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Author Topic: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff  (Read 55093 times)

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #270 on: August 19, 2024, 06:55:53 PM »

Also got this "Mc'kay" class lance orbital I made repainted to the artemis scheme too.
Because why not?
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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #271 on: August 23, 2024, 09:46:37 AM »
I'm not on discord...
I know. I urge you to join me and the rest of the community.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline timdp

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #272 on: September 21, 2024, 05:24:56 AM »
Quite liking the Artemis paint scheme. The brown is starting to look like NMM (non metallic metal).

Offline Ragsta

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #273 on: September 25, 2024, 10:45:54 AM »

Lovely lovely stuff, mate.

Offline Gun_wun

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #274 on: September 25, 2024, 04:12:55 PM »
I second that.  Nice...........................

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #275 on: October 01, 2024, 11:48:56 AM »
Cheers folks, more for you now!

*a few combined posts in one big drop today*

Today I finally got that aforementioned Dominator repainted.

The "Eternal Vigiliance"
This conversion uses the obvious addition of the zeus novacannon prow, instantly tying it in with the zeus lunar and zeus endeavour, already in the fleet.
To take it further, the wings were swapped out with tiny ones from an ad mech cruiser and a chaos bridge added to both tie into the voss cruiser style but also to account for the bulk of the wings, now lost from the horizontal, and put in onto the vertical axis of the ship.
The midships Aquilla comes from an astartes bannerpole and was an obvious reference to the old artwork of ships from the old codex's

The missing engine decks were restored using plasticard tubing, this being a nice reference to the 'razor' voss light cruiser mini, the simple sleek lines of the tubing mirroring those visuals nicely.
The most overt changes comes in the form of the broadsides themselves.
The domminator has always been a ill-favoured class of cruiser; Its long range novacannon utterly at odds with its incredibly short range battery armaments.
To show this on the model I built a set of batteries from plasicard 'barrels' mounted onto plates from the venerable dreadnought kit, for the extra gothic details the arches bring to the mini.
These were simply spaced in threes with platicard rod columns seperating the bays either side.
A simple, if not fiddly, solution that gave a very slimline look to the the cruiser and, hopefully suggests at a mass of smaller, shorter range weapons...
I feel the smaller weapons are very reminiscent of a dauntless's broadsides in looks, thus looking appropriately BFG in design yet are different enough to make the mini more than "just another cruiser"

Here she is alongside the Aggamemnon and the Sinclair, allowing you to see what I mean about the references to both designs she has...

Well, if nothing else, I'm glad I got at least one plastic cruiser based build in there.
Next up? the GC?
Alas, most likely not as its not arrived from the printers yet.
TBH, I don't feel in the mood to start the astartes one yet either...
I think a revisit to another conversion I did few years back might be in order next...
to tease I'll say its one that was good in premise but the way I did it bugs me to this day...
now, where's that exacto-saw and the Nitromoors gone... ;)

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So, here's that revisit to an old mini I teased last post.

The "Spitehawk"

Based off of the talented Malika's Novan Elite's Panthera Heavy Frigate (vanguard), this mini uses a Defence Monitor's prow and imperial lances as well as a section of gsc laser weapon (for the underslung lance) in its conversion...
The way I had originally built this mini had more of the original Panthera prow showing creating a rather gawky looking mini.
It also had additional aerials etc, making it seem rather cluttered too.
With it's cut down sleeker profile I'm much happier with it now.   

Although originally intended as a Defence Monitor proxy, the Panthera hull sizes in +/- around the size of a strike cruiser, meaning it could just as easily pass as a strike cruiser or dauntless light cruiser as well as a defence monitor, depending on the mood or scenareo I find myself in.
anyway, classification aside, its a great addition to battlegroup Artemis, nonetheless...

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SO. here is the astartes themed grand cruiser

Glorious Purpose - Crimson Fists battlebarge
Based on the zeus grand cruiser mini; featuring fist prow from Lord Borak's battleship conversion kit, plasma batteries (from admgr?), the pods, cannons, church-bridge and domes from battlefleet galaxy, a few beads for extra domes and some hand sculpted fist icons.

the torpedo launchers on the prow come from primaris agressors and the prow launch bay is fashioned from a rhino front-light.
I decided on using the prow-rams as decorational towers as they lined up nicely with the dome I added.
The front bombardment canon is from the vanguard panthera kit.

