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Author Topic: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (New Years 2022 Update!)  (Read 195276 times)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #315 on: July 24, 2017, 04:05:55 AM »
The only change I see that needing is to make it so that ships can stop their move with feeder tendrils as well as claws. Otherwise they will be extremely hard to use.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #316 on: July 24, 2017, 09:07:48 PM »
When you think about it that could be one of the unique things that Tyranids can do as a faction. Lore wise it would make sense that their ships would move to board enemy ships by default, so giving them a simple way to stop moving when they make contact with an enemy ship even if they have not completed their minimum movement would be thematic.

Every other race's ships are trying NOT to ram and collide with enemy vessels by default, only doing so when it suits them to. Tyranid ships by contrast would be trying to collide with enemy ships by default with some specially evolved ships trying not to (i.e.: ships with ranged biomorphs).

So here are my recommended changes to what Xcaliber submitted:

· Make it so that Feeder Tendrils allows a tyranid ship to halt its movement as soon as it overlaps an enemy ship even if it has not moved its minimum distance.
· Remove that same effect from Massive Claws but retain their ability to lock ships together.
· Give every ship that can take massive claws feeder tendrils by default so that they all can use both abilities.
· Make so that a tyranid capital ship that stops its movement to use feeder tendrils can still fire its other weapons in addition to launching a boarding action, but they may only attack the ship they have overlapped with feeder tendrils and massive claws.

This allows us to avoid repitition in the rules and would provide Tyranids a useful but by no means overpowered ability across most ships in their faction.

My last point regarding allowing a ship to fire its other weapons at other enemy ships may have been covered before but we should include some rule to that effect so that folks cannot shut down hive ships and cruisers by "feeding" them escorts.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 09:09:36 PM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Bessemer

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #317 on: July 24, 2017, 11:37:04 PM »
Just a thought on the Feeder Tendrils...Rather than completely re-write them, how about this?

As is, but you make 1 H&R attack for the squadron, rather than per model. Each model in base contact after the first adds 1 to the roll, Max +3.

Allows FT's to be a viable option without being too mental.
I refuse to be killed by something I've never heard of.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #318 on: July 25, 2017, 12:27:21 AM »
Just a thought on the Feeder Tendrils...Rather than completely re-write them, how about this?

As is, but you make 1 H&R attack for the squadron, rather than per model. Each model in base contact after the first adds 1 to the roll, Max +3.

Allows FT's to be a viable option without being too mental.

I can't see this working. Its just far too weak/powerful of an effect.  One critical hit vs a capital ship isn't really that useful of an effect, but one critical hit with a +6/+9 is insanely potent as it would guarantee the extremely rare and super powerful critical effects would happen and its a guaranteed to work ability.

We could try to figure out exactly what "max" number of hit and run attacks we feel would be too much but that wouldnt really solve the problem of it being too good as a guaranteed effect. Xcaliber's onto some good stuff here.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 12:31:38 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #319 on: October 07, 2017, 05:19:45 PM »
Anything new post summer?

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #320 on: October 07, 2017, 09:34:20 PM »
Nothing at the moment. I've been swamped with RL stuff recently, and my free time has been focused on other games. I've still got my big list of fixes/comments on the current codexes, so I haven't completely forgotten about the project  ;). Also still have the scenario book to finish up.

May still be on hiatus for a while until I can work out a better schedule to continue writing.

That said, I appreciate everyone who's still keeping up with the project! Thanks!
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #321 on: November 08, 2017, 09:37:48 PM »
    I've continued working on the Revised Campaign Rules I put together a few months back, here's the first of several updates:



  • Added Tau Promotion Table
  • Added Tau Refit Table
  • Added Tau Crew Skills Table
  • Made some minor edits
  • Added a rule so that the number of preparatory raids/battles resets after a player launches a planetary assault/exterminatus mission
  • Changed the rules for Daemon Worlds slightly
  • Added Faction Special Rules for Space Marines, Tau, and Chaos Renegades

I based the Tau tables on the ones in Warp Rift 3, with a few modernizations.  Next up is Dark Eldar, and then probably Necrons and Tyranids.  Its surprising how long it takes to rework these.

