Finally, FINALLY got the last ships to complete my 10,000ts of Battlefleet Gothic
EDIT: Not sure if it's just me but those pictures are huge! Right click on them and open them in a new window.
1x Dreadnought
1x Terra class Battleship
2x Retribution Battleships
1x Nemesis fleet Carrier
2x Emperor Battleships
2x Apocalypse Battleships
2x Mars Battlecruisers
2x Overlord Battlecruisers
4x Armageddon Battlecruisers
6x Lunar class cruisers
2x Dictator class cruisers
4x Dominator class cruisers
6x Dauntless light cruisers
20x Sword Frigates
20x Firestorm Frigates
20x Cobra destroyers
Well........... Guess I should start painting then. 0.o