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Author Topic: 1500pt Bakka  (Read 2648 times)

Offline Lord Borak

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1500pt Bakka
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:34:29 PM »
Looking for some ideas to finish off my 1500pt Bakka Fleet. This is just a friendly fleet rather than anything meant for competitive play. The idea behind it was that it is a forgotten sector with little help from the wider Navy. The 'fleet' is mainly compromised of converted Bulk Haulers (light cruisers) around the sector flagship and a handful of escorts.

Vice Admiral (LD8) +1 Reroll [75]
Vanquisher class battleship [300]

6x Swords [210]

Squadron 1 [345]
2x Endeavour
1x Endurance

Squadron 2 [345]
2x Endeavour
1x Endurance

All of the above is painted so I'd rather not change it. It also leaves me with 225pts to spend. So....... What should I take? I was thinking either 2 more light cruisers (Reserved Defiants?) or more escorts.

Offline Whiro

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 01:05:47 AM »
If you play Baka you should go for Viper Destroyers.

Or take a Look in the Anual 2002 List and try Enforcer System Control Cruiser.

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 09:14:35 AM »
That's the one with the Bombardment cannon isn't it? I can only get one in the fleet though so I'm not sure it's worth while. Although, I could pair it with a Dauntless (torpedoes) for a little carrier/torpedo unit. I'm not sure it's enough though. I could reserve in two Defiant class light cruisers. They fit the theme but I'm not sure 4 LB capacity is worth 220pts - I could get that with a Dictator for 10pts cheaper.

How have people gotten around 'no carrier' fleets? Is a Carrier essential or not?

Offline Whiro

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 11:29:25 AM »
What you mean is the Punischer. The Enforcer is a Dauntless Variant from the Original Bakka Fleetlist. Just change the Side Weaponbatteries with Hangars one on each side. Tada the Enforcer.

You can find it in Annual 2002 or the additional Ship Compendium.

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2017, 10:30:46 PM »
Ah, No, I did mean the enforcer. The ASC 2.0 has it with A str3 Bombardment cannon. The original Bakka ship has it with str3 lances.

Offline Whiro

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2017, 11:38:07 PM »
I have to update from 1.4 to 2.0...

Offline Lord Borak

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2017, 03:20:36 PM »
No worries. I'm using the BFG:XR rules as seen seem pretty nifty but, really, there's not much different from the original rules for them. A few little tweaks here n there.

Anyhow, I think I've settled on this for my fleet. I had 45pts at the end and didn't know what to do with it so I went for the secondary commander.

BAKKA Sector Fleet - 1500pts

Commodore Greensford -75pts
Fleet Admiral [50] +1 Reroll [25]

Captain Daneswill -45pts
Secondary Commander [30] +1 Reroll [15]

The Wolf Hound -305pts
Vanquisher class Battleship [100] +1 Turret [5]

The War Dogs -210pts
6x Sword Frigates [35]

The Jackals -180pts
6 Viper class Destroyers [30]

Steel Squadron -225pts
Defiant class light cruiser [110] (Reserved)
Endeavour class light cruiser [115]

Iron squadron -230pts
Endeavour  class light cruiser [115]
Endurance class light cruiser [115]

Brass squadron -230pts
Endeavour  class light cruiser [115]
Endurance class light cruiser [115]

The Fleet Admiral goes on the Vanquisher whilst the Secondary commander goes onto a ship/squadron with pants Leadership (looking at you Vipers). Still, If I dropped the Commander and the Fleet commander re-roll I could nab 70pts (75 with the extra turret off the Vanquisher). That would let me........... do what??? No idea.

Offline Whiro

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Re: 1500pt Bakka
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2017, 03:36:11 PM »
For 70 you could get to more Vipers. For example 2x4 bring you 2x 12 Torpedos witch is strong enough 1x 18 is a littlest over the top I guess.