Hello everyone!
As per usual, Xca|iber, the work on BFG:XR is interesting and exciting!
- Replacing the roll system with a well-balanced choice system like has been discussed here—I think it's a lot more elegant than the BFG:R method (whilst that one's effective) and I prefer it over points costs because of the difficulties in balancing their costs/desirability and because of the built-in cost mechanism already present.
- I did really like the active/passive split but it can be sacrificed for the greater good!
- Changing Advanced Weapon Relays to Lock On only. Synergises well with their intended role and also stops my brother from expodifying me every turn with double lance hits...
- Fleet Defence Turrets (I was going to suggest maybe a +1 turret bonus and the re-roll special rule but then I remembered Mechanicus ships already get more turrets)
- Archmagos options. It seems a little sad for the escorts to miss out (though they beat their Epic40K infantry cousins with void shields
) but I suppose that's how it's always been with the Mechanicus. I prefer the choice mechanism to the points mechanism, I think it's cleaner that way for difficult-to-price bonuses.
- Perhaps another choice of Archmagos fleet-wide rule could be Advanced Attack Craft, making attack craft Resilient? I think this would be nifty to replace one of the less desirable upgrades in the same manner as FDTs under the old individual choice system but then you have to account for which ship launches which craft. This fleet-wide version could make for an interesting carrier fleet option for people who want it.
- Emergency Energy Reserves did conjure an idea of having something to do with Special Orders (maybe one ship per battleship per turn could pass automatically?) partly inspired by the Tindalos BFG Armada. Maybe that could sweeten the deal?
- It would be nice to avoid the direct overlap of Move-Move-Shoot Eldar holofields and Advanced Shields but if there's no better way to do it, it's not world-ending
- One other option to get rid of the problem of weak/powerful upgrades is to allow a ship to choose between them every turn. This could also allow situational ones like Advanced Shields to be linked to Bracing for Impact without gimping the ship. Of course, one would also have to make sure double-hit lances every turn aren't too powerful.... But, if nothing else, it would represent all the nifty Imperial relays, Dark Age technology, etc. that the Mechanicus keep hidden away....
Anyway, some food for thought,
Thinking stone
Editation: O, and one other thing, Xca|iber: is the Archmagos upgrade in addition to the upgrade that each ship can choose? I presume that would be made clear in the final document. Some nifty ships they would be indeed!
Edit x 2: And just saw an uncapitalised 'sword' on page 13, Gladius background entry.