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Author Topic: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists  (Read 4541 times)

Offline Stormwind

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WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« on: August 08, 2015, 07:14:51 PM »
I've finally got my hands on some extra Marauder Horsemen and I began wondering how I might change my list.  I usually face Orcs as Chaos, with Dwarves approaching on the horizon.

Chaos players - what kind of list do you generally run at 1500, 2000 and 3000 points?
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Offline Geep

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 02:29:49 AM »
I have never played with or against Chaos, but I know the common recommendation is to run brigades of 2 Chaos Warriors and 2 Marauders, with the Marauders in support.

I would run cavalry brigades in a similar way, only smaller in number (3 units per brigade usually), and the chaff unit would be at the front to absorb cannon shots.

Offline jchaos79

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 08:08:31 AM »
Hi Stormwind,

I played with Chaos many times. Chaos list has multiple choices and it is fun to build and play with different chaos style armies.

I will give two tips for playing with chaos:

- Think as chaos warlord: What do you want? crush your enemies, blood in your axe and hear their women weep. So attack: you are enough powerful to make it frontaly.

- Don't use hounds for screening in a skirmish mode in front of your army. Hold then in the back and use dogs to track the wounded units isolated to finish them...

I am going to share some of my armylists, they are not made with the intention of being uberlist or maximizing efficiency, just for gaming with my style of play.
I do not take too much characters in chaos lists, which is a gambler choice because depends a lot of the Chaos Warlord general rolls.
I do not use mounts, but I am considering useing it in my next games.

Now go to the armylist:

Good for invasion of urban zones such kislev or the Impire
Center: two infantry brigades:
450 - 3 Chaos Warriors
240 - 4 Chaos Marauders
105 - 1 Ogres

Right wing: one mobil brigade
180 - 2 Marauder Horsemen

Left wing: mobil brigade
90 - 1 chaos horsemen
95 - 1 Chaos Chariots

Reserve and ambush brigade:
60 - 2 Chaos Hounds
65 - 1 Harpies

125 - 1 General
100 - 1 Sorcerer

1500 14 units --- BP7

Inspired in the Conan of jhon millius beginning of the movie
450 - 3 Chaos Warriors
420 - 7 Chaos Marauders
290 - 3 Marauder Horsemen
- 1 Banner of Fortune (20)
60 - 2 Chaos Hounds
65 - 1 Harpies
125 - 1 General
90 - 1 Sorcerer
---------------------------------------------------------------- 1500 16 units BP8

When you are facing uber cav list
150 - 1 Chaos Warriors
60 - 1 Chaos Marauders
280 - 3 Marauder Horsemen
- 1 Sword of Destruction (10)
400 - 2 Chaos Knights
60 - 2 Chaos Hounds
95 - 1 Chaos Chariots
250 - 1 Dragon Ogres
125 - 1 General
80 - 1 Hero
---------------------------------------------------------------- 1500 11 units BP6

General pourpose evil list
300 - 2 Chaos Warriors
125 - 2 Chaos Marauders
400 - 2 Chaos Knights
95 - 1 Chaos Chariots
250 - 1 Dragon Ogres
60 - 2 Chaos Hounds
65 - 1 Harpies
125 - 1 General
80 - 1 Hero
---------------------------------------------------------------- 1500 11 units BP6

To scare human armies
300 - 2 chaos warriors
60 - 1 chaos marauders
330 - 3x trolls
60 - 2 hounds
65 - 1 harpies
250 - 1 dragon ogres
220 - chaos spawn
125 - 1 general
90 - sorceror

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1500 12/6

« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 08:23:29 AM by jchaos79 »

Offline Stormwind

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 04:58:11 PM »
Ah thanks for your lists!

I think my go to is usually something like this:

Chaos Army, 1980 points

 450 -  3 Chaos Warriors
 180 -  3 Chaos Marauders
 270 -  3 Marauder Horsemen
 600 -  3 Chaos Knights
 120 -  4 Chaos Hounds
  65 -  1 Harpies
 125 -  1 General
  80 -  1 Hero
  90 -  1 Sorcerer
1980 - 17/9

Heavily influenced by what units I actually have based / painted.

