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Author Topic: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (New Years 2022 Update!)  (Read 196237 times)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Likewise on the credit.

I've been working on simplified text for some Ork Upgrades again, here's the current version I've got. Note that Ship Choppas is intended as a replacement for Klaws as the current Klaws upgrade is an exact copy of a unique tyranid weapon and its redundant with Traktor Fields.

Shokk Attack Mega Gun:
A Shokk Attack Mega Gun is fired during the shooting phase at a target in your front arc within 90 cm. It automatically hits causing a hit and run attack with -1 to your roll for every shield the target has active. If the attack succeeds the target suffers a Fire! critical hit as panicked snotlings cause all kinds of mayhem. If it fails place a blast marker on the target’s base as a cloud of frozen snotlings strikes their shields. On the roll of a one place a blast marker at the rear of your own base as something fails catastrophically.

Traktor Kannon:
A Traktor Kannon is fired in the shooting phase automatically hitting an enemy ship within 60 cm inside your front arc. Make a leadership check adding +1 to your leadership if your starting hull value is greater than that of the target and -1 if their hull value is greater.  If either die result was a one place a blast marker at the rear of your own base as something fails catastrophically. If you pass immediately move the target 3d6cm towards your ship and reduce its movement rate by 5cm next round.  If the target’s base overlaps your base you may initiate a boarding action.

Ship Choppas:
The first time your ship’s base overlaps an enemy ship each turn roll a D6. On a 4+ that ship takes one point of damage ignoring shields.

The SAMG is a revision of an older upgrade which previously had very clunky and wordy rules while the Traktor Kannon is an upgrade from the recent video game. Both are intended as means to try to force the enemy to close within your weapons range, which otherwise Orks dont really have anything for.  My current thought is for them to be boss upgrades, but they could be ship upgrade as well.

« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 05:41:04 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Xca|iber

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Likewise on the credit.

I've been working on simplified text for some Ork Upgrades again, here's the current version I've got. Note that Ship Choppas is intended as a replacement for Klaws as the current Klaws upgrade is an exact copy of a unique tyranid weapon and its redundant with Traktor Fields.

Shokk Attack Mega Gun:
A Shokk Attack Mega Gun is fired during the shooting phase at a target in your front arc within 90 cm. It automatically hits causing a hit and run attack with -1 to your roll for every shield the target has active. If the attack succeeds the target suffers a Fire! critical hit as panicked snotlings cause all kinds of mayhem. If it fails place a blast marker on the target’s base as a cloud of frozen snotlings strikes their shields. On the roll of a one place a blast marker at the rear of your own base as something fails catastrophically.

Traktor Kannon:
A Traktor Kannon is fired in the shooting phase automatically hitting an enemy ship within 60 cm inside your front arc. Make a leadership check adding +1 to your leadership if your starting hull value is greater than that of the target and -1 if their hull value is greater.  If either die result was a one place a blast marker at the rear of your own base as something fails catastrophically. If you pass immediately move the target 3d6cm towards your ship and reduce its movement rate by 5cm next round.  If the target’s base overlaps your base you may initiate a boarding action.

Ship Choppas:
The first time your ship’s base overlaps an enemy ship each turn roll a D6. On a 4+ that ship takes one point of damage ignoring shields.

The SAMG is a revision of an older upgrade which previously had very clunky and wordy rules while the Traktor Kannon is an upgrade from the recent video game. Both are intended as means to try to force the enemy to close within your weapons range, which otherwise Orks dont really have anything for.  My current thought is for them to be boss upgrades, but they could be ship upgrade as well.


For the sake of faction diversity, I'll consider the general concept of swapping out the Klaws. I'm not a big fan of how they are obviously copied from the Tyranid fleet. However, I don't want to end up in "new feature" limbo, so I'm going to limit this to a single "swap" of equipment. Right now I'm leaning towards the SAMG, since it's an existing BFG weapon from the old Clanz list, and because I like your simplification. However, I think we can make it even simpler:

Shokk Attack Mega-Gun:
A shokk attack mega-gun follows the normal rules for shooting, and has a range of 90cm. When fired, the weapon automatically inflicts a single hit-and-run attack on the target, with a -1 penalty to the roll for each of the target's remaining shields. If the attack fails, place a single blast marker in contact with the target's base, representing an expanding cloud of frozen snotlings left drifting through the void.

