The BFG FAQ 2007 was not available on this site, but I found it via a google search. Is the reason you all chose it over the 2010 that it was official, as opposed to the 2010's unofficial status?
Yep, as 2007 is official it won the status.
The second point for FaQ 2007 was some players wanted to use FaQ2010 FaQ part only, some other Rules part and FaQ part and some didn't know how FaQ 2010 rules and FaQ worked. All this made for FaQ 2007 as a solid rock to be chosen.
When there will be another tournament, I think we will acknowledge FaQ 2010 FaQ part as valid (p19 to 31) too, it's FaQ 2007 with a few improvments or clarifications.
Not the Rules part (p1 to 18), there are too many divergences of opinions on these unofficial rules