Anyways let me know what you guys think.[/list]
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 06:14:01 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #322 on: November 09, 2017, 09:28:00 PM »
Here's another update, I think I'll hold off a bit before tackling the remaining factions.


  • Added Dark Eldar Refits
  • Added Dark Eldar Crew Skills
  • Reworked the promotions tables and a few bits of other text to make things look nicer and flow better

The Dark Eldar rules are based off of the Refits and Crew Skills tables presented in Warp Rift issue 15, though with some modernizations and major edits.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #323 on: November 10, 2017, 10:40:55 PM »
Here is another new concept that I've been working on. While it has a few issues one great innovation that 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 has introduced is its approach to force organization. Its Detachment/Strategem system rewards players for taking relatively balanced armies by making their access to powerful strategems contingent upon doing so. While a player can field a comparatively unbalanced army doing so reduces the number of Command Points they have to spend on Strategems. This "Carrot or Smaller Carrot," approach is directly translatable to BFG and works better across all of its factions than the original "fore organization," method (or lack there of) did.

Here's my proposal for how this could work, feedback is VERY welcome on this one. I tried to keep Strategems useful without making them brokenly good.  You may notice that some of these are inspired by things from the BFG:Armada video game.

[spoiler]Command Points:
Command Points are the basis for the new Detachment and Strategem systems that replaces Commander Re-Rolls. The number of Command Points a player has at the beginning of a game is based both on the renown of his commander and the Detachments he used to build his fleet.  Your starting number of command points equals the number of rerolls your commander has.  So a commander with 1 re-roll provides a player 1 CP.

Detachments are a new and more flexible means for building fleet lists for your games. Each detachment is made up of a combination of ships of different classes, once you have enough ships in your list to fulfill the requirements of a detachment you may add it to your list. Some detachments provide additional Command Points while others cost Command Points. This represents the relative logistical challenges presented by each detachment, after all it takes a lot more work and resources to move a single battleship through the warp than it does to move a few escorts.  So a player who brings a more diverse array of ships often will have a greater store of Command Points vs a player who loads up on as many battleships as possible, but both styles of lists are valid.  The only requirement is that you must have at least 1 Command Point at the beginning of a game.

Note that detachments are made before ships are divided into squadrons, so for example a squadron of 6 Cobra Class Destroyers could be spread across two Combat Patrol Detachments.  While the Departmento Munitorum may be able to dictate what forces are available to a commander he is the one who gets to tell them how to fight.

· Ships of the Line Detachment: (+1 CP) Any combination of 3 Cruisers or Light Cruisers
· Fleet Support Detachment: (0 CPs) 1 Cruiser OR 1 Light Cruiser OR 1-6 Escorts
· Combat Patrol Detachment: (+1CPs) 9 Escorts OR 6 Escorts and 1 Cruiser/Light Cruiser OR 3 Escorts and 2 Cruisers/Light Cruisers
· Reconnaissance Detachment: (+1 CPs) 7-12 Escorts
· Linebreaker Detachment: (-1 CP) 1 Grandcruiser OR 1 Battlecruiser
· Command Detachment: (-2 CP) 1 Battleship
· Allied Detachment: Same as any of the above Detachments but with an additional -1 CP

Strategems provide a new and more dynamic means to influence the course of a battle. There are 4 Generic Strategems which are available to fleets of any faction, as well as 1 unique Faction Strategem which can only be used by ships belonging to that faction.  While fleets made up of ships from multiple factions can use the Faction Strategems from all of them, no ship can use a Faction Strategem from a faction other than its own. Unless otherwise stated each Strategem can only be used once per player turn. Each strategem explains when it can be used as well as its cost in Command Points (CP).

Generic Strategems:
Re-Roll: (1CP/2CP) Anytime
You may reroll one D6 OR 1 failed Leadership Test.  The first re-roll on a turn costs 1CP, all subsequent ones cost 2CP.  No D6 may be Re-Rolled more than once for any reason.

