Hi, In my opinion there are two rulesets, made by the same header author: Rick priestley with different purpouses. They are similiar but not the same.
WM warmaster for fantasy, infantry, cavalry, machines, monsters, big battles in a easy way, more brutal and fast.
WMA warmaster ancient, mainly infantry + cavalry. Including skirmish to simulate not fantasy battles, a little bit more complicated. Different Game for different goal.
WMM (I am not talking about this by now)
My humble opinion I think mixing flavours lead to something odd. To talk clar: I do not like fish n chips with choloclate, my taste is vanilla.
So what I porpuse is using a set of rules, but not mixing it. WM or WMA.
Use WMA from page 3 to 80.
Then use WM (do not have here my english version so I could not say accurate the pages) the follwing : Magic, siege, umpire and ex'peroence, campaign, , ships, armylist (aprox 72 to 150 pages)
Specials like skirmishers, shock and the other things belong to the armylist, so the engine of the game is not compromise.
This will make that all the people who had the two original copies are playing the same game.
So if some people want to use WMA rules should they take the whole package of rules. It is that simple, but this implies:
Is not playing WM with some house rules.
It is needed the effort to read a whole ruleset, very similar but different.
It is needed to read it carefully (it is normal the thought I know I know and skip the parragraph.
It is needed the idea of playing another game WMA. And accept the things that have changed.
WM and WMA are two different game engines design with different purpouses, so if some rules are accepted, in my opinion the whole thing should be taken.
why are not talking about command modifiers?, that is what really change the game.
I would ask to the people who adapt rules for WMA, have you ever read the whole book and have ever played WMA?
I am sorry if I make direct questions, but that is how I feel this issue.
Sorry again for my english, maybe as a not native I could not express totally the whole thing or sometimes could sound not as polite as I wished.
I promote and accept houserules for specific games, including some new unit in specific games and scenarios. It is part of the game, preparing the game and playing it.