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Author Topic: Chaos - 2 questions  (Read 3462 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Chaos - 2 questions
« on: September 25, 2015, 03:51:36 AM »
1. Can you take the special battleship from the 2010 FAQ in any Chaos fleet list? For instance, using the Scion of Prospero in the Gothic sector fleet list. Considering its fluff says it was there...

2. Does the Activated Blackstone's regular warp cannon shot ignore holofields?

Offline horizon

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 05:49:39 AM »
Quick on the second question: those cannons ignore holofields.

It as that in mms. And that was then in conjunction with Ray Bell.
I shall see if I can find the official variant. ;)

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 06:06:51 AM »
I only use the 2010 FAQ, not anything after that. I scoured the FAQ but unless my searchfu is fail, I couldn't find anything on it.

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2015, 08:15:36 AM »
My search fu just got +1.  8)

It is in the BFG 2002 annual:
Page 41, question 38.

So that would have been from a White Dwarf I guess. And perhaps in the first FAQ (if I can ever find that again...)

So warp cannons ignore holofields.

On question 1: strictly seen you cannot. However I would not make an issue out of it. ;)
... eg the Planet Killer was in the Gothic Sector as well but is also not available in the Chaos list from the rulebook but it is in the one from Armada.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 11:31:44 PM »
Well I found the holofields question: page 22 of the 2010, just before the planet killer.

Thing is listed in the 13th black crusade fleet list, just like the Scion is in the Tzeentch one. The grand cruisers though, they are a mixed bag. *shrug* I guess it just comes down to how cool people are. Wish there was a sort of answer for tournaments though, unless maybe it's under Reserves and such?

Offline Whiro

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2015, 12:34:29 AM »
On Question 1.

See Page 116 of FAQ 2010 the Black Box underneath the Inferno Cruiser.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 12:44:59 AM by Whiro »

Offline Bozeman

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2016, 05:33:31 PM »
For those too lazy to look it up, Whiro is correct.  The box under the Inferno states that the named Battleships can be used as reserves, except the Vengeful Spirit or any of its variants that can be taken in ANY Chaos list as a normal Battleship without needing to take it as reserves.

However, that means you need three OTHER battleships in the list to take them as reserves.  With 12 Slaughter class cruisers and 3 Desolator battleships, that comes to 2930 points, plus a Warmaster means that you need to spend 2980 points to take a reserve Battleship.  I guess you could do it in 3500 point games.  It is MUCH easier to simply use the list that already contains the ship you want, unless you want multiple ones from different lists.

Also, in this case of taking ships as reserves, the Powers of Chaos for those ships may not be used, even for the named flagships.  Seems like a waste.

The Hecate and Inferno can specifically be used in any list.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2016, 08:10:10 PM »
Ha, so I totally missed that black box because it's black. Fluff goes in black boxes, rules go in grey boxes, darn it.

So I keep rereading it and I think I'm getting it. I'll probably repeat Bozeman et al but I really want to get this right, because I want to build my Despoiler hull.

- The Chaos Battle Barge/Vengeful Spirit & variants can be used in any Chaos fleet list as a normal battleship.
- The unique vessels (Scion of Prospero, Wage of Sin, Terminus Est, Conqueror) can be taken as Reserves in any Chaos fleet, requiring you to take 3 other battleships (and by extension, 9 other cruisers).
- Space Marine fleets can use any one of the five chaos battle barges listed above as a Venerated Battle Barge.

Offline Bozeman

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2016, 08:47:55 PM »
I'd say you have to take TWELVE cruisers, because you need to take 3 cruisers/heavy cruisers in order to take a battleship.  So, to take 3 regular + 1 reserve Battelship, you need 12 cruisers.

Because the new Space Marine rules say ANY battleship, grand cruiser, battlecruiser, or heavy cruiser can be a Venerable barge, I'd argue that yes, you CAN use the named battleships as Venerable barges.  However, the Powers of Chaos that are outlined in Powers of Chaos would not apply, as it says so in Powers of Chaos (no Chaos marks for you, Space Marines!)  As such, you're paying for rules you don't get.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos - 2 questions
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2016, 04:16:15 PM »
Right, doi, 12 cruisers. Ha!

And of course no Chaos special rules, I just think it'd be fun to try the different hull configurations.