Or something like this:

Chaos Army, 1510 points

 300 -  2 Chaos Warriors
 120 -  2 Chaos Marauders
 270 -  3 Marauder Horsemen
 400 -  2 Chaos Knights
  60 -  2 Chaos Hounds
  65 -  1 Harpies
 125 -  1 General
  80 -  1 Hero
  90 -  1 Sorcerer
1510 - 12/6

I never considered doing an infantry horde, before, I keep thinking of Chaos as higher value armies, but having a higher breakpoint would be great.

The problem for me is deciding whether to have 3 or only 2 command stands at that lower points range.  At 2000 points, there's the option to go all the way up to 5, but higher command wizards are so overpriced.

I wonder though, do you always go for sorcerors? The limited command range is a pain.
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Offline David Wasilewski

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 08:18:15 PM »
Chaos is my 'main army' and my advice, for what its worth, is that you go cavalry heavy and be very aggressive at one decisive point (a point that is preferably not where his war machines are!). The infantry's job is to take and hold terrain and to build the break point.

Infantry heavy armies can win but are best used against dwarves, skaven etc. i.e. armies you know will not have much cavalry themselves. Personally I love to field large numbers of chaos warrior infantry in larger games. Nothing like a brigade of 4 units of chaos warriors, backed up by a couple of spawn to sow a bit of fear in the enemy! :)

Hounds are great for boosting your break point and guarding flanks and as second line troops. Never throw them forward as a screen as they will die like flies and will lead to your break point going much sooner. If I was playing a 3K+ list I'd field some knights too but they are usually cannon magnets and rarely pay for themselves. Dragon Ogres are awesome but you need to screen them for the same reasons. I think chaos chariots are worth a try!

Sorcerers: Not that good unless your dice are lucky in magic!


Offline Stormwind

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 11:40:03 PM »
The -1 command spell should be devastating but my opponent's lucky pink dice always come up well even when commanding orcs.

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Offline cjbennett22

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 02:11:15 AM »
put a unit of harpies in the rear of your enemy, hit them with a chariot unit to soften them up, let them counter on their turn and kill the chariots while mixing their brigades up a bit.  Then hit them with 2 knights.  If cannons are present keep a hound unit between you and their barrels.  when the hounds are driven back, don't move out of their way and force them to be confused and leave your front open to the enemy.

if they let you put the harpies at the rear of your enemies cannons, they will need to attempt to order them to turn around to fire on them and then attempt another order, next turn, to turn back around.  if they fail to turn and fire on the harpies then kiss them goodbye next turn based on their initiative charge.  if they get turned around then they might die but you have a free turn for the rest of your army with no cannons to face.

Don't be afraid to attack the flanks with your hounds.  as the attacker you can put your opponent's hits anywhere you want and if they will turn the battle into your favor, why not? 

the very first tactic I had with the chaos, when I was 17!  was lots of heavies, lots of knights and a dragon riding hero and 2 sorcerors attempting rage of chaos all day.  I can normally get that spell off once or twice a game.

finally, I liked to stack in a column, infantry brigade following 2 cavalry brigades, narrows your front just like a spear head.  Cycle out your knights when down to 1 stand and let your warriors replace them next turn.  4 hits and a 4+ armor save goes along way.  Chaos is only hindered by the fact they can only advance twice a turn.  :)

Offline cjbennett22

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Re: WM: Chaos Tactics / Lists
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 02:53:16 AM »
my original army list that I have tweaked per battle.

I always found that the chariots are strong enough to do some damage and then tasty enough for your opponent to break up a brigade to use initiatives to counter attack and destroy.  Let the hero on a dragon lead 2 knights in your own counter attack.

I agree with the statements before, always go after the troops and not their cannons or machines.  I find that its almost always a calvary match first and an infantry match second.  I have found the elves to be the hardest as they just have so many cavalry units on the battlefield.

I put the infantry brigade together, usually, as 2 warriors in a line flanked by spawns and supported by 2 marauder units, and put the 2 knights behind a chariot and flanked by the hounds.  finally I have a unit of dragon ogres screening the flank for the infantry and the harpies sitting by to take a rear position on the enemy.  dragon riding hero leads the cavalry and the general leads the infantry and orders the monsters.  the sorcerers just wander the battlefield after the cavalry casting anything they can! 

one other army list, 4 warriors, 4 marauders, 4 knights, 1 harpies, 1 general, 2 heroes.  stupid simple but strong.