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Author Topic: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (New Years 2022 Update!)  (Read 196206 times)

Offline Fr05ty

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Hehehehe, I knew that nobody had made an image of it, but since I saw the art in your books I thought I might ask.  ;) And yes please! I'd love to see the image.

I'm personally working on 2 ships, the first one is balancing the Dethroner Battleship that I mentioned before to adapt to the changes from BFG:R Chaos and the second one is the Eldar ship from an Eldar Corsair Prince that came out of the Rogue Trader RPG. I'll post them in the experimental rules forum once I'm done with them so please comment! I'd like your photoshop expertise if you can spare it for the image of the Eldar ship once I finish the rules.

Is there anything I can help you with? I'd love to contribute to getting these PDFs out the door!

Offline Xca|iber

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I'll get that sent to you later today.  ;)

As for photoshop work, I can try something when I get time, although my Photoshop skills aren't that amazing. Most of what I'm capable of is mashing existing artwork together. Something along the lines of the Eldar Supernova is doable though (for that one, I took the artist's line drawing and used cut-outs of the existing ships to provide some textures for the artwork).

As for anything else to help with, most of the leg work has already been done for me by the BFG:R team. Since I'm just editing and reformatting, there's not a whole lot I could ask others to do. Most of my research has to be done firsthand as well, since I need to have a ground-level understanding of what went down in the discussions so I can properly emulate the "intent" of the Revised edition.

That being said, the proofing you've done has been really helpful and I'd appreciate you (and everyone else) continuing to do so. I'm certainly not perfect and the development time means that I sometimes come back to documents only to forget that I wasn't finished with certain pages. So having other eyes look over things is very helpful!
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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Hey, maybe I'm blind but do the orks get boarding torpedoes? I can't seem to find it in their list.

Offline Xca|iber

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Hey, maybe I'm blind but do the orks get boarding torpedoes? I can't seem to find it in their list.

They do now! (See the fleet list at the end). Thanks for catching that.
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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Wow that's fast service, thanks.

Any idea on when you might be able to come out with revised missions?

Offline Xca|iber

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The big book of scenarios that I'm planning will be after I've finished the rest of the faction codices. At the moment I'm working on AdMech (although I've been sidetracked with a small revision to the core rulebook that came up), and after that it'll be Chaos, Tau, and Rogue Traders, so it might be a bit of a wait before I get back to the scenarios.

The good news is that I did start on it and I have it all planned out; I just felt it was more important to finish all the other factions since the scenarios book will be long.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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cool, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Offline Xca|iber

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A couple of minor corrections and revisions have gone out this week. Normally I don't post all the little stuff I fix (like description text or minor typo errors), but a few things that went up are noticeable:
  • Cleaned up the reserves rules in the main book, and corrected my mistake listing the IN and AdMech under the same faction heading. Reserves are no longer restricted to "own faction except when not," and instead are restricted to exactly what's listed in your fleet list. Reserves from your own faction may take upgrades and stuff normally (as it was in Armada and FAQ2010), while reserves from another race are treated as allies. A few of the examples have been changed to reflect this clarification. Overall, nothing has actually changed, just the way the rules read should be much simpler and easier to understand.
  • The IN list has been updated to correct the number of turrets for the Dictator class cruiser (was 2, should be 3), as well as the speed of the Endurance class light cruiser (was 25cm, should be 20cm), and the torpedoes on the Defiant (was 6, should be 2).
  • Weapons on the Cardinal class have the proper hardpoint names.
  • The Falchion is actually available in the proper fleet list.
  • All of the documents have had their bottom right document heading changed to Expanded Revised - "~" instead of Gothic 2015 - "~" on account of the project name change.

That's all for now folks; as always, thanks for all your support!

EDIT: Over the past couple of days I've found a substantial number of small errors in the Imperial Navy list. I am doing what I can to correct them, but if anyone finds any more, please let me know. I apologize to anyone who downloaded it early - I was up late several nights putting it together and it affected my work. I'll be proofing the next codex much more thoroughly.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 08:51:21 PM by Xca|iber »
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline AJCHVY

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Hi there, love the XR rules so far. I had a few question regarding the Ork XR rules. The Ork Clanz has some upgrades and gubbinz that are not in the Ork XR rules, was wondering why some of the upgrades were not put in the new rules. Specifically the tellyporta, shokk attack gun, and assault karrier rules.

