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Author Topic: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion  (Read 7557 times)

Offline fredmans

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[WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:40:42 PM »
Hello all! I finally got my local gaming friends to move down in scale from 28 or 25mm to 10mm in order to recreate what we always have tried to emulate, the great wars of the jewels in Tolkien's Silmarillion.

After checking out different rule sets, we opted for Warmaster Ancients/Medieval, since our perception of the First Age is low-magic. We needed a stable rule set to add monsters and heroes to.

With age, we move towards scenario-driven gaming, and so far we have created rules and army lists up until the fourth battle, which we tried out last week.

It was a 1000 point battle, where the scenario rewarded the Evil player for exiting units through the enemy's deployment zone and penalized the Evil player for any troops left in the Evil half of the table at the end of the battle.

The battle was, as always, fun and it all came down to Fingolfin's glorious charge with Veterans against Glaurung the Golden. One more hit scored and the Dragon would have been wounded and through scenario-specific rules very likely to flee the battle to lick his wounds. One more save made and the Veterans would have survived, making it possible for Fingolfin to flee the jaws of the Dragon in the Good player's turn. Alas, it was Morgoth's day, and there was much sorrow in the Elven Realms.

The Silmarillion project is a joint effort, rules-wise, scenario-wise, painting-and-collecting-wise, and I have the luxury of having two great painters and terrain-builders with me in this. We co-collect and help each other filling out gaps in the different armies.

Sample armies:

Orc General
3 Orc Captains
Young Glaurung the Golden
Armoured Orcs
3 Orc Warbands
Black Wolves
Wolf Riders
Orc Archers
2 x Orc Scouts

2 Captains
Noldor Chivalry
Noldor Nobles on Foot
Noldor Hardened Veterans
Noldor Warriors
3 x Rangers
2 x Light Cavalry

Some pictures:

I intend to use this thread to post paint progress and pictures of battles.


Offline fredmans

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2016, 02:54:34 PM »
One of the fun things about this project is to try to find models that "match" Middle-earth.

For Balrogs, I went for Bloodthirsters. Here is a Warmaster and an Epic one:

From the fourth battle onwards, Balrogs can be picked as Generals, and if Gothmog is your general, you can upgrade Leaders to Balrogs as well.

Since Balrogs are mainly black and fire, I had to try to make the armour look Balrog-y, so I went with red armour plates and dark purple washes on chainmail details.


Offline fredmans

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 02:59:46 PM »
As for dragons, Glaurung is a Magister Militium 10mm dragon, without wings.

I tried to keep him a bit "dirty" and avoid too bright colours, yet keeping him distinctly "Golden". I hate painting yellow, so I am fairly pleased with him.

This is another fella, a red wingless dragon, that has served me well for more than 20 years. He finally got a lick of paint, and it is an old Grenadier model. Some elven casualties help the eye to get the scale right.

Sorry about the crappy pictures, still trying to get to grips with my wife's system camera. Getting the right focus on such small figures can be quite tiresome.


Offline fredmans

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2016, 03:04:31 PM »
No evil army without trolls...

These are Magister Militium ones:

nor wolves...
Black Wolves are elite wolves, and are available as an upgrade if your army contains Werewolves.

and skirmishers. These are some Minifig orc archers, I picked up at Noble Knight Games.


Offline fredmans

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2016, 03:09:19 PM »
We tried out the Medieval Siege rules, and had Morgoth's Orcs assault the Elven haven of Brithombar. The elves managed to stay put, much because the Siege tower refused to move forward for most part of the game.

Siege tower (Warmaster)

Battering Ram (built from scratch)

Siege ladders (plasticard)



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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2016, 03:22:20 PM »
Looking good !  keep it up

Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2016, 03:46:57 PM »
wow, such good painting and original theme.

Minifig has fantasy range?

feed us with more pictures and battlereports

Offline Stormwind

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2016, 06:52:54 PM »
This project is fab!

I'm going to link it on my forum.
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Offline Tiberius

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2016, 07:22:03 PM »
Beautiful!  Holy cow, that is amazing. I am loving the theme and the models. Makes me thing I need to try reading the simarillion again.

Really beautiful stuff. The scratch made battering ram is quite impressive.

Offline Aquahog

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2016, 09:19:42 PM »
Hey it's Fredmans! Good to see you gaming again! As the others have said, lovely stuff. I remember you talking about the project back when we played for Sweden in Berlin.

Offline Grumbledook

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2016, 12:16:43 AM »
Great variety of miniatures, beautifully painted. The scratchbuilt battering ram is lovely. Don't know anything about the Silmarillion though so the names are lost on me. I have a boxed set on audio cassettes though (which I bought about 15 years ago) so I should probably get the walkman out of retirement!

Great job.

Offline fredmans

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2016, 07:18:57 PM »
Thanks all!

I have a bunch of Orc reinforcements on the work desk right now.

As for the Minifigs miniatures, they are no longer in production. I believe they were sold as Alternative Armies.

@Aquahog - Hello! This is indeed what we were planning at that time.

For people without Silmarillion knowledge. Noldor elves are the equivalent of High Elves. There are two major family lines, a good (Fingolfin) and a haughty rebellious one (Feanor).

Morgoth is the master of Sauron, who was his most trusted servant. The first age, the time of the War of the Jewels, is basically Lord of the Rings on steroids - Morgoth's atmies were filled with Balrogs, Dragons, Monsters etc.


Offline marell le fou

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2016, 10:53:03 PM »
Great !!

I love to hear again of those nice creatures and world. Glaurung is really nice. The great khorne daemon as Gothmog is just perfect.

So sad the "good" armies have no hero of such a stature. I don't council you to add Manwë or Oromë in your army of course...

Offline forbes

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2016, 09:43:57 PM »
Great stuff, I think the red dragon is my favourite.

I do like how you have tied stuff together with the same palette of reds and browns.

I think the grey Trolls are Pendraken, not MM.

Do you have some close up photos of the good guys, they look very interesting in the long range shots.

Offline kyussinchains

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Re: [WM] Warmaster Silmarillion
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2016, 04:41:22 PM »
those trolls look amazing! just goes to show that an excellent paintjob really can make average-looking sculpts shine

love the whole theme of it and can't wait to see the armies taking part in some really huge battles :)
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