Silent Running: (1CP) During your Movement Phase. One Ship/Squadron powers down to hide from enemy sensors. Until it fires, goes in special orders, or an enemy ship moves within 15 cm of this ship/squadron any enemy ships targeting it suffer a rightward shift on the gunnery table and fixed value weapons (ie: Lances, Bombardment Cannons, Pulsars, etc) are at -1 to hit.

Emergency Repairs: (X CP) After rolling to repair critical damage.
You may spend CPs to repair remaining critical damage.  Each critical damage costs 1 CP to repair, critical effects which cannot be repaired may not be repaired.

Remove Blast Markers: (X CP) During your turn.
You may remove Blast Markers at a cost of 1 CP per Marker.

Faction Strategems:
Tau - For the Greater Good: (2 CP) When an one of your ships is has been targeted by an enemy vessel. 
Before your opponent rolls to hit designate one of your ships within 5 cm of the target vessel as its protector.  Deal any resulting damage from this attack in the following way:
  • Against the target ship’s shields
  • Against the protecting ship’s shields
  • Against the target ship’s hull

Tyranids - Dominate: (1/2 CP) Before taking a Command Test.
One of your ships/squadrons attempting to override its instinctive behavior automatically passes its command test.  If the ship/squadron is inside of synapse range the stratagem cost 1 CP, if not it cost 2 CP.

Adeptus Astartes - And They Shall Know No Fear: (1 CP) Before taking a Leadership test.
This ship/squadron ignores all Leadership penalties for the rest of this turn.

Chaos - Daemonic Assault: (1 CP) Before one of your ships performs a Teleporter attack.
Take a Leadership test.  If passed this ship may make an additional Teleporter attack against the same or a different target.  If the test is failed then this ship suffers a Hit and Run attack.

Dark Eldar - Strike From The Shadows: (2 CP) When declaring a Boarding Action.
Halve the target vessels Boarding Value.

Imperial Navy - Shared Doctrine: (2 CP) At the beginning of your shooting phase.
Select 2 of your ships which are within 15 cm of each other.  For the remainder of your turn treat them as though they were members of the same squadron.

Eldar - Eldricht Storm: (3 CP) At the beginning of your shooting phase. Once per game. 
Place a Nova Cannon Template within 15 cm of one of your non-crippled capital ships then roll a scatter dice .  If a hit is rolled leave it in place, if an arrow is rolled move the template D6 cm in that direction. The template counts as a Blast Marker and any ship under it suffers a Hit and Run attack.  At the beginning of each player’s turn the ship which cast the storm must take a Leadership test. If the test is passed the Storm remains in place. If the test is failed or the casting ship is crippled or destroyed the eldritch storm template is removed immediately.

Orks - WAAAGH!!!: (1 CP) When declaring a boarding action.
Add +1 to your boarding value.

Adeptus Mechanicus - Rites of Proper Function: (2 CP) Beginning of your turn.
Select one of your ships. Either it ignores the penalties for being crippled OR it ignores one type of Critical Damage effect it has suffered for the remainder of this turn. This does not repair the Critical Damage.

Rogue Traders - Guns for Hire: (1/2/3 CP) After one of your ships/squadrons fails its target priority check.
The ship counts as having passed its target priority check. The first time this ability is used each turn it costs 1 CP, the second time it costs 2 CP, and any additional uses cost 3 CP.

Necrons - Unleashed C'tan Shard: (3 CP) At the Beginning of your shooting phase. Once Per Game.
Place a Nova Cannon template in contact with the base of one of your non-crippled capital ships and choose a direction. Move it in a straight line 2D6 cm in that direction. Any ordnance markers touched by the template are removed from play. Any ships touched by the template suffer one hit.  Any ships touched by the center of the template suffer D6 hits.  At the beginning of each player's turn the ship which released the C’tan shard must take a leadership test.  If the test is passed you may move the C’tan Shard 2D6 cm in a direction of your choice. If the test is failed your opponent may move the C’tan Share 2D6 cm in a direction of their choice. On the roll of a double or if the ship which released the C’tan Shard is either crippled or destroyed remove the template from play.

