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Author Topic: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)  (Read 46960 times)

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #60 on: November 11, 2015, 08:23:10 PM »
Is the Furious Grand Cruiser supposed to have only 2 shields? Seems weird for a Grand Cruiser

Yes. Balance with the 6+ Front armour. And the normal repulsive starts with 2 and can upgrade to 3. Maybe I should add that option
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Offline TheDecay

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2015, 02:17:44 PM »
Might be an okay option, I played my first game with it yesterday at 2 shields and you're right, with the 6+ prow it seems like a good balance. 3 shields would just make it a great anchor to the line of cruisers Imperials need
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Offline timdp

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2015, 04:17:55 PM »
Posted this before but have not seen anything about it

Looks like the military/semi-military ships from Battlefleet Koronus were picked up, but not the additional transports:

Carrack Class
Goliath Class factory ship (obviously a modified Mechanicus Ark, although the dimensions listed indicate it is a cruiser sized vessel)
Universe Mass Conveyor

Would like to suggest adding a complete selection of transports/factory ships from small to very large. As a new player I have not used transports yet, but have seen a number of convoy scenarios where different classes of transport ship might be interesting. Would also like to see them added for completeness and to expand the universe a bit, since there will obviously be a very wide range of transport sizes across the 40K universe (there is even one bigger than the Universe).

Basic transport: Existing GW or FW model
Heavy transport: Exisiting FW model
Light Cruiser sized transport (Carrack Class, as it appears to be based on an CL hull)
Imperial cruiser sized transport (not the Conquest Class Star Galleon which is a special case)
Imperial BB sized transport
Really big transport (Universe Mass Conveyor)


PS. A few tug classes might also be useful.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 04:29:25 PM by timdp »

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #63 on: November 16, 2015, 03:15:25 AM »
Posted this before but have not seen anything about it

Looks like the military/semi-military ships from Battlefleet Koronus were picked up, but not the additional transports:

Carrack Class
Goliath Class factory ship (obviously a modified Mechanicus Ark, although the dimensions listed indicate it is a cruiser sized vessel)
Universe Mass Conveyor

Would like to suggest adding a complete selection of transports/factory ships from small to very large. As a new player I have not used transports yet, but have seen a number of convoy scenarios where different classes of transport ship might be interesting. Would also like to see them added for completeness and to expand the universe a bit, since there will obviously be a very wide range of transport sizes across the 40K universe (there is even one bigger than the Universe).

Basic transport: Existing GW or FW model
Heavy transport: Exisiting FW model
Light Cruiser sized transport (Carrack Class, as it appears to be based on an CL hull)
Imperial cruiser sized transport (not the Conquest Class Star Galleon which is a special case)
Imperial BB sized transport
Really big transport (Universe Mass Conveyor)


PS. A few tug classes might also be useful.

I want to do these under Navis Mecantilis. Hope to get the rules up and done in december? Maybe?
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Offline timdp

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #64 on: November 16, 2015, 06:25:33 AM »

I want to do these under Navis Mecantilis. Hope to get the rules up and done in december? Maybe?

OK, cool!

Offline heavygear

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #65 on: November 25, 2015, 03:32:39 PM »
I have a question about Space Marines ships in the draft. I do think there is a problem with Thunderhawk lauch bays. Per FaQ 2010 venerable rules we have the equivalence of 2 launch bays for 1 Thunderhawk bay.

A friend of mine comes wanting to play some of BFG R ships such as Vindicite class. But I cannot see how 6 Thunderhawk bays can fit on a Vindicite class. As variant of Repulsive class, which mini model could fit a maximum of 8 standard launch bays hence 4 Thunderhawk max.

Could you tell me what are the rules for BFG R, are you following FaQ2010 Space Marine annex rules for Thunderhawks bay numbers?

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #66 on: November 25, 2015, 04:16:44 PM »
So the side bays follow your logic fine. Now consider the prow. Since it is based off Chaos and not IN ships I took the Despoiler prow as the basis. It is just the profile view doesnt convey this that well. As well it is supposed to be a full on planetary assault ship, thus the high number of bays.

Also consider the strike cruiser with 2 prow LB, even in its small size. Not hard to assume the vindictive can manage the same.

If you look at the Iron wolf, which looses it's prow bays, it conforms to your postulation.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 04:20:53 PM by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs »
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Offline heavygear

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2015, 02:09:49 PM »
Thanks for your answer, we understand your concept better now.

The problem for us is the number of Thunderhawks bays on a ship. We are agreing with FaQ2010 concept about a Thunderhawk bay is worth twice the number of standard IN/CH launch bays

So having a battleship with 7 Th bays is worth 14 bays of standard IN/CH Battleship. When actual maximum is 8 bays for either Chaos (Despoiler) or IN (Emperor) per official or semi-official rules, 12 maximum bays you can glue on a BB mini and 8 on a Cruiser mini.

