At MadGamers in Maidenhead we recently chose Warmaster as our annual competition. The organiser decided on 1500 points, small enough to be over in a couple of hours/5 turn, but enough points to get a variety of units in.
These were the amendments to the vanilla list.
Army List
Each player should bring a Warmaster army of no more than 1,500 points along with a typed army list.
The minimum and maximum number of units of different types you can include is as per a 1,000 points army, except you can if you wish also include (i) an extra hero or wizard; and/or (ii) an extra infantry, cavalry, chariot, artillery or monster unit of your choice for your army type.
I think we all [6] found this worked and that the games were completed within the given time, there were some smaller starter games where we just lined up three units and practised combat etc, using this esteemed forum to resolve issues.
For myself with Orcs I stuck to vanilla and managed to win the comp
, not bad as I hadn't played Warmaster before.