G'day all,
Having played quite a few games with Orks, some aspects of the boarding action rules are bothering me. Because Ork fleets rely on boarding as an important tactic, I want to be sure I know what I'm doing--and that I don't unfairly interpret the rules in my favour!
If anyone could shed some light on the issues below, that would be much appreciated. (I'm using standard BFG rules with FAQ2010.)
Apologies if these have been answered elsewhere--I did look around but couldn't find definitive answers.
1. Multiple-ship boarding actions1a. If multiple ships are involved in a boarding action, how do you deal with the boarding modifiers (blast markers, special orders, crippling) if not all the ships on the same side are affected?
For example, two Kill Kroozers (not squadroned) board a Lunar. One of the kroozers is on special orders. Does the Imperial player get a +1 for this even though only one of the two Ork ships is affected?
Conversely, if one Kroozer is on special orders and so is the Lunar, do both sides get the bonus (thus cancelling out) as they would in a one-on-one boarding action? Or do the Orks get the +1 bonus and the Imperials get nothing because the Orks have an unaffected ship involved? Or would you dice off / flip a coin for it?
1b. Similarly, how do you deal with multiple boarding actions in which one (but not all) of the ships on one side are crippled?
For example, if a Kroozer boards a crippled Dauntless (ignoring boarding values and turrets for the moment) it gets a +2 modifier. If a Kroozer boards a crippled Dauntless
and an intact Lunar at the same time, does the Ork player still get the +2 bonus? (Mysteriously gaining a big advantage against the Lunar because it happens to be next to a smaller damaged ship?)
What about the reverse situation, in which the Lunar is crippled but the Dauntless isn't?
(Possibly you would compare the starting hull points of the ships involved and only apply the bonus if the bigger ship is the crippled one?)
2. Shooting at ships about to be boarded2a. If your ship moves into contact with an enemy with the intention of boarding them in the end phase, can your other ships fire on the enemy ship in the shooting phase to 'soften it up'? (I would assume yes, but just checking in preparation for the next question!)
2b. Are any blast markers caused by this placed in the usual way (i.e. touching the bases of both the boarded ship and the ship doing the boarding, as for ships that are massing turrets or combining ordnance when shot at)?
Or are the blast markers placed only touching the enemy ship's base, so that the boarding ship will get a +1 modifier for 'enemy ship touching blast markers' in the end phase?
On the one hand, it seems logical that if your ship has already moved into touch with the enemy, the blast markers must be placed touching both bases.
However, if so, it seems very unlikely that you'll ever get the +1 modifier for 'enemy touching blast markers' in boarding actions. Most of the time, the enemy will have moved away from any blast markers in their own turn, and on your turn you'll move into touch before you can shoot them with other ships. If you do shoot, both ships will count as having blast markers and their modifiers will cancel out.
(I'm in favour of placing the markers only in contact with the enemy ship, so that you can soften them up and weight the randomness of a boarding action in your favour if you make sure to bring some supporting fire along... but as a Chaos and Ork player I'm obviously biased!)
3. Grappling together 3a. If the boarding action is a draw, and the ships grapple together, can they be targeted on subsequent turns by shooting from other ships?
If so, should the hits be randomised between the ships (similar to shooting into hand-to-hand combat in some editions of 40K, on the assumption that the ships are locked together and effectively a single large target)?
3b. What about ordnance? Presumably attack craft could direct their attacks at one ship, but torpedoes and orbital mines would be random. (We once had a drawn combat between two Ork kroozers and a battle barge, which led to strike cruisers circling the scene lobbing bombardment cannon fire into the melee and a stray orbital mine adding to the confusion...)
4. Teleport attacks in boarding actions4a. Can ships involved in a boarding action make teleport attacks in the end phase (against each other or other ships)?
Do they perform this before or after resolving the boarding action?
4b. Can ships grappled together after a drawn combat make teleport attacks in subsequent turns? (We allowed this in the kroozer vs battle barge encounter mentioned above, so the Terminators could lead several desperate teleport raids on the kroozers that had latched onto the Marines' ship. Not that it helped...)
Phew. Thanks for your help.