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Author Topic: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (New Years 2022 Update!)  (Read 195300 times)

Offline blekinge

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 01/26/2017 - Orks & AdMech)
« Reply #225 on: February 24, 2017, 06:14:36 PM »
This is my suggestion for a more readable version of the ork cruiser

Orky Kroozer 180

Cruiser/10   20cm   45°   1D3    6+/5+/4+   3

Prow Gunz    45cm       D6+5       Front
Prow Ram   Ramming      +1 Hit      Front      
Port Gunz    30cm      6       Left
Stbd Gunz    30cm      6      Right

MUST take ONE of these additional Prow option
 *  +0 Points: Prow Heavy Gunz (30cm, Strength 6, Front)
 *  +5 Points: Prow zzapp gunz (Range 30cm, Strength D3+1, Front)
 * +10 Points: Prow torpedo launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6+2, Front)
 * +10 Points: Kustom Traktor Field

MUST take ONE of these (pair of) Flank options
 *  +0 Points: Port/Stbd Heavy Gunz (30cm, Strength 4, Right/Left respectively)
 *  +0 Points: Port/Stbd Torpedo Launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6 (in total), Front)
 * +20 Points: Port/Stbd Launch Bays (FBz+ABz, 2+2 Squadrons, Right/Left respectively)
 * +20 Points: Port/Stbd Zapp gunz (Range 30cm, Strength D3+1, Right/Left respectively)
 * +25 Points: Super Boosta
1. The Hull Crusha is now a listed weapon (so you do not forget it)
2. Kustom Force Field is built in, not optional
3. Merged the Kill Kroozer and Terror Ship (Identical, except the terror ship prow batteries are Strength 4, but strength 6 for the kill kroozer) with Strength 5 prow batteries
4. The soopa boosta takes up a side 'slot'
5. The Kustom Trackor Field takes up a prow 'slot'
6. I ignored the Klaws options, as I consider it to fidly to use

I have thought about adding normal gunz as options also, but I wanted to show something as close as possible to the accepted rules first.

I hope that this could act as a basic ship, where we could more easily discuss the pricing of the options
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 06:22:11 PM by blekinge »

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 01/26/2017 - Orks & AdMech)
« Reply #226 on: February 25, 2017, 02:48:29 PM »
Thete are a LOT of changes hidden in there. While i agree with much of these principles I suggested a similar method months ago, it was turned down.

We boosted the number of shots for Zzap guns for a reason.

The points cost of many of these upgrades dimt make much sense.  Prow Zzap gunz are better hands down, but flank ones cost 4 times as much?

Traktor fields SHOULD NOT be a weapon.

Overall I'm disappointed, you're version of the ship is as or more expensive than the current one.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: The BFG: Expanded Revised Rules Thread (Update 01/26/2017 - Orks & AdMech)
« Reply #227 on: February 28, 2017, 01:51:15 PM »
So I just noticed that the Basha Lite Kroozer had been updated at some point to have 8 hit points instead of 6. No idea when that happened, but its a great change. I wothdraw my earlier statement that the Basha isnt worth its points.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Still going on about Orks.  I'm going to playtest the following change to Mob Rule in our local campaign to see if it works or not:

Mob Rule: When attempting to go on special orders, an Ork escort squadron may substitute the number of ships in the squadron for its leadership value (Max 8 ).  If it does it may attempt to use special orders even if a special order check has already been failed this turn.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 06:16:27 AM by Green_Squad_Leader »

Offline Tves

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I have a "logistics" suggestion. In the first post, under the spoiler tags. Is there a chance of adding the last updated date. To ease verifying that we have the most up to date files?

Offline Xca|iber

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I have a "logistics" suggestion. In the first post, under the spoiler tags. Is there a chance of adding the last updated date. To ease verifying that we have the most up to date files?

I need to work on finding a solution to this issue. Previously, I did have a "Last Updated" list on the first page, but I had trouble remembering to update it. Of course, I realize I've not been properly updating the dates shown in the document change-logs either, so clearly a better method needs to be found.

For the sake of answering your immediate question, here are the last updated dates for each document as of this posting:

AdMech - Jan 26, 2017
Chaos - Jan 13, 2017
Dark Eldar - Dec 17, 2016
Eldar - Dec 17, 2016
Fleet Support - Apr 4, 2016
Imperial Navy - Feb 20, 2017
Inquisition - Jul 31, 2016
Necrons - Apr 12, 2016
Orks - Feb 19, 2017 [Note that a new update is pending, per the previous discussion in this thread]
Main Rulebook - Jan 13, 2017
Tau Empire - Sep 17, 2016
Tyranids - Jul 31, 2016

EDIT: I've fixed all the documents with an automatically updating "Last Modified" date, so the date and time shown in the Change Log of each document will always be correct. I'm going to try and do a better job of updating the first post to match.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 06:53:22 PM by Xca|iber »
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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I rebuilt my fleet roster for the campaign I'm in to use the changes to the newest impending update to the Ork fleet list.

