so based on this thread, I was thinking of something like this as a standard sort of build:
Hero - pegasus + sword of might
6x knights
2x grail knights
3x squires
3x men at arms
2x bowmen
1x peasants
form the knights and grail knights into 2-3 brigades and march them round with a screen of squires in front as bullet catchers and to stop them charging off after the first enemy unit they clap eyes on.... use the men at arms in a big block to hunt down infantry trying to hide in woods, the trebuchet and bowmen are to drive back the enemy and disrupt brigades for the knights to get stuck into, the trebuchet may even get lucky and knock the odd stand off... the peasants just brimble around trying to get in the way of the enemy
the pegasus hero flaps around and joins units to increase hitting power, the other hero hangs back for when the dude on the flying horse gets killed, the enchantresses are to try and cast a protective spell or two, or the 'charge madly at the enemy' spell
seem sensible?
I'm just getting my head round the tournament list, but I'll definitely want some pegasus knights and grail pilgrims just for the models