I can give formula but they would need explainations
To be as correct as possible and adapt the formula to as many ships as possible from Blue book, Armada, FaQ 2010 and Book of Nemesis. We have to go race by race and ship class by ship class and found how the formula works for as many ships as possible.
When covering all these supplements, despiste some common points, formulae are specific for each race.
I have done excel sheets done for each race we've gone through.
Each race formula we've done cover Blue book, Armada, FaQ 2010 and Book of Nemesis.
Here is an example for IN (sorry it's in french), by default we round to the nearest 5 multiple. In some case a ship needs to be rounded up. In some cases the ship has some specific items or background that modify its cost (adding or minoring its cost).
I will show it to you with the data for IN light cruisers, there are comments in red. I will explain how we come to the costs
- Dauntless is right on
- Endeavour MkI and MkII are rounded up for cost Boarding defense bonus cost 10pts in FaQ2007 and 0pts in FaQ2010
- Endurance MkI and MkII are cost ok and for cost Boarding defense bonus cost 10pts in FaQ2007 and 0pts in FaQ2010
- Defiant pay only 5pts for its Defense bonus as it has additionnal crews available due to lauch bays.
- Unbeliever doesn't come with +1D6 for all ahead full for free but can pay +15pts for it. (Note that all others Chaos Light cruisers are cost Ok)
- Siluria being a pre-heresy design has a better weapons feed and pay only a +10pts penality instead of +20pts for exceeding max PF