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Author Topic: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...  (Read 5307 times)

Offline Captain-Matthais

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[BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« on: May 03, 2017, 12:51:23 PM »
Well hello there everyone.
This is my first post and I must say Ive got a lot to cram in.

At the moment i started about a year ago collecting ships for an imperial navy fleet and have since gathered some chaos, ork and eldar ships. Plus started scratchbuilding everythign else.

This will be a labour of love and ALL fleets will be made, one of each. The whole kit and caboodle.

Now I cant dont want to over do the thread with photos so I shall add links to my blog and vlog pages and hopefully if you are interested, you will see the wokr that has gone into it all so far and please leave comments and feedback as I enjoy hearing other peoples opinions.

In the future I shall also post photos here if i find a good host site as photo bucket is horrible to use and so i no longer feel that I want to use that site.

Anyway so here is the first blog post of BFG items and then since then there are a few more...
and here is my vlog youtube channel, which i am just getting back into...
LASTLY, I am about to embark on making an ork space hulk and a few roks as Im in Shetland still so dont have access to my collection (which makes me saaaad haha)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 08:16:19 PM by Captain-Matthais »

Offline marell le fou

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2017, 10:21:48 PM »
Welcome !

I understand you want to up the visits on your blog but people are used to see pictures directly here. I council you to add some, even if you keep your link to your blog.

Nice vessels, anyway ;)

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2017, 10:27:52 PM »
By directly here, do you mean the site hosts them? If so I shall pop them on a gallery, or if you have another host site that I can use in mind I shall be more than happy to take a look :)

The problem is photo bucket seems to load so slowly that i just get annoyed and dont bother...

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2017, 11:06:22 PM »
photo bucket seems to load so slowly

I thought it was just my internet connection........ Good to know!!

Nice looking ships mate. I agree with Marell though, put some pics here. Some chaps don't like clicking on links as you never know where you might end up!!

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2017, 11:13:44 PM »
Ahhh but that still leaves the question is there a good photo hosting site or can I do it via here?
I've looked on Google for hosting sites but not sure how to then link the image directly. Plus some of them seem dodgy in their own right....

Any help appreciated...

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2017, 08:07:47 AM »
You can do an attachment through the site. When you reply, under the text box is a little "Attachments and other options". Click that and you can upload a picture.

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2017, 09:45:33 AM »
You can do an attachment through the site. When you reply, under the text box is a little "Attachments and other options". Click that and you can upload a picture.

Ahhh I See, rightio, thats a new way to me so I shall give it a go this evening after work. I did just give it  ago and it just kept not doing it so ill persevere...
Thanks for the info as im sure it will ease things for those not wanting to risk the links...

Offline horizon

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2017, 10:14:13 AM »

Just copy the image links from your blog into IMG tags on this forum.

No need for attachments or photobuckets.

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2017, 04:37:11 PM »

Just copy the image links from your blog into IMG tags on this forum.

No need for attachments or photobuckets.

Right, I shall give this ago and see what I can do...

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2017, 04:43:06 PM »
OK so, first up the escort size tyranids, with a dauntless class for scale.

Secondly is the larger cruisers, again, with the dauntless for scale...

And next is my favourite, the first hive ship...

And my paint scheme...

Next up are my imperial fists space marine battle barge and the strike cruisers...

And my imperial fleet, with my Retribution class battleship...

Lastly my Eldar fleet

Hopefully these work and if not, than aghhhhhh!!!!  8)

Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2017, 11:39:05 AM »
Good morning everyone, Well a quick update on my projects.

Firstly the scratchbuilding of an ork space hulk. Now this scares the crap out of me, Ive got all the parts on to it that I want except 3 or 4 broken ships sticking out like you normally see. I look at it and I think "it looks horrible" mainly because it is all different colours and just a load of bits, so will basecoat it soon and hopefully solve that issue. Now I cant add the other ships until im back in Yorkshire but it will be ready for them atleast haha.

Secondly, Ive had a bit of a paint of some of my Ork small escort type ships. So far I have finished three, ignore the bases as not done those yet, but i have the basic colours done and details started which will be finished today, a day off so im making it a painting and walking day.

Lastly, Ive also added 4 more sword frigates to my imperial fleet, these will be stripped when home and repainted in my fleets colours and added to the roster. Which at some point I shall write all and do the usual fluffy bits that I like to write.

Parting thoughts, the song deja vu by Initial D is quite catchy and reminds me of the old style video games.....
and also more info on the blog of non BFG projects...

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2017, 12:33:42 PM »
Looking good mate. The Hulk is looking good. I really like the Ork escorts though, the red faces' really works. I'm going to have to steal that for when I do my own Orks!

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2017, 04:18:20 PM »
Yep.bugger all wrong with that hulk. Just wait untill you've painted it with a basecoat. It'll all come together for sure. Though I'd suggest a coat of sandy mix paint over it first. I mix a bit of fine sand, cork dust and vermiculite into some emulsion. This creates a great sand/stone/dirt effect great for texturising 40k bases, scenery of all kinds or bfg asteroids! I call this mix squand. Coz it's squishy sand... Mix a bit of PVA into the mix and it goes off hard as prompt cement. Also tetrion filler makes it a smoother mix but more paste like than painty... Anyway boring unasked for lesson over. Lol great stuff btw...
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Offline Captain-Matthais

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2017, 05:47:25 PM »
Thanks for the comments  :) and the tips there, I shall get the squand on there tonight and let it dry over night then paint it up tomorrow, although leave a few unpainted areas for the ship parts that I will add when I return.

The red on the ships made a nice alternative to the yellow i normally see and I red in several articles to keep it bright, they are afterall the orks and tend to like things IN YOUR FACE haha...  8)

Offline Easy e

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Re: [BFG] My battlefleet gothic WIP...
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2017, 07:37:19 PM »
I am liking the Bio-ships!
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