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Author Topic: BFG Campaign Advanced  (Read 1340 times)

Offline Dono1979

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BFG Campaign Advanced
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:40:53 AM »
Hey all,

After running a couple of the campaigns from the book for our local group of players this year, I have decided to try and modify it a little. While pretty good, the campaign suffered terribly once the number of players increased (we had 15+ players turning up some months) and it also created a bad situation when players couldnt attend.

I wanted to keep the feel of the campaign being Imperial vs Chaos, however also wanted to allow the 'minor' races chances to get involved similar to Orks declaring a Wagggh. The other major aspect I wanted was to host the campaign Online and not force the players to all turn up on the same day each fortnight.

the online aspect will be resolved by an online portal running Map Tools and a custom Sector map which players log into. Once a fortnight at a set time players can either come along to the store where I am running the campaign or log into the site and make their campaign moves. Any battles which result from the moves are then organised amongst the players and need to be played at some point during the following fortnight before the next campaign move.

The campaign rules themselves however is something which I am 90% complete, I just wanted to get some people to have a look over and let me know what they think. Keeping in mind, that due to the online nature of the map, we are able to limit players vision of the map and where opponents fleets are, as well as keep certain bits of information exclusive to players of the respective faction.

The draft of the rules are here:

Please feel free to have a look and let me know what you think