Inquisition - Imperial Assassin: (1 CP) When performing a Hit and Run attack.
Instead of performing a standard Hit and Run attack the target vessel rolls on the Critical Damage table and suffers the roller result.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 10:54:21 PM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #324 on: November 13, 2017, 01:28:04 AM »
    Played my first match in a while with a local guy who wanted to learn how to play. It was a Tyranids vs Admech matchup with me running the nids.

    As we were playing I had a few ideas about things that we could do for their next iteration.

    1. First off holy Crap a swarm of 12 escort drones with Hull Borers is BROKEN!  With their automatic Reload order the ability to always chuck 24 boarding torpedoes (or 12 salvos of 2 torpedoes) is insane. You can use deployment shenanigans to wrap one 12 dron swarm with another essentially guaranteeing that your opponent wont be able to stop the 24 str salvo from hitting its target.  The problem with this is that its WAY to easy to pull off any lacks any real downside.

    No other faction can pull this sort of thing off because with the exception of Orks the maximum number of torpedo escorts in ome squadron is 6 for every other faction.  When you factor in that Nids essentially lack the chance everyone else has of failing to reload the 20 point escort drone with this loadout is insane.

    So my first recommendation is that we add the following to the Hull Borers rules entry:

    "When a ship goes on the
Reload Ordnance special order it reloads a number of Hull Borers equal to its starting hit points."

With this change Escort Drones would at least have the downside of only providing staggered rates of fire needing two turns to fully rearm after each mega salvo. On off turns they wphld still be able to throw out a salvo of 12 torpedoes, so it wouldn't cripple them.  Every other Tyranid ship has at least as many hit points as it does torpedoes, so escort drones would be the only ship effected by this.

2. For the first time I realized that Tyranid turrets no longer are special in any way.  I can see the value in having fixed numbers of turrets for balance purposes, but as it was always a special fluffy thing about how their shields worked as their turrets I'm wondering whether or not we could restore some versiom of their old rule. Also needing to pick whether to shoot at torpedoes or attack craft just felt disappointing as I remember how cool these used to be.

How would this work for a reworking of their old rule.

"Tyranid vessels do not actually have Turrets, instead the Spore Clouds surrounding the ship will swarm and attack any incoming ordnance.  Tyranid Turrets do not need to choose what kind of enemy ordnance to intercept, but if a Tyranid Vessel's shields are down its turrets only hit on a 6+."

So instead of their old rule, which did really only benefit Hive Ships, where the penalty effected 1 turret per blast marker this version turns it into an on/off switch.

3. Several Kraken builds are rather underpowered for their cost, especially the Hull Borer option. At 40 points you are spending twice as much for the exact same firepower as you get from a single escort drone. Given that the other options, except for the Feeder Tendrils, gives you 50%-100% more firepower than you get for an eacort drone for half the cost this seems underpowered.

My recommendation is that we make the Feeder Tendril come stock for Kraken and have it purchase a second weapon. If we added the change I recommended for the Hull Borers then it would still be better even with the same Str, so we wouldn't really need to change anything else.

4. Kraken Cruisers lacking any options is weird, I would recommend that we change it so that they have at least some sort of choices. I would recommend giving them Keel Massive Claws to start with and then Prow and Sode weapon options.  Here's my recommendation for its entry:
Carnivore Class Bio-Cruiser......60 pts
Port/Starboard Weapons: (Choose up to 2)
  • Bio-Plasma Dischargers...........+15 pts
    Port (Range 30 cm Str 1 Left)
    Starboard (Range 30 cm Str 1 Right)
  • Pyro Acid Batteries...................+10 pts
    Port (Range 30 cm Firepower 3 Left)
    Starboard (Range 30 cm Firepower 3 Right)
Prow Weapons: (Choose 1)
  • Prow Pyroacid Batteries............+15 pts
    Prow (Range 30 cm Firepower 6 Front)
  • Prow Bioplasma Discharge.......+20 pts
    Prow (Range 30 cm Str 2 Front)
  • Prow Massive Claws..................+15 pts
    Prow (Base Contact Str 2)
  • Prow Hull Borers........................+15 pts
    Prow (Speed 20 cm Str 4 Front)

That way its a flexible ship with the same "build it yourself" concept as the rest of the tyranid list.

