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Author Topic: Indus Lists?  (Read 7759 times)

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Indus Lists?
« on: February 09, 2016, 09:55:37 PM »

I was looking at some of the small Thai Brass amulets and considering whether they could be used in a Warmaster army, and the thought came to me of an Indus list. I have the Warhammer army pdf but I seem to remember that there was an Warmaster Indus list about. Does anybody have any info?

Also Khmer and Tibetan come to mind as possible good sources for armies - Yeti anyone?  :D

Cheers, thanks for any info.


Offline Lex

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 04:05:11 PM »

I was looking at some of the small Thai Brass amulets and considering whether they could be used in a Warmaster army, and the thought came to me of an Indus list. I have the Warhammer army pdf but I seem to remember that there was an Warmaster Indus list about. Does anybody have any info?

Also Khmer and Tibetan come to mind as possible good sources for armies - Yeti anyone?  :D

Cheers, thanks for any info.


The Fan-based Orriental Design Group did several list based on that area, and eg. based on the shangrila mythos (for the Tibet list)

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 09:52:47 PM »
Hi Lex

Thanks for the reply.

The Fan-based Orriental Design Group did several list based on that area, and eg. based on the shangrila mythos (for the Tibet list)

I came across the Oriental Warmaster Yahoo group but there doesn't seem to have been much traffic since 2006 and when I request to join there is a robot email sent that says:-

"Are you aware that :

1. it's not a general discussion or resource group.

2. this is a development Team that works under a design brief from Fanatic

3. if you join, you be expected to contribute in terms of playtesting, list proof reading, new ideas, fluff generation, artwork etc. AND to stick with the designated army under discusion.

4. Also to keep confidence until our offerings are accepted or declined by Fanatic.

If you can comply with the above, then could you tell us what you will be bringing to the Team. Please adress this at:"

I've written but I don't know if here is anybody at the owner's address. I was hoping somebody had the Kingdoms of Ind list already and was willing to share. The Shangri-La list sounds interesting too.

Thanks again, will continue to poke around to see what I can find.



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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2016, 10:28:22 PM »
I might be able to get on to that

will keep you all posted

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 10:38:27 PM »

I got an automated email from the Oriental Warmaster Group that says:-


Your request to join the oriental_warmaster group was not approved.
Your membership was automatically rejected because the moderator didn't
approve it within 14 days.

Does anybody have any of the files from this group squirreled away on their hard drive? Would be a shame if this was lost altogether.



Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2016, 01:04:10 AM »

Making a start on a Kingdoms of Ind list, have done  a basic list and a lit for one of the seven kingdoms, Singha which I've based on a Northern Indian/Steppe Nomad type army.

Still to do for basic list:-


Army lists for:-

Kurya - will base it on Rajput style army - lots of charging armoured cavalry, no/few elephants. Maybe infantry upgrade
Gandharva - probably a Ghaznavid style army  armoured spear and bow infantry and cavalry, armoured elephants, living in mountains with access to iron ore.
Lakshana - basically a generic list but with the addition of Corsairs/Thieves, elephants, gunpowder weapons and Vanara monkeymen.
Bhalluka - basic list with armoured elephants, Vanara and chariots.
Panchala - basic but with Vanara, gunpowder weapons and tiger riders
Kosala - upgrades of infantry, possibly with pike, Vanara and chariots, few cavalry maybe gunpowder

All this is just my musing and is open for discussion. I don't claim to be an expert in Warmaster or in writing army lists.



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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2016, 09:17:59 AM »
Look what I managed to pull up .....

List by Jaques desBordes

Liste indus
Code: [Select]
Name                Type Att Hit Arm Cmd St Pts Min/Max Spé
Rajput                  Inf 3/1 3 0 3 45 3/- 1
Shatriya                  Inf 3 3 6+ 3 45 -/4
Shiva Maidenguard   Inf 3 3 5+ 3 65 -/1 2
Sikhs                  Inf 4 3 6+ 3 60 -/2
Vedas                 Cha 3/1 3 5+ 3 110 -/4
Giant tiger         Cav 4 3 6+ 3 80 -/2
Gupta                 Cav 3 3 4+ 3 110 -/1
Elephant                 Mon 4/1 4 5+ 1 55 1/- 3
Avtr of Skanda    Mon 7 7 5+ 1 150 -/1 4
Maharadjah         Gen +2 9 125 1
Radjah                 Hero +1 8 80 -/2
Wizard                 Wiz +0 7 45 -/1
Elephant             Mount +2 +20
FireBird             Mount +2 +80 -/1 5