As for the Traktor Kannon and Ship Choppas, I'm currently opposed. The Traktor Kannon is always going to be clunky, because it's breaking some fundamental game mechanics (which can lead to many problems a la MSM Eldar), and I'm not comfortable with abilities that allow players to move other people's models around (for practical reasons mostly). The Ship Choppas simply seem unnecessary.


Regarding other update news, I've pretty much finalized the list of upcoming Ork changes. I'll post them up here soon. Please note that the above considerations for the Klaws will not be making it into this update. I'd like to see how everything else floats first.


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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Cool, I agree that the SAMG is the easiest to integrate. The reason for it giving a Fire! critical hit was just that otherwise in most situations you're limited to the first three results. That has a really limited impact on many ships, but then again the loss if a firing arc could be crippling.

The main concern I'd have is that vs a ship with 3 or more shields you can only drop one of the side arcs, so the result becomes rather predictable. Also vs space marines you have and extra -1, so it really is just going to ne a shidld hit. Still not bad, just things to consider.

If it causes a Fire! result then at least it has some ability to do damage.

Offline Tves

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But on the other hand the SAMG would end an escort each turn on a roll of 3+ (normal hit and run with -1 due to shields). Not a doomsday weapon granted, but scoring effectively 30ish VP per turn with near zero effort at 90cm is decent.

If we want this to do damage to multi shielded capital ships then I suggest changing it as follows.

Shokk Attack Mega-Gun:
A shokk attack mega-gun follows the normal rules for shooting, and has a range of 90cm. When fired, the weapon automatically a fire critical on the target on a roll of 2+, with a -1 penalty to the roll for each of the target's remaining shields. If the attack fails, place a single blast marker in contact with the target's base, representing an expanding cloud of frozen snotlings left drifting through the void.

Although I really don't see the point in this weapon except as an escort remover. A single hit and run is hardly going to do anything on a capital especially if its negated by shields. At a normal cruiser its at best going to cause weapon failure unless the shields have been stripped. (or do MANZ bonuses stack with this attack?)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Tves I like that idea, the only issue is making it work against escorts as well. With your version escorts die on a 3+ most of the time, whereas with the Hit and Run version they usually die on a 4+.

Vs capital ships its primarily a way to slow them down and lower their leadership, which slightly helps against the "keep away" factions.

The other benefit of using hit and run attacks as the mechanism for this weapon is that you cant perform hit and run attacks while crippled so we don't have to add an explanation for how being crippled effects this weapon.

Points cost wise I think that 30 points seems fair, making it a boss upgrade is a good idea in my view as well, that way they are limited in their availability.

Offline horizon

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When did that Smak Mega Thing actually come into existence?

Eg, why would Orks want to thrown Snotlings in the front at 90cm and not in broadsides at 30cm?  ;D  ::)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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2010 in the Ork Clanz rules.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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For reference here is the version from the official 2010 Ork Klanz release:

Shokk-Attack Lance:
- Free (Not for escorts.)

 A ship‟s prow heavy gunz batteries can be replaced with this weapon, which cannot be used if the ship is crippled or braced. It is only effective against ships with shields down in the same manner as teleporters. When used, the ship rolls to hit on a 4+, range: 30cm. Holofields and being braced both save normally against this. If a hit is rolled, D3+1 snotling hordes are teleported onto the enemy

If a miss is rolled, place a blast marker in base contact with the vessel (even if shields are already down) for the hordes of vacuum-frozen snotlings bashing against the exterior of the hull. Each hit does not cause damage. Instead, the next leadership check or special order made by the ship must be with an extra D6 (such as 3D6, or even more when already using 3D6, such as when All Ahead Full through an asteroid field)! Additional “hits” from this weapon only add to the number of hordes that must be eradicated before the ship can return to conducting leadership checks normally. Every special order done in this manner (even if failed) “repairs” one of thesehordes as the crew works furiously to shove thousands of snotlings out the nearest airlock! These can also each be repaired in the end phase normally when rolling to repair critical damage.

Escorts have fewer complex systems than capital ships and are smaller overall. While multiple snotling hordes can possibly get into some vital system that in the end overwhelms the vessel, it is just as likely they will miss vital spaces entirely. When fired at escorts, the defending squadron rolls a D6. On a 4+, the closest escort gets an additional blast marker placed in contact with it as the hordes have no effect. On a roll of 3 or less, the nearest escort in range with no shields is destroyed (being braced works normally).