I went for the crimson fists scheme as on my beakies. because, well yeah...

tbh not 100% happy with how this turned out.
one of the droppod units had a rung-bit snap off it half way and I didnt notice till the final highlights, (yes the droppods are absurdly out of scale but I love the look, so sue me, perhaps they are titan pods?)
The torpedo things look more like giant speakers which is fun I suppose, perhaps they are blasting devotional tunes to terrify the enemy!
and worst of all the paintjob is, trutfully, a bit messy.

I had problems with this right from the get go.
this one was sadly a bit badly cast, terrible moldlines (unexpected from vanguard), some bits from battlefleet galaxy I wanted to use I couldn't, because they wouldn't fit (launch bays), and dispite how much I scrubbed it in soapy water beforehand the model was so greasy the paint didn't stick and kept coming off. not at the prime stage but at the basecoat stage... gah all the bottom is in a terible state with bare resin showing in the recesses.
you know what its like, once its like that after priming, its too late...
I haven't had trouble like this with painting since I cant remember.
I stopped and left it a couple of days to harden up a bit and to cool my jets some and came at it again today.
But this shitty experiance has left me somewhat jaded and in the end, I wanted it finished more than I wanted to do it.
I knew I'd feel the same if I came back to it yet later again so I just busted it out and this is the result...
shame but you've all been there I'm sure. once you're done with something, or moved on to better or different things that take your interest, its hard to go back to it...

hopefully I'll get my mojo back to paint the last two ships of Artemis I have planned...

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oday I did a couple of classic mars pattern cobras (recasts) for Battlegroup Artemis.
Gifted by a kind soul, the engines were totalled in the recasting method, nothing some clippers and some styrene rod couldn't fix...

The colourscheme fits just as well on these as it does the zeus cobras!
It also makes me realise just how sleek the original cobras are, well against the apparrent chonk of the zeus ones anyway!

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So, I figured, I've got two cruisers and two light cruisers in Artemis so far.
I've already picked an Exorcist Grand cruiser for an upcoming addition, but I've still the option to pick either another Grand or a battlecruiser...

Overlord says I!

The 'Nemesis III' Built from the hulk of the 'Ultimus Umbra' a prior Overlord class from battlegroup Devastatus who's foolhardy and ever gung-ho captain neglected the range of the batteries and lances, taking her into a suicidal death charge into the heart of the enemy in a fit of pique, resulting in the absoulte destruction of all engineering decks and engines, the bridge was anihilated by bombing runs and the prow reduced to a smoking crater... chump...

still, never ones to waste anything, the Imperium's techpriests gathered the hulk and rebuilt the ship around the surprisingly resilienent and therefore fully intact weapons decks.
once completed she was sent to reinforce battlegroup Artemis' patrols and aptly named; the 'Nemesis III', after a sister overlord from battlegroup 'classico' that itself bears the name of its predecessor, thus continuing the illustrious legacy of the Overlord class.

Look, anyone who knows me knows I love an overlord class. This one is indeed made from my old "Ultimus Umbra" from my other voss fleet.
This time around, She's sporting engines from a battleship, rear plates are from battlefleet galaxy, mounted on inverted and cut down lance decks. (you cant see those, but they're there).
The resultant gap from not having regular wings was filled either side with the eagles cut from bolt-rifles.
The bridge is chaos battleship and, I felt, matched the zeus/armageddon no-nonsense style nicely and for a bit of 'chonk' I chose the vanguard panthera lances. I feel this better reflects the power of them in game.
As mentioned, the batteries were recovered from the other overlord mini, these were the MangoZac blackship conversion kit batteries. A suitable peice to sell the power and range the overlord can bring to bear. Just as my dominator has many smaller guns to suggest shot range but high power, these suggest at both range AND power! If I had them I would have used battlebarge batteries, however, these fit the bill just as well. They're clearly based on them, right?
The prow is a simple voss from the zeus line, however Its 'blended' to the hull with a couple of strips of plasticard rod (also a nice visual refence to the dominator) for a bit of extra chunk.
To take the conversion to the end, I chose to carve out the original eagle head and replace it with the old marneus calgar backpack eagle, green-stuffing the resultant joins.
This was chosen for twofold reasons, its a nice reference to the jes goodwin concept prows he made (see chris smart's battleship conversion in the rulebook), and the second reason is that the first ever 'Nemesis' overlord I did had a converted plastic imperial prow with this eagle modelled on it! (that ship now has a converted kardunaish prow and battlebarge batteries and is thusly called nemesis II)   

All in all, I'm dead happy with this ship. It has all the chunk a battlecruiser should have.
I've used more blue on this ship too, around the bridge and the dorsal lances, to help mark its status some more.
I've also tried to tie in elements of all the other cruisers using the colours too, the blue steel and black on the rudderplates for example.
I like my battlecruisers to be oviously bigger and chunkier where possible. Absolutely no ambiguity here. The massive weapons, standout lances and massive engines make it look like a pocket battleship, which I suppose it is; baby retribution!
Its scary looking, and will probably get a lot of hits right off the bat because of it, but the rule of cool comes first, right?

