trim the 3d printed one down (a bugger to get to fit neatly) why they've opted to do it this was is odd as I believe the resin ones from forgeworld are simply shaped to fit the jet bit under it... meh, it matters not really. one thing I'll say is that the way the plastic one is cast (three seperate peices) allows for a much more detailed transition of magazine to weapon join. go get one and look down the top, you can see the missile within the gun casing, a real nice feature that makes the whole thing look better (if painted in sub-assemblies). Also the left hand on the sight is a nice sculpt too...
I added a few extra rockets for flavour and decided that I'd simply put the small reiver pad on the left side instead of the right. the reasons for this were twofold. one, I didnt fancy hacking out all the mk4 pad and two, i'd no more mk6 studdies left... ;) 
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 04:47:09 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline horizon

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Lovely bunch and the last one shows yet again your great eye for details.

Offline osjclatchford

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well, despite having masses of time and daylight to get stuff painted, being desperately unemployed. my lack of enthusiasm has stopped me from doing any paint-work on the ol' sharky boys.
Look, you know how it is, If you just dont 'feel it' you best not do any painting as you know you'll get impatitient and end up funting it up in the long-run...
as such its been an age since I put brush to plastic but rest assured I'm still here!

to let you know what I've been up to here is a plastic-kit-doodle of a potential captain model for the force, based on the "limited" lt amulius model that seems to be surprisingly common for a limited model...

yeah, you know me. this will likely change a lot before the paint hits it. so comments and ideas welcome...

ive got four of the marines in spray undercoat now so I'll try to get them done real soon...
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Offline Stormwind

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Wonderful work as always. <3
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Offline osjclatchford

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thanks man,
Ive gone and done a bit more to it. as I say, its wip so its open to change, thus:

return of the 'slash-captain' concept...
the eviscerator was a bit of a cowson to get on that hand. but, with the jumppack, it adds to the specialist look that a commander should have.

I personally think this is better...

but what say you?
« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 06:55:30 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline horizon

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Maybe it is the angle of the photo but there one without the chainsaw has a more badass look to him.

Offline Lord Borak

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I kinda like both (which isn't helpful). Is there an arm that has an Axe/Chainsword resting o his shoulder? With that facial hair he just strikes me as a Lumberjack.

Offline osjclatchford

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@horizon yeah I know what you mean about the look. when comparing these pics.  something's got a bit lost there.  it might be the angle as the model is not so bad in the 'flesh'.
the bolter/arm resting actually looks a bit-off in some angles (not shown in the pic) so thats another reason I went for the eviscerator option too... however it could yet return... im stilll never 100% till the paint hits...

@LordBorak Well, although 'twould work on this 'un, I went away from the blade-on-shoulder pose as Ive used that already on the eddie-hall reiver and didnt want  to appear to be the one trick pony I actually am!
quite right about the head. This head is a stand in. far too spacewolfy.
I'd actually like one of the aos stormcast heads with the floppy hair in the wind or something but cant seem to find it. theres also one that looks an awful lot like tommy shelby and I thought that could be a bit of a laugh but again, alas out of stock everywhere... I'm not keen on shouty heads either (which this one is)  and prefer a stoic steel-glaze kind look to my officers...
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Offline Malika

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Digging the version without the sword more as well. By the way, the moustached head makes me think of Lord Flashheart from Blackadder.
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Offline osjclatchford

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thats pretty funny considering the first image is called SHARKS_WIP_captain_flashheart.jpg...

so i guess I felt that same...
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Offline Malika

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Great minds think alike!  8)
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Offline Ragsta

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I can sympathise re. unemployment vibes, been there. Current Nurgles Rot Year 2 scenario probably doesn’t help with motivation.

I’m right there with ya, mate - just going to build for now and paint once things are brighter both weather wise and my mood! The latest choppy coming together nicely - I must say I do like the stick on gems for the studded armour effect. I use them for adding detail to BFG and scratch builds in general.

