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Author Topic: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)  (Read 25347 times)

Offline Seahawk

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Yea, the Retaliation BB is in, as is the Dominion class battlecruiser, though that's from the Bakka fleet list now that I look at it. I never use the Retaliation, seeing as I have an Emperor, Retribution, and Battle Barge, heh. 300km, weak batteries for a battleship make me sad, but the 300pt price tag makes it a good budget ship if you need it.

Other things I think about as I play (and log my umpteenth hour of play time since Android launch):

- Squadrons and Hit and Run teleport attacks. I know I've been within 100km with both ships in a squadron, but am only allowed 1 H&R. Intentional? Am I maybe off just by a hair?

Offline william.m

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How is everybody enjoying  this game so far?
I have found the game is mechanically very accurate to the original game and is a great learning tool to start playing the real board game. In fact somebody at my gaming club now wants to try it out for real, after enjoying leviathan.
However I have burned myself out from this game as I have just found it too repetitive. After a while all I find happening is that the game is a constant stalemate. You can’t destroy the enemy as the nids just randomly appear inside the system. There is not a wave that they are pouring from. 
The matches are almost always entirely composed of a huge swarm of escorts of the same type.  For me all of the games (except missions) are like this. Enemy have a huge list of identical escorts all clumped together. I have a gothic class cruiser and just spam torpedos, which destroys 70% of them before they get to me. (because they are clumped ontop of eachother)  A few lance shots and it is all over by turn 3 and I have done nothing except watch each nid escort do his movement. Which is really really boring as there are so many of them to watch.
Because of this I have stopped playing as I just can’t stand to do that anymore, too boring.  I suppose I could do auto-resolve on all battles and only play the fun missions. But I don’t think it is possible to do this as the nids always have more tokens than you.

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2016, 03:14:20 AM »
Just encountered a really annoying game-breaking bug.

Trying to do Battle of Ixoi "Defense" objective (hold 3 zones), which is already very very frustrating  >:( - took me something like 25 tries and perfect luck to make it work (e.g. all my orders went off, most weapons hit, etc). But now that I've finally done it, the game is stuck! I see the victory message but the game will not continue to give me my rewards. I have tried exiting and re-entering but it doesn't work.

I will NOT use the "forfeit" button to get out - after hours of replaying this stupid mission over and over I sure as hell am not gonna lose that reward just because of a fething bug.

Good game otherwise, but now I can't complete the campaign at all...

Nvm, it worked now I guess. I had to tap the "disengage" button a whole bucnh but now it works...
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 03:16:59 AM by Xca|iber »
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Offline BFGLeviathan

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2016, 03:22:35 PM »
Just encountered a really annoying game-breaking bug.

Trying to do Battle of Ixoi "Defense" objective (hold 3 zones), which is already very very frustrating  >:( - took me something like 25 tries and perfect luck to make it work (e.g. all my orders went off, most weapons hit, etc). But now that I've finally done it, the game is stuck! I see the victory message but the game will not continue to give me my rewards. I have tried exiting and re-entering but it doesn't work.

I will NOT use the "forfeit" button to get out - after hours of replaying this stupid mission over and over I sure as hell am not gonna lose that reward just because of a fething bug.

Good game otherwise, but now I can't complete the campaign at all...

Nvm, it worked now I guess. I had to tap the "disengage" button a whole bucnh but now it works...


Can you please tell us if you're on iOS or Android please ?

Thank you :)

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2016, 05:45:43 PM »
On Android. It looked like it got hung up because of my 2 drifting hulks, one of which drifted off the table after the final turn. I'm not really sure how I fixed it, but the "Disengage Ship" button appeared for a second right as the game would load, and I tapped that quickly and it seemed to break out of the loop.

As an aside though, that mission is absurdly difficult to get both objectives (turns out I still missed the bonus because I didn't notice my ship in the enemy deployment got destroyed on the last turn  :'(). I'd suggest giving the player a nova cannon or something with longer range (or rearranging the deployment of the cruiser so it's not stuck behind the asteroid field), because otherwise it's nearly impossible to keep all the Tyranids out of the final deployment zone. The Hive Ship is the worst, since you don't have enough firepower to kill it while shooting everything else, but it needs to be touching a blast marker 4 out of 5 turns (1st turn doesn't count because you can't hit it at all) to prevent it from reaching your zone. Also the amount of luck required to refill all your torpedoes every turn (and make all the other rolls, like All is Lost!) is a little too much for my taste.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Seahawk

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2016, 04:41:03 PM »
Took me a few tries, but eventually I nailed that one (on Android, no bug either ;) ). It was a matter of ship placement mainly; battleship to plow into asteroids/hive ships, cruisers to speed along the right flank to draw everything else away.

I'd also suggest going back and doing it once you've gained more bonuses/ships, as that certainly helps out!

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2016, 02:50:23 AM »
Took me a few tries, but eventually I nailed that one (on Android, no bug either ;) ). It was a matter of ship placement mainly; battleship to plow into asteroids/hive ships, cruisers to speed along the right flank to draw everything else away.

I'd also suggest going back and doing it once you've gained more bonuses/ships, as that certainly helps out!

