I played a 1k game on my workbench, 2x2 feet there about. Put the city terrain in the center just about and played my dwarves against my chaos.
City terrain rules: only infantry can move into it, LOS is blocked 2cm deep. The city roads are regular roads and therefore anything can enter them (skinny roads, so to change formations and possibly imposing half pace movement). With the infantry moving around and through the buildings they need to be removable for sure. I wouldn't even allow the use of any modeled fences and hedges, etc. to give defended status as it would just be too cramped (but maybe on another city terrain piece). no support, flanking and advancing bonus' (not in the open) as per the fortification/walls rules for siege games. I did not playtest it but I was thinking that a building would not be blown up by a solid cannon ball or rock but just put a large hole in it so no taking away buildings (maybe a scenario specific rule). And I would allow any infantry to rummage at a 3+ during movement phase to not move but instead erect 3 places of earthworks, road blocking could happen and an infantry unit could waste its time and not find enough stuff.
the first picture was of the hounds just entering the city to try a line jump and flank, using the roads they could make up a lot of ground in a single turn to do it but the first order was all they received, then fired upon by rangers, as per the drive back rule imposing a "straight line back" then they would have been driven back into the "city terrain" and confused as they could not enter it.
the second image just highlights the road access in the city for everyone and everything, the rangers never took the time to make any fortifications but won the fight against the hounds anyways (the rangers rolled very well all through the game)
I like the terrain rules, makes it a different and fun point of interest on the map.
overall, in the game, the chaos pushed everything forward like normal but the dwarves took it all like a champ. The chaos had to give up when a last ditch push by marauders led by the general himself was eventually countered and pursued to death back into the city terrain, by the dwarf rangers.
Thanks for hearing me out and giving me some feedback or questions to help me out!!