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Author Topic: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)  (Read 46955 times)

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #75 on: January 15, 2016, 10:11:36 AM »
For the vindictive/iron wolf fluff fix, I just ammended the start to be this
"A rare offshoot of the STC core plans that would later produce the infamous Repulsive-class Grand Cruiser, Vindictive-class grand cruisers were a far more common sight in the days of the Great Crusade before the Horus Heresy, serving amongst the Astartes Legions."

Minimal change to the text while achieving the goal of making them related to the Repulsive without violating the time line.
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Offline timdp

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #76 on: January 16, 2016, 10:37:49 PM »
Re the Havoc Frigate/Praetor Frigate/Onager/Chaos Havoc Raider/Chaos Infidel Raider/Meritech Shrike Raider ships, I'm just trying to come up some coherent deep background as a basis for the fluff for this series of ships. It does not ALL have to fit into the fluff descriptions

We have two ships built pre-Heresy, one first built during the heresy and three supposedly first built after the Heresy, all based on the same hull.

Praetor Class Frigate: Pre-Heresy.  How did the Praetor become a frigate? Havoc Class Frigate description in 2010 calls the Praetor a destroyer while the Havoc is a frigate.

2010 Havoc Class Frigate:  Pre-Heresy.

Onager: Heresy era ship. Would not Heresy era Onagers be built out of already existing Havoc frigates instead of building a "new escort"?

It seems likely that the plans for this pre-Heresy ship have been floating around the galaxy, not to mention ex-Heresy ships fleeing to the Eye of Terror and still existing as well as being replicated, all leading eventually to:

Chaos Havoc Class Raider: M36
Chaos Infidel Class Raider: M40
Meritech Raider: M41

Suggested hull development flowcharts:

Preator Class Destroyer  > Chaos Havoc Class Raider > Infidel  (All are torpedo equipped ships)
Design aspects incorporated into: Cobra

2010 Havoc Class Frigate > Meritech Raider (With additional non-Imperial technologies added.) (Weapons batteries only)
Design aspects incorporated into: Sword

Having two different ship classes named Havoc is a bit confusing. Not sure how Onager would fit in. Could be an offshoot of both designs.

Traitor Fleets
Heretic Light Cruiser
Predecessor to the Dauntless (which fought in the Heresy), but first noted appearance in M32?
Is this in BFG:R? It isn't in the ASC….

This is a comment on BFG:R Traitor Fleets, not ASC

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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After a 3 month break, updated again with 1st Chaos Vessel!

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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Just an FYI, this is still ongoing. Sorry I don't use the forums that much anymore. Mostly manage the large Facebook Group (I am one of the Admins).

BUT expect Chaos BB done by the end of the week.

Current draft here!

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Offline lord_blackfang

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That's your personal URL, if you want us to see it you neet to paste the one from the "Share" pop-up  ;)

Offline Fr05ty

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Just an FYI, this is still ongoing. Sorry I don't use the forums that much anymore. Mostly manage the large Facebook Group (I am one of the Admins).

BUT expect Chaos BB done by the end of the week.

Current draft here!


A few questions:
1. What FB group is that?
2. Did you consider adding the Chaos Dethroner Battleship I put in the other subforum in it?
3. Could you please put that somewhere that we can all see it? :D


Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Facebook Group

Yes, I am going to add the Dethroner. Looks great, was meant for BoN, will get life here.

As for putting the link where everyone can find it, it is in the top post and the official/unofficial rules thread. I have used drop box and maintain the same file name with each update so that the link NEVER changes, just the content. So all you need is the link once and you can always get to the most recent version!
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Offline Fr05ty

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Would you like to add Starlight's Edge and Corsair Prince Kiranthrasil Moonhunter? :)

Offline horizon

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Only with a model available. ;)

Or schematics.

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #84 on: February 14, 2019, 02:49:53 AM »
Would you like to add Starlight's Edge and Corsair Prince Kiranthrasil Moonhunter? :)

Sure, where are they?
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Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #85 on: February 14, 2019, 02:50:47 AM »
Another new update after a LONG Haitus. At least it was less than a year this time.

"Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer Hell and we shall do it!"

Offline Fr05ty

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #86 on: February 14, 2019, 03:07:49 AM »
Stuff that could be added:

Chalice class Battlecruiser (RT:BFK 22)
Ambition class Cruiser (RT:BFK 24)
Lathe class Monitor Cruiser (RT:ItS 152)
Secutor class Monitor Cruiser (RT:ItS 152)
Viper class Scout (RT:BFK 28)
Carrack class Star Galleon (RT:BFK 29)
Exchequer class Merchant Trader (RT:EotA 109)
Wolf class Raider (RT:CR 209)
Scourge class Frigate (Probably 6+ armour) (RT:HA 84)
Bastion class Defence Monitor (system defence ship) (RT:HA 81)
Ignis class Heavy Cruiser (RT:EotA 106)
Kali class Fast Attack Cruiser (RT:FS 68)
The Tribune
All the stuff from the HH series (Some have rules already, but it'd be awesome to have them fixed and put here)

Yu'Vath Void Wasp (RT:GMK 26)
Yu'Vath The Whisperer (RT:GMK 27)

I'll look out for more stuff that's referenced and post it here

RT:CR is Rogue Trader RPG: Core Rulebook
RT:GMK is Rogue Trader RPG: GM Kit
RT:BFK is Rogue Trader RPG: Battlefleet Koronus
RT:ItS is Rogue Trader RPG: Into the Storm
RT:EotA is Rogue Trader RPG: Edge of the Abyss
RT:HA is Rogue Trader RPG: Hostile Acquisitions
RT:FS is Rogue Trader RPG: Fallen Suns
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 12:56:25 AM by Fr05ty »

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #87 on: February 14, 2019, 03:17:54 AM »
THANKS! I'll look into all those. If you can add their source, that would be most helpful.

The Viper scout is renamed the Python in the ASC 2.0 to avoid confusion with the Viper destroyer in BFG:R

The merchants and galleons are covered by the Navis Mercantilis modular ship creator for the most part, but I'll check and see if those should be picked up as variant enough. It just comes down to time and effort really.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 06:08:11 AM by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs »
"Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer Hell and we shall do it!"

Offline Fr05ty

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #88 on: February 17, 2019, 12:57:02 AM »
There you go! Added the references for the RPG ships :)

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Additional Ships Compendium 2.0 for BFG:R starting back up (UPDATED LIST)
« Reply #89 on: February 17, 2019, 05:17:58 AM »

I remember why I didn't add the Ambition! Because it got added to BFG:XR (replaced the Murder if I am not Mistaken) in the RT Fleet List!

Chalice is in there. Check the IN section. It is a Fast Battlecruiser.

Viper class scout is renamed Python to avoid confusion with Viper Destroyers.

But I'll definitely look into the rest.

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