I had built my fleet to give every ship and squadron a clan affiliation using the old rules.  With the new changes my 2000 point fleet list was only worth 1690 points. That is how significant the changes are!

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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I posted some screen shots of these a few weeks ago, but here are the Ork and Eldar Refit Tables.  These were adapted from a pair of articles which appeared in BFG Annual 2002.  I had to reword some of the refits which were confusing, trying my best to keep the core concepts, and I reworked or replaced those which are redundant in the current rules or which effected rule interactions which don't exist anymore.  If you spot any typos or such let me know.


Offline Lord Borak

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One thing I've been meaning to ask.

The Bakka fleet list, the old BFG:R allowed you to take Avenger Grand Cruisers. This has now been removed but the fleet list still makes reference to taking Grand Cruisers.

"You may take one battlecruiser of grand cruiser for every three cruisers or light cruisers in your fleet"

Were these intentionally left out?

Secondly, I think you missed one of my last questions, The Bakka fleet is described as having close ties with the Mechanicum but do they still come under the 4:1 ratio when taking reserves? It seems that way.

Offline Xca|iber

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One thing I've been meaning to ask.

The Bakka fleet list, the old BFG:R allowed you to take Avenger Grand Cruisers. This has now been removed but the fleet list still makes reference to taking Grand Cruisers.

"You may take one battlecruiser of grand cruiser for every three cruisers or light cruisers in your fleet"

Were these intentionally left out?

Secondly, I think you missed one of my last questions, The Bakka fleet is described as having close ties with the Mechanicum but do they still come under the 4:1 ratio when taking reserves? It seems that way.

The Bakka fleet list referring to Grand Cruisers was in error (after the removal of the Avenger option). The change was made to better reflect the BFG:R Bakka fleet list (since there were two separate Bakka lists created for BFG:R - one separate and one in the Navy list - which were unified in BFG:XR).

The reserves rules are correct for the Bakka fleet. I changed the wording to make this more clear. It now states that Bakka fleets are a low priority for reinforcement.

In any case, the fleet list has been updated.
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Lord Borak

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Awesome. Cheers mate.

Offline Tves

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Trying to wrap my head around the new, unreleased, Ork clan rules.

Say I have a fleet that I want to be a mix of goffs, badmoon and Bloodaxes.

I would pay 50 points to have Goff Warboss for my battleship (30 for the first clan and 20 for the upgrade).
Would I then pay 20 for a Freebooter to have Badmoon affiliation, or would I pay the 30 point premium again?

If I have a goff Warboss (on the biggest ship) any other ship not paying for a clan affiliation would gain the goff bonus?

Offline Xca|iber

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Trying to wrap my head around the new, unreleased, Ork clan rules.

Say I have a fleet that I want to be a mix of goffs, badmoon and Bloodaxes.

I would pay 50 points to have Goff Warboss for my battleship (30 for the first clan and 20 for the upgrade).
Would I then pay 20 for a Freebooter to have Badmoon affiliation, or would I pay the 30 point premium again?

If I have a goff Warboss (on the biggest ship) any other ship not paying for a clan affiliation would gain the goff bonus?

You are correct. +30pts to have any clanz in your fleet (paid once for the whole fleet) and +20 points for a clan upgrade on each commander desired. The other ships not affected by another clan affiliation would share the affiliation of your Goff warboss (in your example).
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Tves

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The 30 points for clan access would then get added to the first "biggest" boss's cost. For example in this case a
Biggest Warlord with Goff clan would be 130 points? (40 for the warboss, 40 for biggest, 20 for Goff and 30 for the pay once clan access price).

PS: Thanks dude, I don't think you get nearly enough credit for what you do.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 01:31:04 AM by Tves »

Offline Xca|iber

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The 30 points for clan access would then get added to the first "biggest" boss's cost. For example in this case a
Biggest Warlord with Goff clan would be 130 points? (40 for the warboss, 40 for biggest, 20 for Goff and 30 for the pay once clan access price).

That's correct. I'll make sure to clarify the wording so that the cost will be "visible" for victory points.

PS: Thanks dude, I don't think you get nearly enough credit for what you do.

Thank you! (Though most of the credit really isn't mine. The majority of the work was already completed before I ever got started, thanks to the diligence and enthusiasm of this community  ;) )
++Ask Not, Fear Not++
BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project