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Author Topic: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed  (Read 2745 times)

Offline Chios

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BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« on: August 27, 2016, 11:24:22 PM »
I need the forums' help on this one:

We will start a campaign next week on Sunday. We did a pretty successful testrun for campaign play two weeks ago, but now we seem to be getting at least one new player.
He would like to field Dark Eldar pirates, but to be honest, I don't really know how to set up a fleetlist for them in campaign. We are using the BFG:R rules for the campaign, could you seasoned space generals out there give me some pointers?

Other players include Chaos, Orks, Eldar, Space Marines and one guy might even join as Tau at some point.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it!

Offline Chios

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Re: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2016, 09:42:20 AM »
Does anyone have some advice for playing Dark Eldar in general then? (Preferably BFG:R, but I'll take what I can get  ;))

Offline Bozeman

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Re: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 03:51:21 AM »
Dark Eldar are a Pirate Fleet, so they would do the following things:

-Setup a Fleet list with 1500 points instead of 2000.

-Secretly choose one of the systems on the map, and write it down.  This system is their Pirate Base.  This counts as a Hive World for them.

-During Play, any Battle scenario involving the Dark Eldar is instead a "major raid" which rolls on the Raids mission table.  The points value of the Major Raid is 750-1000 points instead of the normal 500-750 points.

-Because Pirate Fleets can only participate in Raids, they cannot permanently own systems, but can own them for one turn when winning an attack in a Raid scenario.

-Once any opponent of the Dark Eldar gains 21+ renown, they may challenge the Dark Eldar player and then roll a D6 and multiply the result by 10.  If this number is less that the Renown of the Dark Eldar player, the Dark Eldar player must tell this other player which system their Pirate Base is in.

-Once the Pirate Base is discovered, if the base is in a system they control, they may choose to play a Planetary Assault or Exterminatus! mission.  If they win, the Dark Eldar's Pirate Base is destroyed!

-There are no rules for replacing a base.  The Campaign Arbitrator can make house rules.  I suggest succeeding in a dedicated appeal two turns in a row to get a new secret base.

-If the Dark Eldar player is using a Haven station as their Pirate Base, and the base is discovered, but not destroyed, it may attempt to move through the webway.  Roll a D6.  On a 1 the Haven is destroyed, but on a 2 it becomes hidden and the Dark Eldar player can choose a system to hide it in.

Hope this helps!

Offline Chios

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Re: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2016, 01:51:31 PM »
Thanks for the bit about the haven spire, completely forgot about this!

Thank you too for your thorough list about how to put together a pirate faction in campaign, although having only played Chaos myself, I would need some tips on how to use Dark Eldar in battles, which ships/weapon configurations to take/avoid,etc., so I can tailor a suitable fleet list.

I'm grateful for every input  :)

Edit: I just read the Dark Eldar Battle report on your Blog, Bozeman. Caught you red-handed!  ;D
What are your thoughts on the various ship classes, is there something to avoid at all costs? Something that is a must to have?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 02:29:54 PM by Chios »

Offline Bozeman

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Re: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2016, 06:22:32 PM »
Because Dark Eldar have great weapons but are a bit fragile, they are glass cannons.  Load up for what you enemy needs. 

Eldar or other Dark Eldar?  Battery Escorts and Launch Bay cruisers to counteract their ordnance. 

Space Marines or Necrons?  Lances on Escorts, mix of lances and Launch Bay cruisers. 

Chaos or Imperials?  Torpedo escorts, a few with Leech pre-loaded to piss them off, and possibly Impalers.  Add Lance or Launch bay cruisers at your leisure.  Tau are similar to Imperials. 

Tyranids?  Batteries are good, ordnance is also good, but make sure to get behind them as they are space cows and can barely turn.

Orks?  Lances can alpha strike their front armor, but keeping them at range and using Launch Bays and Torpedoes, especially leech to slow them down can work.  Just don't get close.

Try these out and tweak what you need to make it work.

Offline Chios

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Re: BFG:R Dark Eldar Campaign Fleet Advice needed
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2016, 12:21:10 PM »
Thank you! :D