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Author Topic: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (New Years 2022 Update!)  (Read 195382 times)

Offline Xca|iber

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Well, it's listed that way in the BFG:R document, but I'll admit that it seems a bit much, and could easily be a typo in the source list (the bane of my existence). I'll do some more digging on that. For the moment, I would probably treat it as Left/Right (for the Port/Starboard weapons respectively).
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Bessemer

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Yes, Tyranids follow normal rules for being Crippled. In addition, Massive Claws and Feeder Tendrils may not be used if Crippled, but are otherwise unaffected by SO's.

As for moving while grappled, it depends on relative sizes of the ships involved. If both ships are the same size (Escort to Escort, Cruiser to Cruiser, etc) neither vessel can move. If the grappled ship is larger (Cruiser grappling a Battleship, etc), the grappled ship may only move 1/2 speed and can't turn.
In any case, both ships can shoot, but at half strength, Nova Cannon and similar weapons cannot fire.

I'm assuming that the Ork versions works in a similar fashion, but I wasn't involved in the Orks development so can't tell you with any certainty, sorry.

As for the Bio-Plasma arcs, F/L/R was the intention. My experience from playtesting found the range to counteract the ignore shield ability. However, more feedback is always welcome. Maybe making the port/starboard  BP L/R may be a good thing for the capital ships. Iwould leave this for the escorts however.

Hope this helps! And keep it up, sterling work!
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Offline Xca|iber

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Yes, Tyranids follow normal rules for being Crippled. In addition, Massive Claws and Feeder Tendrils may not be used if Crippled, but are otherwise unaffected by SO's.

As for moving while grappled, it depends on relative sizes of the ships involved. If both ships are the same size (Escort to Escort, Cruiser to Cruiser, etc) neither vessel can move. If the grappled ship is larger (Cruiser grappling a Battleship, etc), the grappled ship may only move 1/2 speed and can't turn.
In any case, both ships can shoot, but at half strength, Nova Cannon and similar weapons cannot fire.

I'm assuming that the Ork versions works in a similar fashion, but I wasn't involved in the Orks development so can't tell you with any certainty, sorry.

As for the Bio-Plasma arcs, F/L/R was the intention. My experience from playtesting found the range to counteract the ignore shield ability. However, more feedback is always welcome. Maybe making the port/starboard  BP L/R may be a good thing for the capital ships. Iwould leave this for the escorts however.

Hope this helps! And keep it up, sterling work!

Thanks for the input. It's always good to hear from 1st-hand accounts (much more reliable than sifting through old archived threads). I think the big hive ships probably should have L/R bioplasma on the port and starboard sides, since they can get a full 8 LFR from the other two choices. And on the broadside they'd still be at 11, which is still very potent. On the other hand, you guys playtested it, so you know better ;)

Good to hear about the crippling thing - you saved me from having to reformat a lot ;D

As for the claws, what I meant was the issue of the two ships actually moving together once the claw had locked on. The way it's worded right now makes it sound like the larger ship (moving at half speed) can just fly off away from the smaller vessel. From my reading of the 2010 FAQ, I thought that the intent was for the smaller ship to get dragged along by the movement of the larger one.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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Shooting all of it out front might be ok if the bio plasma wasn't range 30cm now. Even with it hitting on 6s over 15cm it's pretty easy for a Tyranid ship to lock on, and with all the Lances firing into any arc they'll be able to punish any ship pretty hard.

Offline Bessemer

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From my reading of the 2010 FAQ, I thought that the intent was for the smaller ship to get dragged along by the movement of the larger one.

This is exactly the case! I've just re-read the BFGR doc and is isn't as clear as it should be :s Good catch on that

For the Bio plasma range, anyone playing 'Nids for any length of time will tell you how ineffective BP is, and my own experience backs that up. hitting on 6's at 30 was the solution from Plaxor's original Doc, and a change me,  Afterimagdan and Andrewchristleib agreed with, as well as those who voted to finalize the Doc.
Lets face it though, 12 lances will **** up anything with shields, never mind without! ;D

As for playtesting, If I'm honest with myself, more was needed (hell, this goes for ALL the BFGR Doc, not just 'Nids!). But given the size of the community that plays BFGR is a small segment of the BFG community, which in of itself isn't large, tweeks here and there are most definitely needed.

The BFG:XR project could be the catalyst needed for this to happen. I know the steam ran out on finalizing BFGR; We'd just had our game officially ****canned after all! But with the "Re-launch" of the SG lines, better times may be ahead. And with the smart money being on the boxed game route, any future models should be able to be used with BFG:XR
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Offline Xca|iber

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Thanks for the kind words, Bessemer!

