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Author Topic: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog  (Read 23114 times)

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2015, 03:14:04 PM »
Noooooo.... they look amazing.  Guess I scratch that from my list, for now at least.  I wanted their mongols to use as Variags of Khand.

Offline forbes

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2015, 07:52:04 AM »
Great looking figures, Mar.

It is a shame TB line aren't available - but for this project you might have found their cavarly a bit big compared to copplestone. The new Pendraken Mongols are very nice - if a little small!

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2015, 09:39:32 AM »
Thanks kindly. 
I thought I read somewhere that TB were a good fit to Copplestone/Warmaster.  I could be wrong about that though, my memory gets its wiring crossed at times.  I do have Pendraken Ottoman and 100 Years war armies, not yet painted, and I do see that they are a a little weedy.  But since I will be using BOFA, I suppose I will try not to be a stickler to size.  If its 10mm I will use them.  Or so I bravely say today...

Offline jchaos79

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2015, 09:55:58 AM »
In my opinion once painted and based the differences are not seen in the battlefield.

Offline forbes

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2015, 05:59:25 PM »
I agree very much with the above.

Some of the GW Warmaster figures aren't really in scale with each other - so it's quite hard to pick s starting size.

I have quite a bit of TB line Arab figures, and the infantry scale well with most others. Their cavalry is on the larger size, like GW Empire. This makes them huge compared to Magister Militum cav, and quite big compared to most Pendraken. Pendraken mongols are deliberately small to represent the small horses used - but they are very nice figures.

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2015, 03:13:47 AM »
Yep, that's me. Still looking to sell a few more berfore I do another unit.

  I just put in my order for 12 pikes and 4 zweihanders.  If you dont mind my asking, whats the next unit you are going to do? My enquiring mind would like to know.

Offline Dave

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2015, 12:33:51 PM »
Likely Arquebusiers, I need to move about 70 units before that happens though.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 04:09:42 PM by Dave »

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2015, 08:34:02 PM »
Thanks for the info, thats what I was hoping for! 

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2015, 09:30:18 PM »
 March to Helm's Deep. Leave none alive. To war!

So I just finished 10 more units! This time its Isengard Uruk-Hai orcs, to join forces with my existing Mordor orcs.  Again, these are copplestone minis.

5 regiments of Uruk spears, 3 regiments of Uruk swords, 2 of bows, 2 warg riders units, and 3 command stands
Individually they amount to 150 uruk spears, 90 swords, 48 archers, 24 warg riders, an orc foot general, drummer, champion, orc mounted general, and Saruman himself.

A massive pike block


In the next day or two, I will take some pics of all my orcs, both Mordor and Isengard combined.  On the painting table is the Riders of Rohan and the "Rohan" Total Battle buildings!  After that, Gondorian infantry, Warmaster high elves to use as Elrond and the forces of Imladris.  Even further out, are 8 units of warmaster dwarves to use as iron hills dwarves.  Then, finally, I will work on painting the Battle of 5 Armies box and its contents...

Oh, Ive also put an order for Warmonger pikes and zweihanders, ebayed a pack of Warmaster Empire heroes.  Maybe they arent Middle-Earthian, but I will use them for normal Warmaster games.

More pics and words on my blog

Offline Stormwind

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2015, 10:33:44 PM »
Lovely work!  I do enjoy seeing Tolkien in 10mm!
My Personal & Modelling Blog >>

Offline fracas

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2015, 11:31:32 PM »
Awesome isengard army!

Offline jchaos79

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2015, 05:08:34 PM »
Good work with the hand schemes! It is great to see such a orcish force

Offline Time of Madness

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2015, 05:53:14 PM »
I think you need to change the thread title, you shouldn't be humble...these are superb!

Lovely army!

Time of Madness

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2015, 12:30:47 AM »
A little taste of my latest blog post. See full post with more pics here:

Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day… a red day… ere the sun rises!

Hey there folks. Its me again, Mar, your host, with a great post filled with pics of 10mm goodness!

What have I got today? Copplestone 10mm of course! Some "not" Riders of Rohan and some Rohan style buildings from Total Battle Minis. My Rohirrim force consists of 3 units of cavalry, 2 units of light horse archers, and 1 veteran guard unit. For commanders, I have Theoden, Eomer, Grimbold, and Lady Eowyn. Below are not only the pics of the minis and the buildings, but also a faux battle report between Rohan and an invading army of Orcs across the Fords Of Isen.

 Here is the overview of the mustering

 Lady Eowyn commands some horse archer units

Eomer prepares to defend a village

From left to right, Eomer, Theoden King, Eowyn, and Grimbold

 And now, the faux battle report...  an overview from the Rohan commander.  On the left is Eowyn with her light horse archers.  In the center reserve near the town is the King and his royal guard.  In front of him is Eomer with 2 units of cavalry.  And to the right doughty Grimbold holds the flank with cavalry and some light horse

 The Uruks are disordered from the river crossing and are vulnerable to attack

 "Ride to ruin and the world's ending!"  Eomer and his cavalry charge forward taking advantage of the disorganized orc columns.

 Theoden takes a gamble and charges across the river, to strike at the head of the Orc commanders.  Against his orders, Eowyn also charges across the river with orc arrows raining down upon her brave troops.

Rohirrim! TO THE KING!

Preview of the next post:

Next up on the docket, I will take a break from 10mm Middle-Earth, to build up an army for 10mm Dungeons & Dragons! I hope to someday use AD&D 2e Birthright and mesh it with Warmaster for a D&D style mass combat hybrid.

So whats my first 10mm D&D army, you ask?  You remember my little Mindflayer, dont you?  My Magister Militum order arrived and its got alot of minions for him.  Some Quaggoths - bears with spears, axes and rock-throwing units.  Some Githyanki - dagger wielding light infantry with psionic powers.  And some Bullywugs - frogs with crossbows, and some riding on dinosaurs too!  The Illithids are down to get ill in a major incursion on this very blog.  Stay tuned my friends, until next time!


Offline jchaos79

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2015, 12:39:00 AM »
The river has a lot of strengh. Nice battle report and well done armies