I’m not a fan of the set damage and scatter amounts.
Sorry to be a pain here, but: Why?

Set damage keeps out the weird case of a full hit doing nearly no damage at all, which I think is pretty neat.

But I can see why it would be unliked; I've got no problem throwing it overboard.
Set scatter distances aren't there AFAICS; the
modifiers on the scatter distance are set because making them random as well would IMHO involve too much rolling of dice.
3D6 take the highest will likely be 5 or 6, which is too powerful. Hell a single D6 is strong enough.
That's the point. A hit
should be powerful IMHO.
I still strongly dislike the fact that a hit from the current NC can be anything from a light breeze to the end of the world with both having the same probability, as has each event between them. "3D6 pick the highest" would still give the possibility of something like a malfunctioning shell (i.e. one point of damage), but it would be far more unlikely.
The NC in my "proposal" (I'm reluctant to call it that because it really isn't much more than a brainstorming experiment at the moment) wouldn't get a full hit as often as the current one, at least without special orders; but if it hits it hits harder.
Being shot by it one could still BFI and hope for scatter or a low damage roll.
Although, after giving it some thought, I reckon "2D6 pick the highest" is more in line with what I wanted.
Scattering a minimum of 2cm seems a little strange (except on a hit), maybe ignoring the first 30cm might be a good idea.
Yeah, good point. Must have missed that.

The effect of LO has to be reduced to -3cm scatter then, though.
I don’t really want to limit the NC that much.
Actually I was concerned that my "proposal" was pretty strong and thus shouldn't be freely accessible.
I guess finding a fitting limitation on the use of the NC will be uncalled for for as long as there are no rules which at least the majority would use.

So I'm going to keep my mouth shut about limitations until then.