I think we're talking about different missions. The one I mean is a "primary" mission, so you don't get to pick your forces or where they deploy. I'd love to have a battleship or a couple more cruisers on defense lol...


@BFGLeviathan: New expansion is super cool guys. Flesh Tearers are my jam (in terms of playstyle, they feel a lot like my own TT Grey Knights fleet, except without the boarding re-roll). Also on that note, thank you for fixing boarding action calculations. Good show all around  8)
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Offline radu lykan

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2016, 11:05:06 AM »
played the first flesh tearers mission today, my bombers actually did some damage :) having played through the whole original campaign without them doing anything this was a shock :)
i lost two swords with no damage to my capital ships and destroyed the entire enemy fleet due to the battlebarge getting a lucky crit and taking out one of the hive ships shields and then boarding the other one, great stuff

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #68 on: September 20, 2016, 12:37:14 AM »
Found a couple of bugs:

-In Skirmish, attempting to load a saved Flesh Tearers fleet (this is at the 1500 pt level, if that matters) causes it to load a glitched set of 4, 150pt light cruisers which cannot be removed or altered (and they show the "equipment card" icon like in campaign). You have to quit out and load back into the skirmish menu to fix this.

-Occasionally, drifting hulks will be able to fire their weapons.

-Occasionally (mostly seen with Navy ships), capitals will make an illegal number of turns without using CtNH orders. When this happens it looks like they are actually moving along some kind of curved flight path.

Also a question about squadrons: Is it possible to get more squadron configurations for escorts? The SM, FT, and Tyranid ones are a little limiting in terms of fitting in points. FT especially are limited in their squadrons for both Strikes and Escorts.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline BFGLeviathan

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #69 on: September 21, 2016, 10:52:06 AM »
Found a couple of bugs:

-In Skirmish, attempting to load a saved Flesh Tearers fleet (this is at the 1500 pt level, if that matters) causes it to load a glitched set of 4, 150pt light cruisers which cannot be removed or altered (and they show the "equipment card" icon like in campaign). You have to quit out and load back into the skirmish menu to fix this.

-Occasionally, drifting hulks will be able to fire their weapons.

-Occasionally (mostly seen with Navy ships), capitals will make an illegal number of turns without using CtNH orders. When this happens it looks like they are actually moving along some kind of curved flight path.

Also a question about squadrons: Is it possible to get more squadron configurations for escorts? The SM, FT, and Tyranid ones are a little limiting in terms of fitting in points. FT especially are limited in their squadrons for both Strikes and Escorts.

Thanks a lot for the feedbacks, I've reported it to the dev team.
About the squadrons, no it's not something possible right now. But I'll forward your idea !

Thank you and have fun ;) !

Offline Xca|iber

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2016, 02:22:09 AM »
Another weird bug. Had a single squadron of thunderhawks (as FT) destroy almost an entire squadron of Kraken... On the Tyranid AI turn, it started moving the Kraken into the Thunderhawk marker, but the marker wasn't removed until after the entire squadron had moved, so they just kept running into the same Thunderhawk marker and getting blown up.
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BFG:XR - The Battlefleet Gothic Expanded Revised Rules Project

Offline Seahawk

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2016, 06:01:48 AM »
Oh, I've been making good use of that exploit the entirety of both campaigns. ;)

Offline MikeNovember

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #72 on: October 19, 2016, 12:54:49 PM »
Hello everybody, this is my first post here, always liked Gothic but never managed to get a group to play (not very popular Im afraid, in my area was mostly the more mainstream GW games); first of all thanks for all the info that you can find in the forum about Gothic; I made a little forum to try to keep a community for Leviathan specifically, as at the moment (and I think I am not the only one), is the best way for me to play BFG, link here:]]

I would also like to ask you for permission to put links to articles from your forum (for example for the BFG manual and such), as basically Leviathan is TT Gothic and I dont intend to make another Strategy forum, just a community one to play online. This will be the only post I will make in your site about the Leviathan forum, the rest will probably be about BattleGroup Helios figures (yes, I play Imperial Navy) :)

Thanks for reading, and if you would like to try to play Leviathan online, feel free to give the forum a check!

Offline carlisimo

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #73 on: November 02, 2016, 01:02:06 AM »
Thanks Mike, but I struggle with the blue on blue color scheme.

Has anyone had any luck with the second (I think) Flesh Tearers mission in which you have to get a strike cruiser through a gauntlet of tentacled drones?  I'm having a really hard time with both the cruiser and the escorts near the objective location.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: BFG:LEVIATHAN (old title : Mobile turn-based Battlefleet Gothic prototype)
« Reply #74 on: November 03, 2016, 02:29:11 AM »
Fairly easy-ish (you have to plan meticulously). I basically ran the fleeing strike cruiser to skim the right of the asteroid field, AAF as much as possible (only launched thunderhawks once, when necessary). For the rescue fleet, I sent them straight at the fleeing strike cruiser, since they are vulnerable to automatic hits. Send thunderhawks to deal with any kraken because it's a free insta-kill, and do your best with lances if necessary. Ships with WB to the other escorts, and hope for the best!