Here's what I've got laid out for some small tweaks to the Tyranids:
  • Charybdis Port/Starboard Bio-Plasma is now Left/Right only, respectively. Scylla Port and Starboard Bio-Plasma is now Left/Front and Right/Front only, respectively. All the other ships remain the same. Hopefully this should be all that's necessary to cut down on overly-heavy BP salvos without gimping the weapon/build.
  • Massive Claws have been reworked. They now specify that the smaller ship is dragged along with the bigger one, and the larger ship halves its speed and cannot turn. In addition, the End Phase rules have been replaced - now, a successfully captured ship suffers 1 damage at the start of each player's movement phase while it remains grappled. In each Tyranid movement phase, the Tyranid ship must re-attack the target to maintain its hold (resolved the same as the initial claw attack). If it fails to inflict 2+ hits, the target escapes and both ships return to normal. Finally, the rules now specify that a Tyranid ship that loses the use of its claws (by being crippled) lets go of its target automatically, if any.

If that's sounding good, I'll go ahead and publish (and make the requisite changes to the Ork Klaws as well).
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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Those Bio plasma rules are pretty much what I was about to type up and suggest so it looks good to me.

Thanks for the work you've done.

Offline Bessemer

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Here's what I've got laid out for some small tweaks to the Tyranids:
  • Charybdis Port/Starboard Bio-Plasma is now Left/Right only, respectively. Scylla Port and Starboard Bio-Plasma is now Left/Front and Right/Front only, respectively. All the other ships remain the same. Hopefully this should be all that's necessary to cut down on overly-heavy BP salvos without gimping the weapon/build.

Fully Agree

  • Massive Claws have been reworked. They now specify that the smaller ship is dragged along with the bigger one, and the larger ship halves its speed and cannot turn. In addition, the End Phase rules have been replaced - now, a successfully captured ship suffers 1 damage at the start of each player's movement phase while it remains grappled. In each Tyranid movement phase, the Tyranid ship must re-attack the target to maintain its hold (resolved the same as the initial claw attack). If it fails to inflict 2+ hits, the target escapes and both ships return to normal. Finally, the rules now specify that a Tyranid ship that loses the use of its claws (by being crippled) lets go of its target automatically, if any.

Much clearer than we wrote, and like the addition of the Tyranid ship loosing it's grip. Fairer and reduces chance of a  'Nid squadron being forced out of coherency. An unlikley scenario, but possible.

 Nice one!

I refuse to be killed by something I've never heard of.

Offline Xca|iber

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Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Since we're all in agreement, I'll get the Tyranids update out within the hour.


Bonus Update! The Adeptus Mechanicus document is finished! As always, please comment to let me know if you find any issues, typos, inconsistencies, etc.

Chaos is on the way, but it's much longer so it will be a while before I finish. We're coming into the home stretch (at least as far as I've planned ;) ).
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Chios

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2016, 06:48:09 PM »
While browsing your Necrons list I noticed that the Jackal Raider's portal got boosted to 2. Is that intentional? I know you upped the portal attacks to compensate removed regular teleport attacks. However, the Jackal being an escort wouldn't have one without the portal...

If that is a non-teleport-related rebalancing feel free to ignore the question of course ;)

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2016, 07:02:20 PM »
While browsing your Necrons list I noticed that the Jackal Raider's portal got boosted to 2. Is that intentional? I know you upped the portal attacks to compensate removed regular teleport attacks. However, the Jackal being an escort wouldn't have one without the portal...

If that is a non-teleport-related rebalancing feel free to ignore the question of course ;)

No, you're right. I was so focused on making sure i didn't accidentally drop stats (from removing the teleport attacks) that I forgot escorts don't get any. I'll have that fixed today.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline ErikModi

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2016, 06:22:17 PM »
Wow, this looks really good!  Looking forward to Chaos coming out.

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #87 on: May 17, 2016, 09:14:44 AM »
So much progress since I last check on it! Sorry I haven't been posting or proof reading much, though  it all looks super awesome. Just trying to plug away on the ASC 2.0 myself. Your progress is much more applaudable than mine.
"Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer Hell and we shall do it!"

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #88 on: June 01, 2016, 02:50:48 AM »
Wow, this looks really good!  Looking forward to Chaos coming out.
So much progress since I last check on it! Sorry I haven't been posting or proof reading much, though  it all looks super awesome. Just trying to plug away on the ASC 2.0 myself. Your progress is much more applaudable than mine.

Thank you both for the kind words! Although Gothmog, you're far too hard on yourself! I really only get stuff done in little bursts, which is why there's some downtime in between releases. I'm always very impressed with the continuous march of progress on the ASC  ;)

Speaking of progress, I recently moved for a new job so there's been that hiccup as well. (Ironically though, I might actually have more time to focus on the project now that I'm settled in, since out here I'm stuck on a weaker internet connection and my old laptop - meaning way less temptation for the shiny new video games coming out this year haha ;D).


Brief bit of "Official" Project News: The Klaws in the Ork fleet have been updated to match the functionality of the Massive Claws in the Tyranids fleet book. I had forgotten that Orks have the same equipment so I missed them when I adjusted the Tyranid one.

Progress is coming along slowly for the Chaos book. It should be ready for release SoonTM.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline harec

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 04/11/2016 - AdMech)
« Reply #89 on: June 06, 2016, 06:59:26 PM »
Xcaliber, Your work here is amazing, really nice, I was translating BFG:R to spanish, and now I have to restart, I will add your changes and include you in the autors section ;)
I colaborate with a spanish blog called profanus40k.