Also, it says in the Ork XR that you must replace lances and nova cannons with the ork version. When taking an imperial cruiser with a nova cannon, what would the strength of the killcannon be, and also when replacing lances, is it a straight replacement or do you get a d3 value?

Offline Xca|iber

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Hi there, love the XR rules so far. I had a few question regarding the Ork XR rules. The Ork Clanz has some upgrades and gubbinz that are not in the Ork XR rules, was wondering why some of the upgrades were not put in the new rules. Specifically the tellyporta, shokk attack gun, and assault karrier rules.

Also, it says in the Ork XR that you must replace lances and nova cannons with the ork version. When taking an imperial cruiser with a nova cannon, what would the strength of the killcannon be, and also when replacing lances, is it a straight replacement or do you get a d3 value?

Regarding the gubbinz: When the Orks went through their complete overhaul (I'm really going to need to leave a note about that in the log), they were basically rebuilt from the ground up by Khar and the rest of the BFG:R team. There's not a lot of discussion that I can find on the forums about why some of the stuff was not carried over in the new version.

For the Assault Karrier, I can speculate that since Orks now have boarding torpedoes for free all the time, there's not a particularly strong reason to have a conditional "+1 bay strength but no fighta-bommerz" upgrade. That being said, I'm not entirely opposed to it - I'd just have to find space in the document.

For the Shokk Attack Lance, I strongly suspect that this was removed due to being absurdly complicated to use, as well as the introduction of the zzapp gun (which I believe is the "same" weapon fluff-wise) as a dedicated Ork lance weapon making it less relevant to have as a commander upgrade. I doubt I'm going to reintroduce this one.

The tellyporta seems fine to me, and I suspect might have just been overlooked when all the reshuffling happened. I'll try to find room to add this back in.

Regarding your other question: Yes the zzapp guns should be equal strength/range/arcs as the Imperial ship (in other words, identical profile, but uses the zzapp guns rules). The killcannon thing is my bad - it was brought up in the old discussion for BFG:R, but never fully written out, so I ended up copying it without checking. I am currently fixing both these issues (Nova Cannon should be replaced with R30cm, S6, Front killcannons, just for reference).
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Xca|iber

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Quick update regarding the Orks (from the discussion above). The Tellyporta gubbin from the 2010 list has been added to BFG:XR (now called the Soopa Tellyporta), as has the "assault karrier" option for capital ships (which now simply allows a ship to forego any fighta-bommerz/torpedo bommers in exchange for +1 bay strength). Moreover, the Looted Vessels rules have been clarified - zzapp gunz use the same profile as the lances they replace, and nova cannons are replaced by S6, 30cm killkannons.

There has also been a correction to Terror ships, which were missing the option to take torpedo bombers.

The consequence of the additional upgrades, however, has forced me to "remove" the Campaign special rules that were part of the Ork fleet list (there was simply not enough space to keep it all on one page). These rules will be transferred to the full Campaign Rules document along with a lot of the other fleets' special campaign setup stuff. It is possible that these rules (requiring Orks to choose whether to participate as "pirates" or a full faction) may eventually be generalized to apply to more than just the Orks.

As always, thanks to everyone for proofing my work! It's a huge help and goes a long way towards making the BFG:XR rules as clean and tight as possible.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline AJCHVY

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Cool thanks for the clarification.

Offline DrDaniel5

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Do Tyranids follow the normal rules for being crippled now? They're pretty strong and stopping them from pumping out millions of assault boats was a good balance I thought.

Offline Xca|iber

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Do Tyranids follow the normal rules for being crippled now? They're pretty strong and stopping them from pumping out millions of assault boats was a good balance I thought.

As far as I am aware, this was a deliberate change when BFG:R was made. That said, I can't find anything specifically stating why the original BFG:R team removed the restriction on launching ordnance while crippled. I'll keep investigating this one, but until then I would consider them to follow the normal rules for crippling just like other fleets.

As an aside, I've also realized that the rules for 'Nid Claws and Ork Klaws aren't clear that the ships get dragged along together while grappling, so there will be a fix for that coming out soon.
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline DrDaniel5

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While your here....

The tyranid Hive ship that can shoot 14 lances out the front for 250 points was a bit much in a game last night. are the port and starboard lances meant to shoot out the front? because they were errated to be left and right in the 2010 compendium.

Either way thanks for all the work you've put in and responding so quickly.