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bit of a deviation from the usual ships you've seen in battlegroup Artemis so far, consider it a practice run for an upcoming vessel...

"Crius" - carnage class reserve ship.

Dragged out of mothballs to join the ranks of battlegtoup Artemis, Crius was previously stuck on escort duty of transport and supply details, operating out of the local systems.
However, needs must and all available vessels are now being called for active service in the sector to repel the foe...

Yeah, I wanted to see what a regular chaos ship would look like in Artemis colours...
Compared to modern prints/casts, the details are a little soft, making what I wanted to achive a little, lets say; "fuzzy".
This was never an issue with my nurgle fleet because they were deliberately scummy.
Lives and learns I guess...
Added details are the half-bead dome on the bridge to represent the Imperial bridge design and the midships domes where the lances/aerials would go.
The rearmost being a battlefleet galaxy component, the fore another half-bead.
Just a little something to make it feel more imperial and less chaotic...

nothing special by any means.
Just an old ship past retirement, begrudgingly back in the thick of it...

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Some fighters today...

thanks to malika for the stl/designs and LordBorak for printing them for me.

I got me some 20mm square bases, drilled them and fitted the squadron, properly.
Not sure if I'll do more marker sized bases or do them induvidually on the copper stands, you know, the way I normally do?

« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 04:33:30 PM by osjclatchford »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #276 on: October 02, 2024, 04:51:57 PM »
After my experiment with the generic red/white ordnace marker yesterday, I've decided instead to do my usual and create some ordnance on the induvidual stands, this time in the brown and blue of artemis:

I even found my last two swithdeath's and I've done them to go with the others too!
pretty happy with these!
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #277 on: October 04, 2024, 11:50:59 AM »
Finally, it's done...

Cronos - Exorcist class grand cruiser. Flagship of battlegroup Artemis.

I wanted this to be a reference to the GC's of the time of the armada releases but refused to pay money for a straight up copy of the hideous clown-shoe design.
Instead I went for this mini; its an alternative take on a Repulsive class and it's an Italian moose design and he has done an exceptional job of it.
I simply added the imperial launchbays eitherside and a half-bead dome where the stand should go. (more on that soon)
To me this mini was a great compromise between the imperial/chaos hybrids and also the repulsive class and I think I've just kept convincing myself that I love it purely out if a misplaced sense of nostalgia. Either way it's definitely growing on me more each time I look at it!
But yeah. In truth It's nonsense isn't it?
Pretty, yes but nonsense.
As I've said before now, this type of hybrid design is purely and exclusively found in fiction. Like the enterprise retconned prototypes etc in startrek. Real world military designs tend to replace the old rather bluntly with complete changes in design and very few, if not none, of the old sensibilities remaining. But that's not fun to model and paint is it?

I named the Exorcist 'Cronus' as he was the father of Zeus in greek mythology... Get it?

That's also why the Carnage class I did was named 'Crius'.
Crius was the brother of Cronos and after the failed war in heaven, was banished to Tataros, much as my outdated and therefore less trusted carnage class was "banished" to shipping escort duty after the heresy...

Now. on to the less fun stuff.
I feel duty bound to point out the following.
This print is from scourge scenics and boy did I have some trouble with them.
First outing I had it on a large gw flying base. It was so heavy and unbalanced it BROKE the stand!
Literally keeled over on the garden table (catching some rays to ensure ultimate curing) and sheared it in half.

I will point out that where I have the base now is not where it was. That's the little dome just aft of where the stand is now.
I was displeased and told scourge scenics so.
They were like, 'oh just drill it out and it'll be fine.
It's not our design it's Italianmoose's so we can't forsee these things...'
Well I was kinda pissed at the response tbh and told them so. Mentioning that , as I'm sure you guys know, attempting drilling out the clear stand nub in a printed mini is mental as it's so hard it'll likely slip the drill and possibly wreck the mini. Also it's pointless doing so as it's still unbalanced. That part of the mini is just not the centre of balance. So even if I stick another base in, it's still the same problem. Perhaps Italian moose intended it to be printed in a hollow shell configuration or a different/lighter material but even so, it's atrocious to blame his design . If it's on your store, you must take responsibility for it, surely.
Anyway I told them I intended to re drill and base it, as close to the real centre of balance as possible, and asked them if there was anything specific I should know about working with the resin, before I started to attempt the repair, Their response?


