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Author Topic: Help me understand escorts?  (Read 2959 times)

Offline Magpie8422

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Help me understand escorts?
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:41:40 AM »
On paper they just seem awful and underwhelming.  For the price of four Idolators I can get a cruiser...  can someone help me see the value?  Their offensive output seems to be inferior and their fragility (one shield and one hit!) makes it seem like they'd be wiped off the board by only a couple of broadsides from anything more determined.

For the imperials it looks even worse because for 110 they can get the Dauntless, which has superior firepower and 6 hits.

I'm sure I'm missing something, and I've never played with escorts myself, so can anyone with experience tell me what they're good for? 


Offline Whiro

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 01:28:10 PM »
Yes they seem underpowered on the First and even on the second view.

At First let me Look at your point with HP.

In comparsion you can have either one Dauntless or 3x Sword Escorts.
In Numbers 110/105 Points 6/3 HP 1/3 Shields.

As you see yes there arme more HP on the Dauntless but the Escorts have more Shields.
That means espacilly in late game I found Escorts at least as if  not more durable. Shields regenarate HP don´t.
Another Point is that Escorts are more difficult to hit with WB

Now take a look at firepower.

Simple on Paper a Dauntless have more Firepower than 3 Sword. 3 Lances on Front and 4 WB on each side.
But 3 Sword arme able to combine there firepower to an quite good 12 WB. The Dauntless is not able to bring all the Firepower to one arc.


Escorts are faster. That means you can keep them in second row and bring them to good Position when needed. Also they turn without prior moving.


My main Enemy often uses his Escorts espacily Chaos infidel class to weaken my Torpedosalvos or to catch some Bombers before they reach better Targets.
If two off your 3 Swords go down you can hide the last one too avoid your enemy get more Points.

They are cheap fillers

Sometimes when you write an Fleetlist, you will end with for example 70 spare Points. So bring in two Swords and your list is complete.

Two years ago wie start to make Escorts compulsary choices that means for every 6HP on Capital Ships you have to bring one Escort ship.

For me there is also an asthetic aspect an Fleet made only from Cruisers and Battleships will never look so good than one thats made of more choices Escort, light Cruisers, Cruisers, Grand Cruisers and Battleships

Offline Magpie8422

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2016, 04:06:03 PM »
Thank you for your detailed response.  That was very interesting and enlightening.

I have just received six Idolators for my fleet, so I will look forward to trying them once built and painted. 

I agree with you on the aesthetic value as well, that's very cool =D

Offline ErikModi

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2016, 05:56:09 PM »
Escorts are basically glass cannons.  In squadrons (which they have to be deployed in, if memory serves), combining their firepower/lance strength, Escorts can do a lot of damage for very little points, or "punch above their weight" as it were.  And if you've got really good maneuvering skills, you can take advantage of their increased speed and maneuverability to minimize their low hits, constantly frustrating your enemies by putting your escorts in places where the enemy can't shoot back.  I've heard (never seen it myself) of some players running nothing but escorts in their fleets and doing very well, even in traditionally "brawly" fleet lists like Imperium and Chaos.  And of course, Eldar are built around their escorts.  For most people, though, Escorts are a good way to help protect larger and less maneuverable Battleships from flanking attacks, minimizing the chances of most your fleet's points being neutralized by one or two good crits.

But, they don't fit everybody's playstyle.  Don't feel you HAVE to include them if you just don't grok them, spend the points on something you know how to use effectively.  On the other hand, never hurts to try out a new thing.  You might find a slot for Escorts in your fleet, you might find you're very good with them and run one of the mostly- or all-Escort "wolf pack" fleets, you may find you can't stand them and never use them again, but you'll have a better insight into their practical strengths and weaknesses should you ever come up against them.

Offline horizon

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2016, 07:33:00 PM »
Yah! Escorts. Always been a big fan of them and use them in every fleet (9 in my 1500pts Chaos fleet for example).

The most simple thing to point out:
Can any cruiser in the Imperial Navy have 20 weapon batteries in one arc @ 30cm for 175 points? No, not a single cruiser can but five Swords do have that output. They even are faster and more maneuverable then the bigger cruisers.

But escorts have to be used in a much different way. Different types different tactics. Rushing them forward usually isn't the the best idea. But once the lines close move them in to get some big hits.

As once my 3 Iconoclasts made a full health Emperor with 3 shields down go to crippled in one shot (locked on and failed BFI but nonetheless!).
Or my four AdMech Gladii taking down a complete Slaughter class cruiser.

Positioning is all important.

Furthermore it is also race dependent. For example Corsair Eldar should have a core of a lot escorts backed up by a capital ship or two, but on the other side the Craftworld Eldar can do without escorts (mainly because fluff says that escorts are last line defence of craftworld and when engaged on patrol would rather run then fight.).
Orks can also make great use of escorts, especially with the FAQ2010 version.

Before Space Marines 2010 version it was the most feasible to field 1 Barge + escorts and neglect the Strike Cruisers completely.
Tau will also make us of escorts as they come with their battleships. In terms of tactics they behave the same as Imperial Navy or Chaos.

Offline Magpie8422

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 04:37:04 PM »
Cheers for the tips, tricks and information ErikModi and horizon. 

I'm painting up the first squadron of 3x Idolators now, and I got another 3 on the way (yay, ebay).  So that will give me something to try these escorts out with.   

Offline carlisimo

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2016, 06:35:41 PM »
Generally speaking in BFG, as ships get larger they become more durable but have less firepower for the points.  As an aside, that means that small battles with big ships can get you stuck in a situation where neither side can really hurt the other.  More escorts means more casualties, and more fun (imo).  It also means that using escorts as ablative armor for your battleships is completely backwards.  They should be used more as a reserve to strike once your slower ships have started causing damage.

Chaos is a bit of an exception in that their cruisers have about as much firepower per point as their escorts.  They can live without them.  I still think it’s a good idea to take some though, because of their maneuverability.  They’re a backup plan for when you’ve been caught out of position.

Offline Bozeman

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Re: Help me understand escorts?
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2016, 03:08:02 AM »
Escorts also tend to be fast, and can turn on a dime.  Come to a New Heading gives (most) escorts a 180 degree turn on the spot.