5. I would also recommend reworking Escort Drones to fit their role as Meat Shields a bit better. As it stands right now with their speed of 15 cm and 45° turn they really can't get anywhere they need to go.  Heres the concept I'd want to move towards.

15 pts
.......1............15 cm....90°...........1.............4+..........1.....

Weapons: (Choose One)
  • Pyro-acid Battery.........................................................Free
    (Range 30 Firepower 3 Front)
  • Bio-Plasmic Discharge................................................+5 pts
    (Range 30 Str 1 Front)
  • Hull Borers...................................................................+5 pts
    (Range 30 Firepower 3 Front)
  • Feeder Tendrils............................................................Free
    (Base Contact Str 1)

With that change they would essentially be a swarm of slow moving Cobras.  I've just found that as is they can't really do a very good job of protecting a Hive Ship as when your opponent outflanks it they can't actually turn to engage them. The 90° turn would fix that and turn them into an angry swarm of bees.  Also the reduced cost would help you fit larger ships in a list with swarms of kittle ones, which is very fluffy.

6.  Change the names of units to make it easier to tell them apart.
Kraken Carnivore -------> Carnivore Class Cruiser
Kraken Predator --------> Kraken Bio-Ship
Leviathan Prowler -----> Prowler Class Light Cruiser
Leviathan Vanguard --> Vanguard Bio-Ship
Emergent Drone --------> Guardian Class Light Cruiser
Escort Drone -------------> Drone Bio-Ship

7. The weapons for the Charybdis Hive Ship seem a bit odd in a few ways. Now I understand that they are in essence exactly the same as the original Hive Ship rules from the BFG Armada book, but does anyone have any idea why the Bip-Plasma Discharge is Left/Front/Right?  Its the only weapon that is, and that seems a rather inexplicable. Every other ship with similar weapon options either have all fixed weapon options or all 270° arc weapon options. I just can't see any reason why the Bio-Plasma Discharge for this ship, and the Scylla Class Hive Ship as well I guess, breaks that mold.  Again I get it that the original rules had this as a design feature, I just can't figure out why.

I would recommend we make at least the Prow Bio-Plasma Discharge a Front only weapon, and/or make the Dorsal Pyro-Acid Battery F/L/R as well.  As it stands there really is absolutely no reason to ever take Pyro-Acid batteries on the sides as Firepower 6 is pathetic for a battleship. If the Dorsal Pyro-Acid Batteries could also fire F/L/R then at least you could have a Firepower 14 flank shot to one side.

As is there are two "Correct" ways to build Hiveships, pure carrier or pure Bio-Plasma, and I'd suggest that pure Bio-Plasma is the way to go as being able to pump out 11 Lance shots to one side, ignoring shields is insane for 250 points.

I'd suggest changing the options to something like:

Port/Starboard Weapons: (Choose up to 3)
  • Bio-Plasma Dischargers...........+15 pts
    Port (Range 30 cm Str 1 Left)
    Starboard (Range 30 cm Str 1 Right)
  • Pyro Acid Batteries...................+10 pts
    Port (Range 45 cm Firepower 2 Left)
    Starboard (Range 45 cm Firepower 2 Right)
[li]Launch Glands..........................+20 pts
Port Antibodies (Str 1 15 cm Left)
Starboard Antibodies (Str 1 15 cm Right)
Prow Weapons: (Choose 1)
  • Prow Pyroacid Batteries............+25 pts
    Prow (Range 45 cm Firepower 8 Front)
  • Prow Bioplasma Discharge.......+20 pts
    Prow (Range 30 cm Str 4 Front)
  • Prow Massive Claws..................+15 pts
    Prow (Base Contact Str 2)
  • Prow Hull Borers........................+25 pts
    Prow (Speed 20 cm Str 8 Front)
Keel Weapons: (Choose 1)
  • Pyroacid Batteries............+25 pts
    Keel (Range 45 cm Firepower 8 Left/Front/Right)
  • Bioplasma Discharge.......+20 pts
    Keel (Range 30 cm Str 4 Left/Front/Right)
  • Launch Glands.................+20 pts
    Antibodies (Str 2 Speed 20 cm Front)