Offline osjclatchford

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Finally, some progress...
took a long time to get these four done. a couple hours here and there when I could. been having a hard time with flooding here, now, like the unemployment and plague aren't enough to deal with now my bloody house is trying to float away. is an utterly miserable time at present but finding time to get these done has kept me going! 

Borr'n - Beakie of beakies...

This mk6 conversion was  bit more complicated than my other primaris mashups.
he uses mk6 head and torso from the 2013 tactical sprue, mounted on tartaros termie legs for the greaved shin look.
the arms are reiver sprue with the left hand from the (much used and abused on this project) sanguniary guard sprue.
pads are simply shaved second edition pads with studs added. (second edition pads makes the shaving easier as they dont have the venty-bits on the inside edge)
the backpack is mk4 tweaked to look rt era with the joints from tau battlesuit torsos (with tube added for the exhausts) used as thrusters.
bolter is a sister-of-silence bolter because its a umbra pattern (all beit with the mag in the centre position, but yeah, its still oldskool) and that means original beakie to me.
although Ive touched on RTB01 inspirations on my reivers in the force and I know Ive done many beakies already, the mix of parts on this conversion, make this the beakiest beakie in this army...
plus the pose, which I at first thought "bored marine is bored" actually came out looking rather menacing. which was nice...

Tertius - mk3 reloading fella

So yeah, this guy is mostly pretty simple.
mk3 head, backpack and pads create the basic illusion. the arms are the reloady arms from the reiver set, but I've put a tigrus bolter on, in a way that makes it look like an old rt era bolter with the forward positioned mag-housing.
a few studs on the legs and knee-greaves, a pistol and ammo on the belt and this dude was done...

Ekki - not-karn mk2-alike

A little more complicated, this guy has an inverted tartarus front-plate for that old-armour-mark look, mk3 pads and backpack as before, but this time paired up with a mk2 lid, scavenged from a plaguemarine (and cleaned up some) to make him more identifiable as mk2.
his kit is the usual boltmags from the mk3 sprue I use so much and his nades come from the stormtrooper kit as they are rather ornate and thus older looking imho.
his oldskool style bolter is based on the bolters you often see in HH artwork like that found in the inside covers of last heretic, which is where I saw it.
its made from the commander sprue's combi plas-bolter with the underside stripped off and a grip and mag added (in the forward-placed orientation for heresy era flavour). I think It works rather nicely. I like a mix of kit and personal flavours on my marines so this kind of one-off model is a pleasant alternative to either a third edition bolter or the phobos, umbra and tigrus bolters I usually prefer to use. its got aspects of all of them really.
Finally, the chainaxe is a 3d print on a nurled-handle for something else (cant remember what, but anything would do, just dont glue it on as wonky as I have ;))

Quadrius - a sorta-mk4-alike

a real simple one, this one is simply one of the dark-imperium mono-poses with a resin mk4 head, and plastic mk4 backpack.
the studs on the shoulder are rivets shaved off a spare chimera plate I had knocking about. I wanted these more subtle to match the sleek mk4 asthetic. thats why I painted the pad-rims the same black as the pad centre, to suggest at the mk4 pads without having to drive myself mad hacking at them.
the bolter for the longest time was just the simple tigrus but it left this model so boring I'd just not bothered to paint it as there was nothing exciting or different about it to get me enthused to do so. (and yeah thats kinda the point of this one. +/- standard issue, but yeah. Its boring.)
so the belt feed from the new (new to me anyhow) chaos sprue was a spark of life and a point of interest that was enough to get me to want to paint it. LOL
Oh yeah, left hand from the sanguinary guard sprue again...

I've four more marines to do, in mk7 style armour with a second edition flavour about them to keep it from feeling too modern. these sharky boys have got to stay oldskool, eh..?

theres also the slash captain and the three scout bikers to do and thats all in the collection so far.

after that? god knows. depends on funds but I'm rather interested in converting up some of those heavy intercessors if and when we ever get them from GW!

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