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Author Topic: California Bay Area BFG Tournament 12/26  (Read 1296 times)

Offline LeperColony

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California Bay Area BFG Tournament 12/26
« on: December 02, 2015, 09:20:38 PM »
Fresh off two successful area casual play events, I submit the following for your consideration:

Bay Area BFG Holiday Tournament:

When: 12/26, 11 am
Where: Game Kastle Santa Clara

What: 2000 point BFG tournament. 1500 main list, 500 "adjustable sideboard" that can be spent after learning the race of your opponent at the start of each round.

Entry Fee: 0

Rules: Standard + 2010 FAQ, Blue Book blast markers. We will be using the following "Hold the Field" optional rule.

Hold the Field: Holding the battlefield is worth 1000 VP. This amount diminishes by 200 VPs every turn, until by the 6th turn it is worth 0. This rule is meant to prevent turn 2 victories by disengagement.

WYSIWYG fleets get an extra re-roll.

RSVP by sending me a 1500 fleet list by 12/19, 11:59 pm.

Prizes for performance and painting.

If we can't get enough interest for a tournament, there will still be a casual game event on that date/time.