More, having cruisers with 6 Th bays worth 12 launch bays of standard IN is pretty overpowering for us.
Even more as we are talking of Thunderhawk dual purpose ordnances.

So Iron Wolf with "only" 4 Th bays worth 8 launch bays of standard IN match more our criterias of a maximum on a Space Marine on a Grand cruiser.

On BFG FR we have in our SM formula cost a maximum and a extreme number for SM Thunderhawks bays
Max 2 th. bays on Light cruisers and cruiser Extreme number 3 th. bays
Max 3 th. bays on Battlecruisers and cruisers Extreme number 4 th. bays
Max 3 th. bays on Grand Cruisers. Extreme number 5 th. bays
Max 4 on venerable BB design and 5 th. bays on battlebarge. Extreme number 6 and 7 th. bays
Each additionnal bay above the maximum number (up to extreme number) reduce the speed by 5cm or increase global cost by 10% for each added bay (10% increase coming from the 5cm engines modification from the blue book campaign section to compensate the 5cm reduction).

Note in our view per minis and official book profiles for Imperium and Chaos only SM design can have prow bays (which fit the odd numbers). Venerable design from IN or Chaos can only have side bays.

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2015, 04:58:50 AM »
So the fact that these are "Venerable" is simply to fill that battlefield role and limit the number of them that can be employed (ie 1). It is not venerable in the same sense that it is a borrowed vessel from those fleets lists, as they cannot use/take the Vindictive (well I guess Chaos can in this case). And the despoiler, a chaos vessel, has a prow bay.

Your maximums are taking into account only the sides and then a single bay for the front it seems, even though every example of a prow launch bay in BFG:R has 2 TH launch bays on the front (3 in the case of the battlebarge).

However, I  can kinda see it from the point that IN/CH ships with 2 hardpoint sides typically only have 3 LB on the side, even though a single hardpoint usually accounts for 2. I understand this 50% reduction of the second hardpoint is a function of balance.

I think I fluff justify it well in terms of it being a 100% dedicated planetary assault ship.

However, comparing it now to the nemisis, I do see that it does seem somewhat undercosted, and an additional 15 to 30 points may be called for. OR Perhaps a reduction of 1 on the prow to better match the system of the IN/CH cruiser LB reduction. I don't think the Raganarok will change though seeing as it matched the IN BB convention of 2 hardpoints giving the full 4 LB capacity and the prow of the SM BB prow LB capacity of 3.
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2015, 04:02:18 AM »
updated the main list and download link
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2015, 04:23:08 PM »
This is including Navis Mecantilis

Totals to date: 56 Vessels, 5 Fleet Lists, and the modular Navis Mercantilis. Tons of heavily researched fluff and a lot of cool pictures. 30324 words, averaging to 467.14 words per page so far (including all the picture pages)
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Offline timdp

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #71 on: January 01, 2016, 04:58:53 AM »
Great job!

How about a typo in Navis Mercantilus: "allow for module construction of vessels"?

"Modular" instead of "module"?


Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #72 on: January 01, 2016, 03:54:24 PM »
Great job!

How about a typo in Navis Mercantilus: "allow for module construction of vessels"?

"Modular" instead of "module"?


Thanks! This is the best kind of feedback as well, since no matter how many times I read or spell check it, that is the kind of mistake I will miss everytime!
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Offline timdp

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #73 on: January 13, 2016, 02:31:54 AM »
Based on Repulsive, but saw action in the Great Crusade when Repulsive is a post Heresy ship?

Same issue.

Rogue Trader Escorts
Brigatine should be Brigantine?

Barques tend to have historically been larger ships. Perhaps a different name would be better?

Havoc Frigate/Praetor Frigate /Infidel Raider/Meritech Raider/Onager

All of these ship apparently use the same basic hull… Surely we can come up with some cheesy fluff that links all of these VERY similar ships.

"Predecessor to the later Falcion (sp:Falchion) and Cobra classes…"
2010 says Predecessor to the later Sword and Cobra classes. Falchion is post Heresy.

Havoc Frigate:
There appear to be two different Havoc escorts. 2010 version is all weapons batteries while the BFGR Traitor Fleets 1.4  is 2 WB and 1 torpedo

To differentiate between these two ships, perhaps make the Praetor a destroyer or heavy destroyer, since it has torpedoes (and change the Traitor fleet ship to match 2010)? This would also tie in to the "larger escort to fulfill the role of the Cobra" plans stolen from the Monsk orbital shipyards (became Infidel)

The design plans were then lost during or shortly after the Heresy.

