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Author Topic: 2k battle, IN/Eldar vs Chaos  (Read 1297 times)

Offline Seahawk

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2k battle, IN/Eldar vs Chaos
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:44:17 PM »
So, I finally got my friends to start bringing their BFG again, and even convinced another to start this week, woot!

Last week we threw a game together, 2v1. Since they had smaller fleets it was them who allied up against my Chaos fleet. I got to bust out my swank swag that I won from last year: the space board! Without further adieu...

Mars Battlecruiser - Admiral
Tyrant Cruiser
Lunar Cruiser
Dauntless Light Cruiser
Dauntless Light Cruiser - torpedoes

Void Stalker Battleship - Prince
2 Hellebore Frigates
4 Hemlock Destroyers
6 Nightshade Destroyers

Hades Heavy Cruiser - Warmaster
Hades Heavy Cruiser
Dauntless Cruiser - Chaos Lord
Dauntless Cruiser
Carnage Cruiser - Chaos Lord
Carnage Cruiser
Slaughter Cruiser - Chaos Lord
Slaughter Cruiser
Slaughter Cruiser
Slaughter Cruiser

We played the fleet engagement scenario, wedge vs wedge. My wedge was more wedgy!

First couple turns resulted in sporadic damage; the most amusing was a Nightshade going splat in the gas cloud. Also notable was the Slaughters rocketing up 46cm to get right in their face turn 1.

They then promptly braced for impact.

The Carnage squadron and Hades squadron stayed locked on for the first few turns, forcing brace checks left and right and suppressing the right flank until I was able to close the distance. Even the Eldar stayed away.

You'll notice on the lower right that there's a maelstrom of sorts; we treated that as a warp rift, and I totally forgot about it, resulting in one of the Devastations being lost in the warp.

As the fleets really started to mingle, a couple teleport attacks and a boarding action happened, and I also butt-rammed the Mars with a Slaughter! Unfortunately, it caused only one damage to him and two to me...d'oh!

Near the end, I boxed in the Void Stalker with nearly the entire remaining fleet. With nowhere to run, he tried to run the blockade, but with a successful burn retros check, the Carnages checked their long sweep around the asteroids and came about directly in front of it. Despite all the penalties, I still had 11 dice to throw his way, and he critically failed to BFI. The resulting broadside tore away all the defenses and maneuverability, leaving it dangerously vulnerable for the other ships to engage at range with no undue penalties, who subsequently pummeled the battleship to space dust.

Victory went to Chaos! And quite convincingly so, after the drubbing my other ships took. Gotta love being set on fire...