In comparison where this WE list has 6 non-character, non-mount entries: Empire has 10, HE has 8, Bretonnia has 7, Chaos has 11, Orcs has 10, Tomb Kings has 9, dwarfs has 7 and I believe Kislev just 6.
Also I note that this WE list has chariots which is imho not needed or very wood elf like. I know chariots are common in Warhammer Fantasy since the beginning for Wood Elves, but not a needed unit.
In fact this list, while not terrible, is just not another High Elf list with a treeman stuck in. The Google Docs version has 11 units. While the add-on skirmish rule is bad and could be ignored, I like the model variety. It is not over the top crazy, but allows variety to be built in. Dryads and Treekin is more important than chariots to me. Wild Riders are great and go well with Eureka models. Having both Warhawk riders and Giant Eagles allow one to use more model options and proxies.
Again - this is just a personal preference and I understand the "vanilla" keep-it-simple argument as well!