Meritech Raider/Infidel
To tie the hull design to the Meritech Clans, they "found" plans for Havoc/Praetor and adapted the hull to their radical technologies?
Or stole them from the Monsk orbital shipyard, used them and also sold them to Chaos factions who built the Infidel?

Falchion (post Heresy ship) pic for a heresy era ship?
Ignoring the "Nova Cannon in an escort issue" (rolls eyes) ;-), Did Nova Cannons even exist on cruisers during the Heresy? The only Heresy era ships I see with Nova Cannons are the Apocalypse and Victory battleships. Assuming they did, would not Onagers be built out of Praetors or Havocs instead of building a "new escort"? Might be nicer to make them a post Heresy development.

Traitor Fleets
Heretic Light Cruiser
Predecessor to the Dauntless (which fought in the Heresy), but first noted appearance in M32?

Crusader Pattern Forgeship
Forgeship should be two words like forge world, both in the title and description?
Also: Famous Ships, Heracles (Black Templarsy Chapter)

Kuat Seiner indeed…

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #74 on: January 15, 2016, 10:03:55 AM »
Based on Repulsive, but saw action in the Great Crusade when Repulsive is a post Heresy ship?

Same issue.

Rogue Trader Escorts
Brigatine should be Brigantine?

Barques tend to have historically been larger ships. Perhaps a different name would be better?

Good point about the Vindictive and Ironwolf. I will fix that.

Yes, it should be brigantine. Typo, will fix.

I used the name Barque right out of the Warp Rift it was in. I will do some research, but I am ultimately not that concerned. Destroyers are bigger than frigates afterall, but not in BFG.

Havoc Frigate/Praetor Frigate /Infidel Raider/Meritech Raider/Onager

All of these ship apparently use the same basic hull… Surely we can come up with some cheesy fluff that links all of these VERY similar ships.

"Predecessor to the later Falcion (sp:Falchion) and Cobra classes…"
2010 says Predecessor to the later Sword and Cobra classes. Falchion is post Heresy.

Not sure of adding "linking" fluff as it is kinda understood IMO since they are all imperial design and escort class. Given mechanicus design philosophy and STC technology, they are implied to be similar. BUT more so is a lack of space to add linking fluff.

Will fix the typo. Thanks. And if the Falchion is post heresy, it could be a predecessor to that too.

Kinda weird to be a predecessor to Sword and Cobra, as those are VERY divergent. But I will look into the fluff again.

Havoc Frigate:
There appear to be two different Havoc escorts. 2010 version is all weapons batteries while the BFGR Traitor Fleets 1.4  is 2 WB and 1 torpedo

To differentiate between these two ships, perhaps make the Praetor a destroyer or heavy destroyer, since it has torpedoes (and change the Traitor fleet ship to match 2010)? This would also tie in to the "larger escort to fulfill the role of the Cobra" plans stolen from the Monsk orbital shipyards (became Infidel)

The design plans were then lost during or shortly after the Heresy.

It is meant to be the Imperial Equivalent in a way to the BFG:R Havoc. I can't change the BFG:R ship to match the 2010. As well, the 2010 version doesn't matter to this since it is meant to be used with BFG:R. The difference between the two is in the shields and speed, plus the preator is 1 WB less.

Meritech Raider/Infidel
To tie the hull design to the Meritech Clans, they "found" plans for Havoc/Praetor and adapted the hull to their radical technologies?
Or stole them from the Monsk orbital shipyard, used them and also sold them to Chaos factions who built the Infidel?
Fluff taken directly from official sources with minor changes for clarification. mostly word for word.

Falchion (post Heresy ship) pic for a heresy era ship?
Ignoring the "Nova Cannon in an escort issue" (rolls eyes) ;-), Did Nova Cannons even exist on cruisers during the Heresy? The only Heresy era ships I see with Nova Cannons are the Apocalypse and Victory battleships. Assuming they did, would not Onagers be built out of Praetors or Havocs instead of building a "new escort"? Might be nicer to make them a post Heresy development.
Yes I believe they did. And part of the luff is that it is an adhoc vessel, so it is easy to believe some have been built since the heresy and likely could have used a Falcion hull. This improvised design concept is why there are 2 designs on the page.

Traitor Fleets
Heretic Light Cruiser
Predecessor to the Dauntless (which fought in the Heresy), but first noted appearance in M32?
Is this in BFG:R? It isn't in the ASC....

Crusader Pattern Forgeship
Forgeship should be two words like forge world, both in the title and description?
Also: Famous Ships, Heracles (Black Templarsy Chapter)
I copied the name Forgeship and the famous ship Heracles DIRECTLY from the Black Templars fleet list released in Fanatic Magazine (issue 90 I believe). I don't have a random y in my master file, but maybe I fixed that previously.

Kuat Seiner indeed…
I have a couple easter eggs like this hidden in the file. Why not have fun with it?
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