It's a minor change but it would make them make more sense. We could do a similar change fpe the Scylla as well.

Anyways those are the recommendations I've got right now.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 03:22:23 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #325 on: November 19, 2017, 11:39:36 PM »
Continuing my string of posts I've been making of late I've updated the campaign rules yet again, this time incorporating the Detachment and Stratagem rules I mentioned earlier.  Feedback is of course welcome on these as adding new concepts to a game always involves some growing pains.  Making this look pretty took so fucking long...


« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 02:22:56 PM by Green_Squad_Leader »

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #326 on: November 20, 2017, 02:23:44 PM »
Updated stratagems.

Offline Fr05ty

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #327 on: March 15, 2018, 09:35:32 PM »
Xcal, there's an error in the Ork Hammer class Battlekroozer options. It says you may equip its Deff Kannon with looted torpedoes when it should be Kustom Kannon.

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #328 on: March 17, 2018, 12:32:04 AM »
Xcal, there's an error in the Ork Hammer class Battlekroozer options. It says you may equip its Deff Kannon with looted torpedoes when it should be Kustom Kannon.

I think you have an older version. The one in the current link looks correct to me. Which page did you mean?


P.S. A word to everybody that's helped out and contributed thus far:

In "official" news regarding the project, I'm sad to say that the current hiatus may extend indefinitely. I'm not going to give up on the project just yet, but it's been very difficult for me to make time to work on it. BFG is, quite unfortunately, a defunct game - one that I haven't been able to play regularly since most of my friends moved away (and moved on with their lives). As a result, it's become hard to stay motivated. (At least, it is hard to choose to stay home and work on BFG:XR, which I cannot play, when I can drive out to my FLGS and play X-Wing or hop on Discord and play TTRPGs).

So for now I've decided to put the whole thing in standby for the time being. I know this isn't really great to hear, and I definitely should have made an announcement sooner. If there are issues with the existing books that can be fixed easily (aka typos, formatting problems, errors, etc) I'll still be around to take a look. But I probably won't work on any major balancing changes for the foreseeable future. (I'm keeping all my notes however, so don't worry about ideas getting lost).

Lastly I just want to say thanks to everyone that helped out and contributed, and to the mods of these boards for letting me set-up this little project here. BFG:XR is one of the first "homebrew" projects I've worked on publicly, and the support I've gotten thus far has been far greater than I would have ever expected. Hopefully one day in the future, I'll be able to come back and give it my full attention once again. Until then, good luck and happy hunting to all you Captains and Admirals out there. May your have smooth sailing through the Warp on all your travels.


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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (MAJOR Update 04/12/2017)
« Reply #329 on: April 05, 2018, 11:23:27 AM »
Hey xcal thanks for giving us the update, it is unfortunate but everyone needs a break everyone once in a while.  Not every project lasts forever and what has already been done for BFG is great already.  Something I'm going to look into is getting in contact with Forge World and offering to help them with playtesting and designing the promised revamping of BFG.  If any of the work you have done on this project can help inform their work developing a renewed "living" game of BFG then it will all be worth it.

With my being mobilized and sent to Kuwait for a year this is the first time I've even looked at the forum here in months.  I  actually had been putting some more thought to ways to fix Mimic engines, doing some playtesting against myself to see whether or not the revised concept is easily breakable.

If you are up for passing the torch a bit on this I can take on the job for actually compiling and putting out the finished products rules wise, I would just need the tools (templates/formats) to do it.