As you can see I took the concept from the original and simplified it.

Although I really don't see the point in this weapon except as an escort remover. A single hit and run is hardly going to do anything on a capital especially if its negated by shields. At a normal cruiser its at best going to cause weapon failure unless the shields have been stripped. (or do MANZ bonuses stack with this attack?)

No MANZ shouldn't stack with this, mega armored snotlings are a silly concept.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 02:17:34 PM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Tves

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No MANZ shouldn't stack with this, mega armored snotlings are a silly concept.

Well one could argue that firing soft bodied snotlings as inter stellar munitions was already an galactically silly and stupid concept to begin with... But fair enough

Offline blekinge

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A few quick questions about the fleet lists and possible copy pasta errors. I am not suggesting that these things are not balanced or advocating that they should be fixed, just checking if they are intended or errors.

The Archeron class heavy cruiser
Range 45cm dorsal lances. I thing this is the only heavy/battle cruiser with dorsal lances without range 60. Is this intended?

Murder vs. Inferno
The murder refit makes it almost identical to an Inferno.
So the murder is 170, and with 2 F R60 lances
The inferno is 180 and with 6 L/F/R R60 batteries.
Is this an accurate price difference?

Fanatic class Light cruiser, Speed 25. The other light cruisers are speed 30. Is this intended?

Idolator class raider. The model clearly shows the lance as 'turnable'. Going by the model, the lance should be L/F/R, not R. Is this intended?

Why is Abbadon priced at 195 and the planet killer at 505? What playtest or calculation determined that they could not cost 200 and 500 respectively? Is there some 1500 point fleet that require Abbadon to be 5 points less to fit?

Offline Xca|iber

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A few quick questions about the fleet lists and possible copy pasta errors. I am not suggesting that these things are not balanced or advocating that they should be fixed, just checking if they are intended or errors.

The Archeron class heavy cruiser
Range 45cm dorsal lances. I thing this is the only heavy/battle cruiser with dorsal lances without range 60. Is this intended?

Murder vs. Inferno
The murder refit makes it almost identical to an Inferno.
So the murder is 170, and with 2 F R60 lances
The inferno is 180 and with 6 L/F/R R60 batteries.
Is this an accurate price difference?

Fanatic class Light cruiser, Speed 25. The other light cruisers are speed 30. Is this intended?

Idolator class raider. The model clearly shows the lance as 'turnable'. Going by the model, the lance should be L/F/R, not R. Is this intended?

Why is Abbadon priced at 195 and the planet killer at 505? What playtest or calculation determined that they could not cost 200 and 500 respectively? Is there some 1500 point fleet that require Abbadon to be 5 points less to fit?

As far as I can tell, all of the values are correct according to the original BFG:R documents. I will do some digging to see if there were specific arguments for the stats and costs in question.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Lord Borak

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The Murder/Inferno is more about how it can combine it's firepower. On a broadside the Inferno has a combined WB of 10 plus 2 lances. Compared to the murders WB or 10 and 2 Lances to the front. There's not that much difference between the two really buy the Inferno's ability to be more tactically flexible and spit lances in two directions is worth the 10pt price hike I think.

As for the Acheron. If you read the background of the Overlord it does say that, when the prow weapon batteries were dropped from the Acheron the Lances were upgraded to be comparable to it's other long ranged weapons. I think the 45cm dorsal lances is there on purpose as it's a fault with the ship design.

Offline horizon

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The Acheron has always been fine. :)

And the Inferno - Murder thing just happens to be a side effect when adding more ships to the pile. :)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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So having done some playtesting with the new ork changes and I have some revised feedback based off of it.

1. I can say that giving the Slaughter class Gunship's Zzapp Guns Str 2 is REALLY powerful.  As in TOO powerful.  The previous version with only a Firepower 1 Zzapp gun was too weak, but now its damage output is REALLY high compared with that of the Lance escorts of other races.  I again recommend that we change it to have Str 1 Zzapp Gunz and Firepower 2 Gunz, that brings it into line with the equivalent vessels of other races.  Especially with the points cost decrease to escorts each opponent I've played has been floored by the damage they can put out now.