1) units of Rajput of the Indus empire are Levee troops and are generally poorly motivated. They have a -1 to command roll unless part of a brigade containing units other than Rajput. They can only use initiative to evade.
2) feminine guard they are devoted to Shiva and unaffected by terror.
3) Range 30 cm, can shoot to side or rear without facing. disturb horseman and chariot other than indus : horsemen can not charge elephant by initiative.
4) Demon with 8 arm. causes terror, It can rerol one missed attack. if 4-6 hits accumulated in a turn, max hits reduced to 4 hits and 4 attacks for rest of battle
5) Flight, causes terror. 

Magic :
Woice of Kali : 5+ range 30 cm
3 shooting attacks, armour has no effect, causes drive backs, must have LOS, cannot target engaged units
Blessing of Vishnu : 4+ range 15 cm.
The target unit cavalry chariot or infantry counts as being defended for the next combat phase. 
Power of Shiva : 5+ range 15 cm
The target unit gain +1D6 attack
Call of Ganesh : 5+ range 60 cm
The target unit can not move or shoot during the next movement phase. The spellcaster must have a line of sight on the target.

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2016, 08:51:41 PM »
Hello Lex

Thanks for this. I can sit down and happily potter through it now.

Imcidentally I started this thread because I was looking at Thai brass amulets. Below is a scan with some Copplestone infantry and Pendraken cavalryman for size comparison. Not a great scan but useful for size purposes. The ones I bought are around $4-5 US.

The ones I got are from and they have better pictures of their stuff.



Offline empireaddict

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2016, 05:10:05 PM »
Only has six arms, but she might be a fit for this list?
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
"Yes, but not enough to scare us wargamers."
Larry Leadhead (2004)

Offline empireaddict

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2016, 05:21:09 PM »
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
"Yes, but not enough to scare us wargamers."
Larry Leadhead (2004)

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2016, 02:46:31 PM »

Miniatures: converting, scenery, custom rules, ...

Offline Lex

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2016, 03:42:41 PM »
Francois <> Jaques (altough both are French)

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2016, 11:00:08 PM »

Thank you for the link. The lists show a great deal of cross fertilisation between the French Warmaster players. They make for interesting reading. It just makes you wonder how many other lists are lurking hidden on various pages. I know I was very happy to get access to the Indus and Shangri La lists. Were there any other lists created by the ODG?

Just re-reading the Warhamer Kingdoms of Ind book now to look for possible scenarios  :):-
Apart from the occasional spice merchant from the Empire, it is unlikely that an Old Worlder will ever come into contact with the Indans. Most Indan trade, such as it is, is conducted with Cathay and Araby. It is from Cathay that the first caste purchased their cannons, the only gunpowder weapons present in Ind, and their use is restricted to members of the upper caste only. Elven travellers are not an uncommon sight in the east of Ind, however. The other exception is a small trading colony of Marienburgers who occupy a small island off the south coast. Their presence is tolerated most of the time, though it has not been unknown for the Marienburgers and Indan of either persuasion to come to blows.

This does not mean the Kingdoms of Ind are free from threats however, for in the dark jungles, evil Rakshasha dwells, along with the minions of the daemonic Asura, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Dark Elf Black Arks filled with slave taking raiders show up from time to time, a true horror to the coastal cities. Hungry Ogres sometimes wander down from the Mountains of Mourn, seeking employment as mercenaries at best, and  Indans for food at worst. Chaos Dwarf slave parties are also not unheard of, along with Hobgoblin raids and the occasional ruffle with Lizardmen from the Dragon Isles. From the northeast, the Kingdoms of Ind faces the Cathayans, and though relations are mostly peaceful now, it has not always been thus. Directly to the east, connected only by a small strip of land, are the Hinterlands of Khuresh, home of Chaos Naga, Forest Goblins, Skaven, and other vile creatures. Though they rarely move as far west as Ind, they are still a constant threat to the eastern kingdoms.

Maybe yetis can be related to Ogres  ;D ;D.



Offline Geep

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2016, 03:49:58 AM »
That sounds interesting- where is that book from? Is it actually printed? Are there many others like it?

Offline GrumpyOldMan

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Re: Indus Lists?
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2016, 04:37:49 AM »
Hello Geep

The book is available as a download from . There are 18 different Warhammer books available.