So I said to them, although appreciated (considering the issues)it was not really what I wanted. The product is faulty and I was trying to fix a problem so that it doesn't happen to someone else. It was my belief the design should have been pulled from the store untill resolved.

They were quite meh about it and even though I re-drilled it, fixed it and showed them pics and a vid explaining where it should be based, nothing has changed.
I did get an apology eventually but Afaik they're still selling them as is, hence why I feel duty bound to mention this now.
So yeah. Bit of an odd experience. Untill I pressed the issue it seemed to me they didn't give a funt if I had a good shopping experience or not. After I made them aware that I knew what I was doing, bfg modelling wise, they just threw money at the problem and we're just happy to be rid of me asap.
So do consider that before purchase from them.

Its not all bad. not by any means at all
I will say, the resin is delicious quality and resolution of print is crystal clean and crisp. The Italian moose designs are certainly among the best looking on the site but its clear they are just not quite optimised to scourge scenics printing medium/processes so yeah.

I'd be lying if I said it wasnt a little bit upsetting and a lot more disapointing. There are plenty more designs on there I'd love to try but I'm coloured by my experiance and less likely to trust to buy again... perhaps after some time...
then again maybe not.

Food for thought...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #278 on: October 09, 2024, 03:32:21 PM »
So, another carrier today:

Demeter - Dictator class cruiser

This is based off of the MangoZac Zeus cruiser chassis from vanguard, with a midships bridge and prow from battlefleet galaxy.
It also includes some plasticard work by my good self as well as helian launch bays (also vanguard)and standard Imperial batteries.
the skull on the bridge is from an old Imperal guard tank eagle.

this model was quite miscast and rather damaged when I got it, hence the addition of the skull to the bridge and the trimmed and flattened out area around the thin "corridor" section (the tubes originally there were just obliterated.)
The midships bridge was also made necessary by the fact that that whole section was simply a piss poor cast. Ive had a lot from vanguard over the years and thats two in a row like this now.
first the wonky and slipcast grand and now this? what gives guys, are the molds wearing out at last? sort it out...

I ommitted the rearwings intentionally for both the slimline look it gives and the sensibilty of having a nice clear runway for the attack craft!

I also got this pair of sword class frigates done:

Designed by Lord Borak, these heresy era styled hybrid chaos/imperial looking ships are actually just the prototypes for something he's got waiting in the wings to release soon...

But more on that next time...

2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline Tyberius

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #279 on: October 10, 2024, 08:14:21 PM »
Hey, great works man, I just hope this forum was a little more alive...

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #280 on: October 11, 2024, 10:22:31 AM »
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

Offline osjclatchford

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #281 on: October 20, 2024, 03:31:31 PM »

Darius -  armed freighter

Hastily stripped of her ample cargo holds and refitted with weapons batteries, The Darius is a nasty surprise, lying in wait for any enemy pirate raiders fool enough to attack the Artemis shipping runs.
Well armed and crewed with ex-navy personel, She punches well above her weight, even giving smaller capial ships something to worry about at close range...

yup. A simple conversion that uses the prow and stern of a printed transport ship and the midships of a zeus frigate, inverted.
consider it a q-ship or armed freighter, depending on the scenareo...
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC

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Re: [BFG] OSJC latchford's bfg stuff
« Reply #282 on: October 22, 2024, 07:03:55 PM »
So some new ships for Battlegroup Artemis today:

Nyte class Firestorms

Designed and built by the Talented Tom Knight (Lord Borak aka The2monkeymonks) the old fashioned way, with plasticard and hard labour, the casts are both crisp clean and fantastically nostalgic in design.
harking from both chaos and imperial designs they beautifully blur the lines, making them ideal as older or heresy/crusade era vessels or simply as reinforcements to the chaos fleets.

Available here;
As you will see, they come in with three flavours of prow: standard, lance or torpedo-tube variant.
I decided they'd be the best choice for firestorms in battlegroup Artemis, for the aforementioned design reasons above...

I mean, just look at them! they just fit in perfectly with my exorcist and carnage class, eh?
Well, What you doing wasting time still reading this? Go get some!
2017 Droppod Studios -  A subsidiary of the OSJC