As far as Zzapp Gunz on capital ships I again have been finding that they are a bit too potent now, so I'd recommend that we go back to the previous lower firepower value (Though the Slamblasta should still be higher.).

2. The free ship from Mob Rule is redundant and should be eliminated.  By decreasing the points cost for escorts in general it essentially is a double dip benefit, and the issue it was intended to address is addressed by the other aspect of the change.  The previous version of the rule (Gain one free ship in an escort squadron with leadership 5 or 6) was designed to recognize that low leadership escorts aren't very good.  The new version of the rule (Escorts can always test to go on special orders even after failing an order using the number of ships in the squadron instead of their leadership value.) already addresses this downside, just take more ships in the squadron and you're crappy leadership doesn't matter.

So yeah, we should eliminate the old free ship rule.  It had a clunky interaction with Victory Points anyways.  (Ie: Was it the first ship destroyed that was free or the last?  If you have only one ship left and the squadron disengages does it count as entirely destroyed or does your opponent only receive 25% victory points for it.)  The new rule and overall points decrease addresses the same issues more effectively.

Otherwise the new changes are working quite well overall.  I did have a thought on a rules redesign concept that could help streamline Orks a bit regarding Heavy Gunz.

So each time I use a ship with Heavy Gunz I have to consult the gunnery table multiple times using different metrics for what are after all very similar attacks.  Then my opponent has to just accept that some of my shots will deal 2 points of damage while other seemingly identical ones only do 1.

Ork Capital ships also tend to have very low overall firepower rates out their sides, resulting in most cases with very few shots being rolled by an individual ship relative to their Imperial/Chaos equivalents.

So my recommendation is that we redesign Heavy Gunz such that they are fired together with Gunz and are simply much more effective at short range (15 cm) than long range.

First off lets look at how Heavy Gunz work currently:

Currently Heavy Gunz work as weapons batteries which always suffer a rightward shift on the gunnery table and do 2 points of damage per hit inflicted.

Lets take a Kill Kroozer as an example.  Currently its flank weaponry is:
Weapon..........................Range.......Firepower........Fire Arc
Port Gunz........................30cm............6..............Left
Port Heavy Gunz................30cm............4..............Left

The number of attack dice vs an enemy cruiser/escort are:
Weapon.......................Defenses.......Closing.......Moving Away.......Abeam
Gunz at 30cm....................5..............4/3...............3/2................2/1
Heavy Gunz at 30cm............3..............2/1...............1/1................1/1
Gunz at 15cm....................5..............5/4...............4/3................3/2
Heavy Gunz at 15cm............4..............3/2...............2/1................1/1

So against most targets you aren't rolling many dice, and you REALLY aren't rolling many Heavy Gunz dice.  At 30cm in nearly all cases Heavy Gunz give you just a single extra dice over your regular Gunz.  Sure those extra dice are devastating if they hit, but its ANOTHER roll step and slows things down a bit.

Here's my recommended change.  Instead of the rightward shift and them doing 2 points of damage why don't have them work EXACTLY the same as regular weapons batteries but give them two firepower rates, one for short range and one for long range.

Lets use that same a Kill Kroozer as an example of the change:

  • Weapon..........................Range.......Firepower........Fire Arc
  • Port Gunz........................30cm............6..............Left
  • Port Heavy Gunz................30cm............4(6)..........Left

So with this change the Kill Kroozer has Firepower 10 Weapons Batteries beyond 15cm and Firepower 12 Weapons Batteries within 15cm.  Here's the breakdown in terms of how many attack dice you get with this change.

The number of attack dice vs an enemy cruiser/escort are:
  • Weapon.......................Defenses.......Closing.......Moving Away.......Abeam
  • Firepower at 30cm.............9...............9/7................7/5................4/2
  • Firepower at 15cm.............11.............11/8...............8/6................6/4
Here is the comparison in terms of max damage output for the two methods against Cruisers/Escorts:

    .....................Max Damage at Range:....Defenses.......Closing.......Moving Away.......Abeam
    • Current Method:............. 30cm................11.............8/5...............5/4................4/3
    • Current Method:..............15cm................13............11/8...............8/5................5/4
    • Suggested Method:..........30cm.................9..............9/7................7/5...............4/2
    • Suggested Method:..........15cm................11.............11/8...............8/6...............6/4

    The new method I'm suggesting is simpler to use as you only need to consult the Gunnery Table once, and the damage done by all the attack dice is consistent.  You also don't have the same frustrating effect of escorts with shields up being one shoted with single hits.  The other effect of it though is that it helps to keep the damage output a bit more consistent against the different orientations of the target ship.  This is easier to understand with a picture, so I've included graphs comparing the two approaches.

    As you can see the method I'm suggesting we move to provides a more gradual decrease in damage output compared with the orientation changes of the target ship.  It also helps provide Orks with SLIGHTLY more reliable gunnery at long range.

    This change is really simple to implement as well.  Just replace the Heavy Gunz firepower values with the following:
    • Heavy Gunz 4 becomes 4(6)
    • Heavy Gunz 6 becomes 6(10)

    Overall this would make the experience of playing with/against orks a bit faster and less clunky, and the "sudden death" nature of Heavy Gunz would be replaced with a "buckets of dice" approach to dishing out damage, which is more consistent with the rest of this game in general.

    The only ships which this would potentially really effect would be the Savage Gunship and the Onslaught Attack Ship as having a base Firepower of 4 on the "Heavy Gunz" from the Onslaught is realiably better than the Firepower D6+1 on the Onslaught.  While the Onslaught's 270 arc of fire is a big plus in its favor I would recommend giving the Slaughter Firepower 2(6) Heavy Gunz, so that its long range damage output is equal to the minimum damage output of the Onslaught.  That also would give the Zzapp Gunz and Heavy Gunz variants of the Slaughter the same firepower beyond 15cm range, which could be enterpreted that you are trading 4 firepower worth of Gunz at short range for a single Lance shot, which sounds quite balanced to my ear.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 04:52:45 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Xca|iber

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As always, thanks for reporting on your playtest results. This helps greatly in preventing new balance issues from getting introduced when changes are made to the documents.

1. Regarding zzapps; I've updated my draft document to reflect the original strength values for zzapp gunz. Also, thanks for bringing this up. I was getting a little edgy about the power potential on the zzapps in light of many of the other cost changes - and it's always good to minimize changes where possible.

2. The free ship doesn't seem so bad IMHO. It's a little redundant to be sure, but it provides a reasonable boost in "leadership protection" for squadrons with natively low leadership, as it adds 1 more ship that has to be destroyed before the squadron size is no longer useful for attempting Ld tests. (Since once a squadron gets down below 5 or 6 members, using Mob Rule is inadvisable unless you're out of regular command checks). This way, a high-Ld squadron may still reliably pass command checks even with few members remaining, while a low-Ld squadron gets the consolation of staying reliable a tiny bit longer.

As far as victory points go, it's actually quite simple (although I realize there aren't specific VP rules in BFG:XR yet, as I haven't finished the Scenario book... :-[). Here's how it works:

Basically, VPs only care about total cost when considering escort squadrons. A squadron that is completely destroyed awards 100% of its total value as VPs. A squadron that is crippled (i.e. half the members, rounding up, are dead) awards 25% of its total value as VPs. A non-crippled squadron that disengages awards 10% of its total value as VPs.

Thus, it doesn't matter where the "free" ship is in the squadron, since we only need to track the squadron's total VP value, which is unchanged. That is, if I have a squadron of 4 that costs 100 points, and it gets a free escort, it's now (for VP purposes) a squadron of 5 that costs 100 points. So if you kill the whole squadron (all 5 vessels), you get 100VPs. If you kill 3 (2.5, rounding up), you get 25VPs. If at least 3 live and disengage, you get 10. What the extra ship has done in this case is make it 1 ship "harder" to clear the VP thresholds for crippling and killing.

3. I very much like this proposal, and I very much appreciate the solid math and useful graphs supporting it. Now normally I wouldn't necessarily want to make a change to a weapon system that is functionally balanced at the moment, however the benefits (reducing table look-up, reducing "non-standard" column shifts, thematically representing Orks quite well, and doing all this without an overly dramatic change in overall damage output), seem quite substantial in this case.

Unless someone has a very compelling reason not to structure heavy gunz this way, I'm going to go ahead and add this into my current draft.

Regarding the savage though, did you mean to suggest them as firepower 2(4) or 2(6)? You seem to use two different numbers for the short-range FP in your post.


As far as status, I'm working on a broader set of updates that will get released along with the changes to Orks, and hopefully another thing that I know some people have been waiting for. ;)
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project